View Full Version : Buyer beware!

15-06-2013, 07:47 PM
I bought a second hand phone from a local person the other night after seeing it listed on the FB buy-sell.

The phone was being sold - so I thought - by a lady I knew (by sight) and someone I could trust with local family connections - I know her nephew and family.

The lady's sister brought it round and I played with it a bit - I couldn't go back with the buttons so she rang for help and showed me how the arrow button lit up - you can't see it until you press it.

I paid my money. The next morning, watching demonstrations on YouTube, I realised that the middle button was the 'back' or 'home' button and it didn't work.

I tried to ring but the phone wasn't picked up. I posted a FB message asking for my money back. I was ignored.

I spoke to some local friends - who have all been amazing and tried to help me - and I found out I had been sold a tissue of lies by someone well known for selling faulty / dodgy goods who had used her mum's account to con me.

I have spoken to her mum today. She is a nice lady and very angry and upset with her daughter.

I have been told that I am not getting my money back. I have no redress. I have talked to Consumer Advice and there is absolutely nothing I can do.

Yes I am upset - I have been lied to and stolen from - but mostly I am angry with myself for getting carried away. If I'd waited until one of the teenagers was home they would have helped me and spotted it.

I am sharing this story because I want everyone to remember - when you buy on places like FB sites it is BUYER BEWARE - you have no redress - you are not covered - you have no protection - nothing - and it can happen to anyone - I am being told all sorts of horror stories from so many different people.

A hug would be good please! :crying:

15-06-2013, 07:49 PM
Oh no :( that's awful!!

Big hug x

15-06-2013, 07:52 PM
Oh no. Definitely a big hug being sent your way.

Can't believe people act like that.

15-06-2013, 07:54 PM
:group hug:

So sorry you have been treated like this. I suppose we hope all people are decent and honourable like us and it is a genuine shock when they turn out not to be so.

We have all been warned.

:group hug:

15-06-2013, 08:09 PM
Huge hug coming your way Sarah, that's just so unfair/annoying/frustrating all rolled into one when something like that happens, could you report them to Facebook at all? I'm very ignorant of the rules on FB as I'm not a member but on e bay for instance you would definitely be able to report them and give poor feedback, just a thought, Jo x

15-06-2013, 08:13 PM
Big hugs coming your way.

How do these people live with themselves :(

15-06-2013, 08:13 PM
That's awful. If you child had sold through my account, they would have to pay back the money if it was faulty :angry:

15-06-2013, 08:21 PM
Sarah , we have lots like that in Devon, and they sometimes just close their group and open up another when people start sussing things out they offer to deliver things for you making out they are helping!! :mad:

BIG hugs :group hug: xxxx

15-06-2013, 08:23 PM
Big hugs coming your way.

How do these people live with themselves :(

Unfortunately they live comfortably having stolen people's money :ohdear:

15-06-2013, 08:24 PM
What a horrible position to be in, especially since you know some of the family. I know you have no redress with getting your money back, but surely you could write a warning on the selling wall maybe, to warn people of the issue you have faced with a particular seller????

In the meantime ask around for someone who tinkers with phones, it can surprise you the amount of people who can fix some of these issues. Get your children to ask around too.

Big hugs to you xx

15-06-2013, 08:26 PM
Oh no! ((((((hugs))))))

15-06-2013, 08:32 PM
I've seen that happen so many times on FB selling sites. It's disgusting that people do it.

15-06-2013, 08:34 PM
Oh, that's awful :( no wonder you feel upset.
:group hug:
Thanks for the warning x

15-06-2013, 08:39 PM
Big Hug from me too.

Nasty, nasty, mean, mean, horrible, horrible and I rather hope that Karma does exist...

15-06-2013, 08:43 PM
Oh no that's despicable!! Hugs :)

15-06-2013, 08:45 PM
((((( hugs))))))) how awful xx

Daisy De
15-06-2013, 08:53 PM
Sorry to hear that, some people have no morals and they don't seem to have any conscience at all.

Sending you a hug and thank you for posting that, it reminds us all to be careful.

On a lighter note, and to show there are some honest people in the world. I lost my iphone 5 yesterday and thought it was gone for ever, only to receive a call from a shop saying it had been found in the car park and handed in to customer services. :phew:

15-06-2013, 10:54 PM
Can I ask what sort of phone, still should not have happened but if its an iPhone there are few fixes to get home button working happened on mine can't remember what buttons I had to press was two or three together but I'm sure if you google it it will come up

15-06-2013, 10:58 PM
Oh Sarah sending big hugs x

16-06-2013, 07:25 AM
((Hugs)). You should post on the selling site and message the moderator.

I run a selling site and if someone knowing sold faulty goods on it I would ban them..

16-06-2013, 08:43 AM
I've taken it to 2 shops to ask advice - they both say it needs a new front which is £80 - £120. The button is integral to the screen. These new phones are so thin aren't they?

