View Full Version : Who is the most famous person you have spotted?

11-06-2013, 06:18 PM
My sister ALWAYS spots someone 'famous' whenever she visits me in London, usually at Euston Station. At the weekend I was at the station and I was determined to see someone famous just to compete with her! Sure enough I did! Dev from Corrie was on my train from Manchester to Euston! Okay, not exactly an A list celeb but it was enough for me!

Who have you seen and where??? x

11-06-2013, 06:27 PM
I went to a charity Gala Night on Friday.
We had rugby player Lee Mears on our table.
We also had Katherine Jenkins sing for us as we'll as Gary Barlow!
Phil Tuffnell was there, Ola & James Jordan, John Culshaw and lots of other celebs.
I even had a snog with Anton Du Beke :D

11-06-2013, 06:30 PM
Alex song (footballer) A406 near Golders Green

Bacary Sagna (footballer) driving in cockfosters

Charlie Slatee from eastenders in a corner shop he was LOVELY had me sending texts for him because he'd forgotten his glasses.

Stacey Slater in faith shoe shop Watford

I'm always seeing people but its the area I live in in general is near football training grounds and the eastenders studio, big brother house and also the bbc and channel 4 small studios.

I always get star struck!

Saw Tommy from corrie and Billy Jackson from eastenders together on a tube when they were both in hollyoaks

11-06-2013, 06:31 PM
Love the pic tooth fairy!!

11-06-2013, 06:40 PM
No one exciting unfortunately!

Katie Price AKA Jordan - have seen her a few times as she lives not a million miles from me, saw her in Brighton shopping but often see her in her hideous pink range rover, usually with phone in hand!

Chris Eubank - Also seen shopping in Brighton.

11-06-2013, 06:41 PM
I went to a charity Gala Night on Friday.
We had rugby player Lee Mears on our table.
We also had Katherine Jenkins sing for us as we'll as Gary Barlow!
Phil Tuffnell was there, Ola & James Jordan, John Culshaw and lots of other celebs.
I even had a snog with Anton Du Beke :D

crikey TF it looks like you are having him for desert!

wibble the gobsmacked!

11-06-2013, 06:47 PM
crikey TF it looks like you are having him for desert!

wibble the gobsmacked!

:laughing::laughing: :laughing: :D

11-06-2013, 06:50 PM
Saw Robbie Williams having a pint in a pub in London years ago when he was dating one of the All Saints girls :)

11-06-2013, 06:53 PM
I have met Rhodri and Lucy Owen when they were filming X-ray where I worked for those in Wales we were the good news not the bad guys!

I went to school with the milky bar kid!:D

I met Roger de Corsey and Nookey Bear on holiday when I was 9

The whole female contingent of the village is actively looking to meet George the restoration Man cos they are filming here the spies are waiting for his next visit! My friend did meet him and shouted "Oi you! It's you! The man off the telly!" No shame!

I don't accidently meet anyone unfortunately:(

11-06-2013, 07:41 PM
When i used to waitress i have met vera, raquel and kevin webster from corrie and jason orange.

When we went on eurostar we saw penelope keith, and on honeymoon in new york we met phil jupitus who was filming over there x

Carla Watts
11-06-2013, 07:42 PM
Tom Daley every tues at our lesure centre.

blue bear
11-06-2013, 08:05 PM
Phil harding who wears a hat and the green jumper in time team lives not far from me, he drinks at the rugby club.

11-06-2013, 08:09 PM
Tom Daley every tues at our lesure centre.

Do you turn up just to see him in his speedos :laughing:

11-06-2013, 08:17 PM
Duncan from blue (goes to my church sometimes)

Was Shona mcgarty (whitney from eastenders) prefect at school, she was in sisters year!

Lacey turner (Stacey slater from eastenders)

Dot from eastenders!

See quite a few from eastenders as don't live far from set.

