View Full Version : Struggling

11-06-2013, 09:54 AM
Ok so here goes .

Mindees arrive at 7.45 - I give them and my 3 breakfast , my 3 are 8,6&17months mindees are 11months and 4&1/2
After breakfast the big ones do free play for 5 mins while I finish seeing to the little ones then its school run 8.20-9.10 by 9.30 11month mindee is falling to sleep , so I take her upstairs to sleep so just dd left, I generally use this time to clean up from the morning mess (poor dd lol ) mindee wakes at around 11, dd wants to sleep at 11! Dd sleep till about 12/12.30
Mindee gets ready for a sleep again between 1.30-2 and sleeps till 3.30 ish sooooo my point is , how do I get out of the house ?????? I haven't been anywhere for 2 weeks because some ones always in bed !!!!
11month mindee doesn't move yet and is really going through it with the object perminance (sp) thing and if I'm more than a foot away wails ! Even when I'm talkin to her , I no she'll grow out of this but I'm struggling to find activities she likes . I sat her in pasta cooked and uncooked and she cried so I sat in it with her she just sat there , I put shaving foam on the high chair tray she tried to eat it , I showed her what to do , she just sat there !!
She's a happy child most of the time and I'm not complaining , but help! What can I do to stimulate her ?! She'd be quiet happy sat on the floor all day playing with pop up toys with me but she can't do that everyday, can she ??!!
Thanks :)

11-06-2013, 10:17 AM
Ok so here goes .

Mindees arrive at 7.45 - I give them and my 3 breakfast , my 3 are 8,6&17months mindees are 11months and 4&1/2
After breakfast the big ones do free play for 5 mins while I finish seeing to the little ones then its school run 8.20-9.10 by 9.30 11month mindee is falling to sleep , so I take her upstairs to sleep so just dd left, I generally use this time to clean up from the morning mess (poor dd lol ) mindee wakes at around 11, dd wants to sleep at 11! Dd sleep till about 12/12.30
Mindee gets ready for a sleep again between 1.30-2 and sleeps till 3.30 ish sooooo my point is , how do I get out of the house ?????? I haven't been anywhere for 2 weeks because some ones always in bed !!!!
11month mindee doesn't move yet and is really going through it with the object perminance (sp) thing and if I'm more than a foot away wails ! Even when I'm talkin to her , I no she'll grow out of this but I'm struggling to find activities she likes . I sat her in pasta cooked and uncooked and she cried so I sat in it with her she just sat there , I put shaving foam on the high chair tray she tried to eat it , I showed her what to do , she just sat there !!
She's a happy child most of the time and I'm not complaining , but help! What can I do to stimulate her ?! She'd be quiet happy sat on the floor all day playing with pop up toys with me but she can't do that everyday, can she ??!!
Thanks :)

Will the little one have a power snooze in the car/pram on the way to toddler groups in the morning? Then a nice long nap after lunch!

11-06-2013, 10:22 AM
As much as you try and go by their routine, you do also have to consider all the children, and maybe a short nap at a different time so you can get out will be the best option. They will adapt, it will give you some sanity and adult company, and the children lots of stimulation. AND maybe after lunch they will sleep at the same time.

Nothing to lose in giving it a try x

11-06-2013, 10:32 AM
Thanks for your replies , power nap sounds like a good idea :) thanks

11-06-2013, 11:17 AM
Yes see if you can just give mindee half an hour at 930, then get out and about, then try and spin uour little one out a bit longer (try even five minutes a day) so she snoozes nearer to lunch time... I think it's essential really to try and get them onto the same nap time or you do never get out, and with little ones like your mindee I tryjust half hour or so in the morning then longer nap at lunch time .. It does take a bit of doing but should fall into a routine that works for you in a couple of weeks .. Don't worry if its different time at home for little one, they do adapt to different routines at different places., Good luck. !

11-06-2013, 12:33 PM
Yes see if you can just give mindee half an hour at 930, then get out and about, then try and spin uour little one out a bit longer (try even five minutes a day) so she snoozes nearer to lunch time... I think it's essential really to try and get them onto the same nap time or you do never get out, and with little ones like your mindee I tryjust half hour or so in the morning then longer nap at lunch time .. It does take a bit of doing but should fall into a routine that works for you in a couple of weeks .. Don't worry if its different time at home for little one, they do adapt to different routines at different places., Good luck. !

Thanks murphf :)

The Juggler
11-06-2013, 01:18 PM
i would let the morning napper just sleep in the buggy whilst you are out and about :thumbsup: