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28-06-2013, 02:01 PM
Hi ladies and gents

For all of you that supply food, do you have a weekly/monthly menu or just cook whatever when ever?
How did you decide what to put on a menu if you have one?


28-06-2013, 02:07 PM
I cook what ever for that day I uslly know what I'm cooking day before so make sure I got everything night before

28-06-2013, 02:08 PM
Ok great I wasn't sure how to go about it.

28-06-2013, 02:44 PM
I write my menu for the following week on a Friday so that I know what to buy at the weekend. I decide what to do based on what children I have on each day and try to vary so that we have a pasta dish one day, a rice / noodle dish one day, a roast dinner one day etc. We usually have a treat tea one day too eg Fishfingers/Chips. I also take into account based on what children I have that day how much time I will get to spend on the cooking.


28-06-2013, 02:51 PM
I think I would be happier doing a menu, as that way I'm organised, so thinking I might do a four week rolling menu or just week to week.

28-06-2013, 02:53 PM
Also do you charge extra for meals or do you include in hourly rate?

mrs robbie williams
28-06-2013, 03:06 PM
I charge a pound for eve meal inc pudding my menu for nxt week is spag Bol, sausage and mash with veg, chick casserole, fish and new pots and puddings are angel delight, fruit, gigs, hm biscuits x

28-06-2013, 03:09 PM
I only have one here for dinner 2 days a week along with my 4 own children so that's why I don't do menus but them 2 days consist of Monday roast dinner and Tuesday Spag bowl or cottage pie etc with veg on side ( sorry should of said on above post :)
And my dinners come in with my fees

28-06-2013, 03:16 PM
Does tant work out ok for you? I'm not starting until Sept but I have told parents its £1.50 for an evening meal

28-06-2013, 03:18 PM
I sort of know what I am doing for that day and write up on the blackboard in my dining room what is for lunch and tea. If I write out a menu in advance I never seem to be able to stick to it...also sometimes I have 2 children for lunch and then a different set of children for tea and if I write out a menu i think it looks bad having the same meal for lunch and tea so I tend not to. Or I may have one thing for tea on a Monday and save a portion for the one child I have staying for tea on a tuesday and so that may look as though I am just serving everyone the same meal....

I charge £2 per day for one meal and snacks and I charge £3 per day for 2 meals a day and snacks....

28-06-2013, 03:20 PM
My meals are included in my hourly rates so if a child is here at tea time they get dinner. I have to be organised as I can have as many as 7 for dinner and although I will take into account genuine food dislikes (given to me by a parent) I am not a café and I do not cook different meals just because someone decides they don't like something.


28-06-2013, 03:26 PM
Yes works out fine parents know where they stand and I feel with London prices dinners should be included in price lol
But as above I cook what we eat and mindee has that (touch wood I've never had a fussy eater) but I wouldn't cook separate meals and feeding for 6 every night is bad enough :)

28-06-2013, 03:42 PM
No I've made it clear if they are eating here they eat what is given, if they have a fussy eater then they need to supply food. I am only giving the opinion of an evening meal. If here during the day they need to supply a packed lunch.

Chatterbox Childcare
28-06-2013, 06:03 PM
I have a 5 week rotating menu and if the month has 5 weeks I use it and if it doesn't I don't

To write the menu I looked at school menu's online, asked the children and looked at what everyone liked. Works well and I also have a pre made shopping list so it doesn't take long to do the shopping and I only buy what I need

28-06-2013, 06:24 PM
I hand out a monthly menu. Usually differs each month depending on foods in season etc. I have children for breakfast, dinner & tea every day & charge £1.35 for each meal.

28-06-2013, 06:35 PM
I have a 5 week rotating menu and if the month has 5 weeks I use it and if it doesn't I don't

To write the menu I looked at school menu's online, asked the children and looked at what everyone liked. Works well and I also have a pre made shopping list so it doesn't take long to do the shopping and I only buy what I need

I like the idea of a pre done shopping list as I used to do this when I nannied and had a four week menu so think I might do the same when childminding. Takes away the stress of not knowing what I'm cooking, plus parents can see what kiddies are getting

28-06-2013, 09:05 PM
I do a menu too I like to be organised I only offer cooked lunch at mid day not evening meal and this is included along with morning and afternoon snack in my daily fee. I try and plan our meals around what we eat as a family too so that I'm not cooking 2 different meals a day. E.g if we have homemade lasagne for tea as a family I will re heat this for children the next day and cook some fresh veg and garlic bread with it, or with we're having a roast I'll plate enough dinners up for me and oh to have for evening meal. It saves lots of time this way. I have a little note on bottoms of menus saying subject to change at any time and parents all receive a copy and are fine.

28-06-2013, 09:16 PM
That's a good idea using meals from the pervious night as I alway cook for me and hubby so that might be a way to go

28-06-2013, 09:29 PM
I do a weekly menu, but different each week. This week we had Roast chicken meal, Fish Pie, Spag Bog, Fried Rice with lamb and baked potatoes with tuna and corn. All served with mixed veg and salad. Everything including the meat sauce is home made.
Some how if I know what to buy because I know what I am cooking it keeps my shopping bill down. I also give tea but this is mainly eggs, home made soup, beans on toast. I always buy good quality food, organic when possible. I don't charge for food but I must admit that may have to change as food is getting so very expensive. On top of this the kids get puddings, normally fruit or yogurt and snacks!

hectors house
29-06-2013, 08:42 AM
I cook our evening meal when children have gone home and dish up their meals straight into their bowls, cover in cling film and pop into fridge. I only work 4 days a week and only do tea on one day - so provide 12 lunches and 2 teas a week. My mindees only come 1,2 or 3 days a week, so try to make sure they get a different carb each day (rice, pasta, potato, cous cous). I don't do a menu in advance and I charge £1.50 each meal - which includes all snacks, drinks and puddings.

29-06-2013, 09:01 AM
I have a 4 weekly menu. I do put at the bottom that it may change if we go out. Food is included in my fee. My parents like to see what their children are eating in advance. It also makes preparing easier for me. We have a range of meat, rice, pasta, fish, and quorn.

29-06-2013, 10:46 PM
I do evening meals 4 nights a week, will be 5 from sept. I plan my meals for the following week for shopping but not what day we will have them so I can organise meals around when I get chance to cook, what we are doing etc.

We all eat the same. Mindees have their meal at 5pm and we have ours at 7ish when DD is in bed. Typical meals are curry, a roast, spag bog, cottage pie, jacket pots, lasagne etc. all meals are homemade. All food and drink is included in my price.

30-06-2013, 07:01 AM
I've tried to do a menu for 4 weeks so will be a rolling menu. Does this look ok? I've worked it all out and I think I'm going to have to charge £2 for a evening meal.