Demot oleary
Davina McCall
Ashley banjo
Kimberly wyatt
Phillip schofield
Simon Cowell
Louis Walsh
Michael McIntyre
Jamie rednapp
James corden

Probs more but can't think ( go to a lot of show recordings so see loads!)

None of these are exactly A list!! But hey!! :) :) :)

11-06-2013, 08:33 PM
Fell over Ant and Dec when on a train once and my old boy friend when I was 13 was in a film with Johnny Deep he says it makes him famous I was never too sure.

11-06-2013, 08:50 PM
Saw Hugh Grant and Liz Hurley getting on a plane together once. Also HM The Queen getting into a helicopter when she visited Cambridge just before the Royal Wedding.

11-06-2013, 09:31 PM
I met eric cantona and got a kiss on the cheek from him, Gordon strachen,tony dorego, gary speed and gary mcallister (leeds won the title in 92)
Richard whitely,
jimmy bloomin saville,
milandra burrows (emmerdale)
simon gregson (steve from corro),
nigel bond,
james McKay (going live vet many years ago)
steven houton (londons burning)
go drinking with chris quinton (brian tilsley from corro )
and Maxwell Caulfield (micheal from grease 2 ) used to see him at his dads house

11-06-2013, 09:36 PM
I've seen people I think are vaguely familiar but as don't watch a huge amount of TV, don't really know many people! plus i'm useless with names & faces!

and no one will no him, but I turned on the tv a few weeks ago, I wasn't actually looking at the screen ( and didn't know which programme was on ) but thought to myself, that voice is familiar ... it was a friend of my mums, who I have known my entire life, on the antiques roadshow !!! LOL!

11-06-2013, 09:50 PM
I have met Emile sande and my girls got their picture taken with her. Also used to work in a private surgery and while working their met j k Rowling, Christian slater and some local tv chefs etc - we weren't allowed to ask for autographs or anything and had to act really not fussed lol xx

11-06-2013, 09:52 PM
I've met Rolf Harris at a book signing in Ealing broadway

Robbie Jackson (eastenders) walking through shopping centre in Piccadilly

Nick cotton (eastenders) in a nightclub in Ealing
Spoke to Chelsea player Dennis wise in the same club although he didn't have much to say, he was a bit up himself :)

I'm sure there's a few more but can't remember

11-06-2013, 10:39 PM
Ive met rolf harris at glastonbury and gok at a book signing

11-06-2013, 10:44 PM
In my yoof I used to go out with a drummer from a rock band, so used to see quite a lot of famous people at after gig parties and stuff. Met Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), Wendy James, Debbie Harry, Suzi Quattro, and went to a house party where a famous pop star lived and made a cup of tea for MeatLoaf. Went on a tour bus with Metallica too.

How rock and roll was I?

mrs robbie williams
12-06-2013, 05:38 AM
years and years ago we saw matthew kelly at a zoo !!! me and dd met smiffys sister out of gavin and stacey (cant think of her name) after watching legally blonde :) dh works in london and has seen joanna lumley, the hotel inspector lady and various others - but hes all casual about it whereas i would be omg omg look look there's so and so :laughing::laughing:

It's a small world
12-06-2013, 05:51 AM
Roy walker sat in front of me at a show, so did sone rugby player - forgot name. Seen Kevin Webster years ago. Few others but cant thinknof names yet x

12-06-2013, 03:50 PM
Used to be friends with the archbishop of canterburys daughter so met him quite a few times.

I've met David beckham years ago when I used to work at the football ground.

I keep on star hunting when I go across to Cheltenham but as I'm not rich or posh I don't go to the exclusive celebrity places so never see anyone

12-06-2013, 04:23 PM
I met and had my photo taken with Keith Chegwin!l lol

Oh and Bros came to my village to visit a Going Live competition winner! Unfortunately I was on holiday with a friend, so missed the shenanigans!!