I've posted a warning message on the buy / sell and on my own FB. The owner of the buy/ sell has been lovely but once the money has changed hands there is nothing anyone can do.

The trouble I have - the same as all you guys - if I shout too loudly what's the first thing nasty little thieves and liars do? They try to damage your business :(

16-06-2013, 08:47 AM
As Sarah I am so sorry hugs for you xx

16-06-2013, 08:49 AM
I've taken it to 2 shops to ask advice - they both say it needs a new front which is £80 - £120. The button is integral to the screen. These new phones are so thin aren't they?

I've posted a warning message on the buy / sell and on my own FB. The owner of the buy/ sell has been lovely but once the money has changed hands there is nothing anyone can do.

The trouble I have - the same as all you guys - if I shout too loudly what's the first thing nasty little thieves and liars do? They try to damage your business :(

It's a horrible position to be in.....probably against your nature I'm thinking you may have to let it go this time :(

16-06-2013, 12:59 PM
Such horrible people out there, sending hugs

The Juggler
16-06-2013, 02:47 PM
Sending a huge hug hon. It is so awful people can do this. Can you review her on the buy-sell section on FB? I hope you get somewhere with her mum shaming her into it or if not hope the man with the mini screwdrivers can fix it. xx

blue bear
16-06-2013, 02:48 PM
Have you looked on eBay for a replacement front, my home button went on the iPhone, hubby bought one for about £3 off eBay and fitted it for me, was quoted £70 on the market.

There are some nasty people about and they pray on such lovely trusting people as yourself. Big hugs :group hug:

17-06-2013, 05:42 PM
A huge hug is being sent your way :group hug:

Some people just want to make money quick and don't care who they hurt in the process. :(

Carol xxx

hectors house
17-06-2013, 06:03 PM
:group hug:

Because we (forum members) are all such nice people we think everyone else is too - sorry you got caught out, I don't know the first thing about technology so can't offer any advice - I'm still using my trusty brick - probably why my shoulder is playing up again!

17-06-2013, 06:07 PM
Thank you all so much for your lovely messages on here, fb and pms. I have been so upset and cross with myself :(

:update: :update:

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am!

A friend saw my plight and has offered me his phone because he has just upgraded to a new model!

So I am getting a new phone after all!

I am a complete mess I keep bursting into happy tears! :happy banana:

And I made all the teenagers jealous which was a priceless moment! :laughing:

I am a very very lucky me! :D

17-06-2013, 06:13 PM
Thank you all so much for your lovely messages on here, fb and pms. I have been so upset and cross with myself :(

:update: :update:

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am!

A friend saw my plight and has offered me his phone because he has just upgraded to a new model!

So I am getting a new phone after all!

I am a complete mess I keep bursting into happy tears! :happy banana:

And I made all the teenagers jealous which was a priceless moment! :laughing:

I am a very very lucky me! :D

See as the old saying says Every cloud has a silver lining! What a wonderful friend you have :clapping::clapping:

Carol xx

The Juggler
17-06-2013, 08:48 PM
Thank you all so much for your lovely messages on here, fb and pms. I have been so upset and cross with myself :(

:update: :update:

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am!

A friend saw my plight and has offered me his phone because he has just upgraded to a new model!

So I am getting a new phone after all!

I am a complete mess I keep bursting into happy tears! :happy banana:

And I made all the teenagers jealous which was a priceless moment! :laughing:

I am a very very lucky me! :D

aww that is brilliant. that is good karma. what model is it??

17-06-2013, 08:58 PM
What a lovely thing for your friend to have done :-D

17-06-2013, 09:08 PM
So glad your story had a happy ending, just shows there are some kind people out there

17-06-2013, 09:24 PM
Sorry you where treated so badly but hurray you have a lovely friend :) r

Write on the page telling everyone what she did to you to hopefully stop her doing it again or make ppl aware of her :)

18-06-2013, 06:03 AM
Thank you all so much for your lovely messages on here, fb and pms. I have been so upset and cross with myself :(

:update: :update:

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am!

A friend saw my plight and has offered me his phone because he has just upgraded to a new model!

So I am getting a new phone after all!

I am a complete mess I keep bursting into happy tears! :happy banana:

And I made all the teenagers jealous which was a priceless moment! :laughing:

I am a very very lucky me! :D

That's brilliant news Sarah! Kind of restores your faith in mankind :clapping:

Daisy De
18-06-2013, 06:11 AM
With all the awful things that go on in the world, you have to hold on to the hope that there are good people around, looks like you found one :clapping:

18-06-2013, 05:40 PM
That's fantastic news, so happy for you xx

18-06-2013, 08:10 PM
Awh I' m so happy for you. So glad it worked it, in a fashion. Hope you're more phone savvy than I am though xxx