View Full Version : QED tracker books

13-06-2013, 12:34 PM
Hi all,
I'm trying to streamline my paperwork and my Development Officer has recommended that I try using QED Tracker books.
I've had a look online and they seem really simple and easy to complete and, more importantly, easy to keep up to date. I just wondered if anyone else has or is using them and what you all thought of them.

Thanks, x

hectors house
13-06-2013, 04:07 PM
I had a look on line - there are some examples of observations completed by a nursery - eg: imitate drawing simple shapes such as lines and circles - they have just dated beside it and written "X can draw lines and circles"!

I have just done a similar ob of a 2 year old but at least I wrote "X drawing circles on patio using chalk" and added a photo - for all the detail the nursery gave they may as well just have ticked the statement!

No wonder Nurseries can get all their paperwork done at work if this is how much effort they put into their obs - the ob I mentioned above is VERY short for me - I certainly couldn't fit in everything I wanted to say in the little box, although I do know people who do fill in Trackers they got from our County website similar to this QED one and they just write a sentence on a sticky label and stick in tracker - which I suppose is better than writing straight in the tracker and making a spelling mistake or not being able to fit in all in the space.

13-06-2013, 04:19 PM
I thought these would be really useful but now I'm not so sure. Not much space to write an observation and the format seems to lead to a tick-list mentality which I dislike. I'm just starting out so I think for me the primary use will be to get to know Development Matters. I can't see myself using them for very long, though.

13-06-2013, 05:08 PM
Development Matters is not a tick list and you should not spend your time looking for an observation for each statement... which makes this type of progress recording a bit out-dated to be honest.


14-06-2013, 08:26 AM
Development Matters is not a tick list and you should not spend your time looking for an observation for each statement... which makes this type of progress recording a bit out-dated to be honest.


Hi - I use them and think they are great.

However - I don't just use them without quite a few additional tweaks:

1. I add a specific observation of how I think the development step was achieved - so not necessarily the one in the example (they are examples after all.

2. I have added a parent comment slip to every page so that they can add their observations/comment in where they would like.

3. I stick pictures in with an observation comment, dated, on the page that is relevant to the development (piece of advice - if you do this - add the sellotape to the inside of the page by the spine or the pictures fold in on each other - bitter experience).

4. I add in other evidence to the appropriate section - paintings, scribblings, a picture of a piece of artwork(!!).

5. As a 'development matters' section within the 'aspect' of an 'area of learning' has evidence for each point I cross through it so that I can see easily what needs more focus.

On the planning side - I add in next steps and then I use this to do my weekly / monthly plan. I pick out a couple of the examples so I have in my mind the kind of things I am particularly looking for or trying to encourage.

I find it great for then looking at before filling a progress report.

I suspect that everyone has similar documents - it's just this is done for you and is one simple book.

Problem is - I can only hope that Ofsted like my version of it as I haven't had an inspection since I started using them. I have spoken to our local authority officer who suggested I added the parents comments in, the rest I've added in.

If you decide to try one - don't just use it as a tick list - find your own examples of evidence.


14-06-2013, 09:29 AM
Thanks for all your answers and advice.

Sarah - I know it's not a tick list and I wouldn't use it as one, more a guide to keep me on track and to add information to.

JaneyB - I like all your ideas for 'extras'. If I decide to trail QED trackers, I may well come back to you for a bit more help , if that's OK?

Hectors house - I agree that space next to each example is too small to write a full observation but could easily write in the box 'see observation dated xx.xx.xx. and they would then be linked and I could see easily what stage each child was at and how to move them on.

If I go ahead and use these I will definitely use them as a base and add any and all information that I feel I need to.

I will look at a couple of others online and see what I think.

Thanks again

08-07-2013, 07:47 PM
they sound interesting thank you I've been looking for a way to record observations that is easy to use there are so many different ideas it gets a bit confusing