View Full Version : Pacey live...28 Sept

24-06-2013, 08:23 PM
There were a few tweets exchanged today with pacey regarding the lack of 'National Childminding Week'
The usual annual conference is now not held anymore but we have Pacey Live at the Childcare Expo 2013

Is anyone going to Coventry to attend? I am disappointed Truss will not address the event after all her plans for cms in general and agencies in particular it would have been great to hear how her pilots are going and who's running them?

Has the format of the conference changed as we used to have AGM, propositions and voting?

This is what pacey sent in reply:

''New for 2013, we’re excited to bring you PACEY LIVE - an exclusive member-only event for you to meet with other members and discuss issues that matter most to you and other childcare professionals.

As part of PACEY LIVE we’ll be hosting a panel debate – “What does ‘being school ready’ mean?” which will bring together a panel of experts with our members to discuss their own experiences as professionals.

Alongside other talks and workshops, this new event will offer the opportunity for you to come together and network with colleagues, helping childcare professionals discuss and debate the big issues and, in doing so, shape their own professional practice.

PACEY LIVE 2013 will take place on 28 September 2013, Ricoh Arena, Coventry alongside Childcare Expo 2013.

The full programme for PACEY LIVE is soon to be published, though we are delighted to be able to announce that Penny Tassoni, author, consultant and PACEY’s new President, will be our key note speaker. More details about the event will be available very soon. We hope you’ll join us in this debate and in doing so celebrate your profession and the influence your participation can have in shaping future thinking''.

24-06-2013, 08:33 PM
?? Member only?? I've gone to the Childcare Expo for the last few years and it's been run by Morton Michel.

Am I excluded this year? I don't understand :(

24-06-2013, 08:41 PM
Will the bit below help? I found it posted on Pacey Local
Looks like the Expo has interesting people and representatives speaking and hopefully topical subjects? even Ofsted will be there...better get your ticket!

''Childcare Expo 2013 will be bringing the early years, childcare and nursery sectors together again for the 4th year running. The event will be taking place on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 September 2013. Designed to present the latest products, services and enlighten early years professionals with up to date information. This year's show is set to get everyone involved in childcare informed, inspired and excited for the year ahead.

At the excellent venue of Ricoh Arena in Coventry, visitors will have exceptional opportunities to meet with new and existing connections and develop invaluable relationships with all areas of the childcare sector.

Over the two day event a range of seminars will take place with updates from industry leaders on the most important subjects facing the early years decision makers. Aiming to educate and motivate, these affordable talks cover a wide range of subjects from outdoor play to early years policies.

Sue Robb, Head of Early Years at 4 Children will be one of the informative speakers in the diverse seminar programme with other principal childcare specialists including Gail Ryder Richardson from Outdoor Matters, Anand Shukla from Family and Childcare Trust and representatives from National Day Nurseries Association, PACEY and Ofsted. Please come along and meet PACEY staff at stand C32.

At this FREE exhibition visitors will be able to experience the great array of features with lots of different exhibitors.

If you are a childminder, nanny, nursery worker, nursery chain executive, owner, manager or an early years professional then Childcare Expo 2013 is a must see show for you. Come along and leave with a wealth of knowledge to take back to your setting and share with colleagues.

For more information or to register for your FREE ticket, please visit the Childcare Expo website or call 01425 838393.''

christine e
25-06-2013, 05:59 AM
?? Member only?? I've gone to the Childcare Expo for the last few years and it's been run by Morton Michel.

Am I excluded this year? I don't understand :(

pacey live is an extra event being held alongside Childcare Expo and the extra event is the pacey members only the childcare expo runs as it normally does:thumbsup:

25-06-2013, 06:44 AM
But is it a conference? and has the format been changed...no voting and AGM? it is very difficult to find out.. why?

In my view school readiness is a good subject but, considering the events that will take place in Sept, maybe agencies and changes to inspections etc etc may have been a good topic????

christine e
25-06-2013, 10:52 AM
But is it a conference? and has the format been changed...no voting and AGM? it is very difficult to find out.. why?

In my view school readiness is a good subject but, considering the events that will take place in Sept, maybe agencies and changes to inspections etc etc may have been a good topic????

The AGM has been separate from the conference for quite a few years now Simona - the AGM is attended by the board and NPF and usually takes place Sept time but this year it will be Nov. Due to very poor attendance at the conference these past few years it was decided to try a new approach this year and there wasn't a conference of any form last year.

25-06-2013, 12:10 PM
I remember the AGM at all the conferences I attended...it was the best part when members put in resolution the association had to act upon...if that has gone then conferences are not the same as they were in the past

Yes attendance had dropped in past years but then the venue could be smaller and I see it as no reason to deny cms of that perk...NDNA and PLA are still running them and that is where Truss and Ofsted have addressed the current changes

I cannot believe that with current issues such as agencies, 2 year old funding, changes to inspections and all the rest cms would not have attended in huge number this year?...put Truss and Ofsted on the list of speakers and I can see a very large number of cms travelling wherever for the privilege of questioning them directly!

25-06-2013, 12:20 PM
There were a few tweets exchanged today with pacey regarding the lack of 'National Childminding Week'
The usual annual conference is now not held anymore but we have Pacey Live at the Childcare Expo 2013

Is anyone going to Coventry to attend? I am disappointed Truss will not address the event after all her plans for cms in general and agencies in particular it would have been great to hear how her pilots are going and who's running them?

Has the format of the conference changed as we used to have AGM, propositions and voting?

This is what pacey sent in reply:

''New for 2013, we’re excited to bring you PACEY LIVE - an exclusive member-only event for you to meet with other members and discuss issues that matter most to you and other childcare professionals.

As part of PACEY LIVE we’ll be hosting a panel debate – “What does ‘being school ready’ mean?” which will bring together a panel of experts with our members to discuss their own experiences as professionals.

Alongside other talks and workshops, this new event will offer the opportunity for you to come together and network with colleagues, helping childcare professionals discuss and debate the big issues and, in doing so, shape their own professional practice.

PACEY LIVE 2013 will take place on 28 September 2013, Ricoh Arena, Coventry alongside Childcare Expo 2013.

The full programme for PACEY LIVE is soon to be published, though we are delighted to be able to announce that someone Tassoni, author, consultant and PACEY’s new President, will be our key note speaker. More details about the event will be available very soon. We hope you’ll join us in this debate and in doing so celebrate your profession and the influence your participation can have in shaping future thinking''.

They have not done this at a Conference for years Simona. The AGM is held in London Separately as it is purely business function. All members are permitted to attend it if they want to.

25-06-2013, 12:23 PM
Yes and I did say at the conferences I attended...I believe my last one was 3 years ago
If it has not been done at recent ones then why was this changed?

Both NDNA and PLA continue to have an AGM why not pacey? is it not part of their constitution? simple question and all I wanted was an answer not been told it is not done anymore...I have gathered that!

25-06-2013, 12:28 PM
I remember the AGM at all the conferences I attended...it was the best part when members put in resolution the association had to act upon...if that has gone then conferences are not the same as they were in the past

Yes attendance had dropped in past years but then the venue could be smaller and I see it as no reason to deny cms of that perk...NDNA and PLA are still running them and that is where Truss and Ofsted have addressed the current changes

I cannot believe that with current issues such as agencies, 2 year old funding, changes to inspections and all the rest cms would not have attended in huge number this year?...put Truss and Ofsted on the list of speakers and I can see a very large number of cms travelling wherever for the privilege of questioning them directly!

To what end though? A slanging match that does nothing for anyone. Agencies are NOT happening this year you keep on about that Simona and it is NOT true. There are a few trial ones in the NE ONLY. Inspections are always changing a bit but again they will NOT change this Sept to accommodate Agencies because we don't have them yet.

This is scaremongering and stirring again and it is not necessary. In fact I don't think it paints a very professional view of childminders.

You need to calm down a bit.

25-06-2013, 12:44 PM
Rickysmiths...I have asked a few questions for clarification about pacey conferences and the new format...either give an answer or leave it
Your reply has nothing to do with what I asked in this thread
I will, however, tell you why and for what end...I want to belong to an association that represents me and in the way I like it to...that is what m'ship is about for me as I cannot speak for others...otherwise I am perfectly capable of representing myself for free

Agencies are being piloted this year..I never said they are happening

I never said inspections are changing this year...You interpreted that way...maybe you should have read the feedback I provided and read the transcript of conferences

I am not scaring anyone...I am proactive not reactive like you appear to be and always jumping at my throat
Please do not patronise by asking me to calm down...look what happened to Cameron when he said the same of a fellow MP...
I am calm but always questioning...it is my future at stake and that of thousands of cms!

25-06-2013, 04:13 PM
Hi, I’m Andrea from the team at Childcare Expo. We just wanted to make sure that there is no confusion about Childcare Expo this year. The event is still free to attend and all those within the Childcare, Early Years and Nursery Sector are invited to join us for the two day event on 27th -28th Sep at the Ricoh Arena.
Morton Michel will be sponsoring Childcare Expo again for the 4th year and have allowed PACEY, who are exhibiting at the show, to run their members-only event at the same venue.

We hope this helps to clarify and hope to see you all at the event.

25-06-2013, 04:47 PM
pacey live is an extra event being held alongside Childcare Expo and the extra event is the pacey members only the childcare expo runs as it normally does:thumbsup:

Thank you for clarifying Christine.

The advertising doesn't make it clear though does it? The advertising says 'exclusive member-only event' for pacey members.

It says nothing about other childminders who might want to attend who do not belong to pacey.

Either it's very inappropriate advertising / marketing on behalf of pacey or other childminders are being deliberately excluded.

Then right at the very end it says it is 'alongside childcare expo' - I wonder how many non pacey members will read that far down once they see that it is an 'exclusive member-only event' for pacey.

I for one feel excluded by the wording that has been used and I am sure many others will too :(

Childcare Expo has been running for a few years now - it should feature at the very beginning - pacey are running an event alongside Childcare Expo - come along to special pacey sessions...

I imagine the Childcare Expo team will have to do a lot of extra advertising to counter this press release - I hope they don't lose visitors from non pacey childminders who want to attend and feel like I do :(

25-06-2013, 04:48 PM
Hi, I’m Andrea from the team at Childcare Expo. We just wanted to make sure that there is no confusion about Childcare Expo this year. The event is still free to attend and all those within the Childcare, Early Years and Nursery Sector are invited to join us for the two day event on 27th -28th Sep at the Ricoh Arena.
Morton Michel will be sponsoring Childcare Expo again for the 4th year and have allowed PACEY, who are exhibiting at the show, to run their members-only event at the same venue.

We hope this helps to clarify and hope to see you all at the event.

Thank you Andrea! :clapping:

Chatterbox Childcare
25-06-2013, 06:20 PM
The details that Simona has posted was sent to Pacey only members today via email. It is an extra for members and will be run in a separate room to the expo but it was designed to run alongside it instead of the conference

Simona - there were resolutions as you described at the last conference, this was not the AGM. I have been to 3 now and they were all separate to conferences.

25-06-2013, 06:40 PM
Thank you Chatterbox...the statement I posted below from pacey is from pacey local and widely accessible to all in the News section

The message to 'members only' I have received 1 hour ago via email and explains exactly what Childcareexpo has very well clarified already...hope you all enjoy the new event...don't forget to feedback please.

25-06-2013, 09:44 PM
I've literally just received the email for this. I'd really like to attend.....just have to see if I can afford it! I've just read the post above saying the non Pacey bit is free.....great!

Chatterbox Childcare
25-06-2013, 11:10 PM
As most people know I am an NPF of Pacey and was uming and aring about going but now the speakers have been announced I think I will. Will be good to put some more names to faces off of the Forum too..

26-06-2013, 06:26 AM
I've never been to the childcare expo, is it worth it?

jackie 7
26-06-2013, 12:35 PM
I am going to childcare expo. It is wonderful and FREE. I got the pacy email. It is £75. I can't afford that. Do they think we are made of money ?

26-06-2013, 06:03 PM
I am going to childcare expo. It is wonderful and FREE. I got the pacy email. It is £75. I can't afford that. Do they think we are made of money ?

See you there! :D

26-06-2013, 06:08 PM
See you there! :D

Are you going on the Friday or Saturday? It's my after schoolie's first week so I can't really go Friday :(

26-06-2013, 06:09 PM
Saturday for meeeee! :D

26-06-2013, 06:10 PM
Saturday for meeeee! :D

I might see you there! :D

26-06-2013, 06:22 PM
I am very tempted to join you all on the Saturday...it's not that far away
Better go and take a look at the booking!

christine e
26-06-2013, 07:37 PM
Thinking of going

27-06-2013, 06:50 AM
I was thinking of the Saturday too and still considering the Pacey thing. I'm a fan of Penny Tassoni and she'll be there but likewise it's the £75 price tag on top of travelling and accommodation. To make the Pacey thing I'd have to come down Friday evening and stay over.