12-06-2013, 04:39 PM
Anthony Costa from Blue is my close friends cousin
My dad went to school with Suggs from Madness and he is a family friend
Tuesday and Daley Thompson are friends - their dad is Lee Thompson from Madness
I've danced on stage with MC Hammer when I was 12 to You Can't Touch this, togetherwith my brother and Frank Brunos kids LOL
I used to learn Irish Dancing with Sean McGuire when I was a lot younger
My dad also knows Lee Dixon (ex Arsenal player)
Girls allowed used to live at the end of my mum and dads road in an old lunatic asylum converted into flats
Nadine from Girls Allowed sister used to be the barmaid at our local pub so she popped in there loads.

I used to live in Muswell Hill which is a magnet for celebs and my parents live in Totteridge which is also another celeb magnet area.

12-06-2013, 05:39 PM
I've literally just sat in a restaurant at Gatwick airport on the table next to Roy Caroll. My husband was very excited...apparently he used to play for Man Utd! Lost on me! Did like his wife's handbag though!

12-06-2013, 06:15 PM
Because of where my husband used to live, he knows and has had drinks with lots of famous people. He has been in Paul Ross's bedroom with Pauls wife and we got an engagement card from June Whitfield. He has know personally lots of people and I have sat having a long conversations at cricket dinners with Lords....lol. Unfortunately we don't move in those circles anymore....lol

Some years ago we went for a meal with a friend near Reading and I was looking out the window and thought I recognise that woman....it was Lenny Henry and Dawn French

12-06-2013, 07:00 PM
I've met the grumbleweeds, if anyone remembers them. Don't really get anyone famous in Aberdeen..

12-06-2013, 07:47 PM
I sat in front of Beyonce, gwenth paltrow, j zay and rita ora at a Coldplay concert at Manchester . My fella was more star struck throughout the concert. They all where really good sports .

14-06-2013, 08:31 PM
I used to live in los angeles so I've seen lots of celebs, I was s nanny for a wealthy family and our neighbours were van damme, pierce brosnan bruce willis amongst others but over there its so normal to see famous people that nobody seems to make a fuss :)

15-06-2013, 10:09 AM
but over there its so normal to see famous people that nobody seems to make a fuss :)

Its the same where my hubby comes from, Phil Collins goes into the supermarket in a local town and no one bats an eye. My hubby has had many a drink with celebrities and done work for lots of them too, its just part of his life, growing up in the area he came from. He did slip it in that he knew the guy who played Alan Turner in Emmerdale and hubby had helped his dad clean his chimney and he was a real gentleman. Others that he has know who are famous comedy actors have been really miserable in real life :D

Its funny when someone comes on the TV and hubby says Oh I used to drink with him in the local :laughing:

15-06-2013, 11:55 AM
Alan Hallsal who plays Tyrone in Corrie used to live round the corner from me and nearly ran me over once, when I was on my way home from school!!!

Met Dev from Corrie in a petrol station once and he let me queue jump in front of him ;)

Saw Jamie Lomax (used to play Warren Fox in Hollyoaks) shopping in our local tesco but I was totally star struck and didn't speak to him - instead I became a giggling school girl and followed him coyley around the shop!!!!!!!

Used to see some of the Hollyoaks stars when they came to watch Westlife in concert - Kian's wife was in Hollyoaks, so lots of her co-workers used to come along but again, I was always too star struck to do anything!!!

No-one really famous but hey ho ;) xxx

15-06-2013, 06:42 PM
I live quite close to the Trafford Centre in Manchester, and we see a lot of celebs in there especially in Selfridges, last week I saw Robbie Savage and his children looking at trainers, years ago we saw Lisa Riley (Emmerdale) we see lots of footballers as also live not far from Manchester United & Manchester City's training grounds. And as we now have Media city up the road celebs are everywhere!!! Years ago I had a crush on Ian Mcshane, nearly fell to my knees a few years ago when I saw him in our local post office kissing his wife!!! His dad lives up near me so he visits. Also Matthew Kelly is from my town and he has been here a lot recently supporting a campaign to prevent the closure of our A&E!!! My hubby is always telling me who we've just walked past think I'm oblivious half the time!!!