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View Full Version : tax credits letter

10-06-2013, 05:16 PM
Just wondered if anyone has a template or ideas on how to write a letter to tax credits regarding what parents have paid ?

Mindees mum is needing a letter for tax credits. As she has had letter asking me to confirm what she paid me last tax year.


10-06-2013, 05:26 PM
Yes I have, last week I had a text from a parent that left me in October for the same thing, needed weekly payment details and my Ofsted
number, only hope she told Tax Credits that she was no longer with me, but not problem if she hadn't

10-06-2013, 05:38 PM
Well I've just had another text from mum checking when child left me as I went on maternity she said end of July is correct isn't it. No it's not I got my maternity allowance from 1st week in July!

Could I possibly have a look at the letter you sent. I've know idea what to write. Is it right to give letter to mum and not send to tax credits myself?

10-06-2013, 05:44 PM
A cm friend sends her letters straight to tax credits. She had a problem with someone claiming they were still using her a year after she stopped caring for the child. Now she phones them straight away when the child leaves & sends all letters direct.
That's what I'll be doing if I get a parent claiming x

10-06-2013, 07:27 PM
Well I've just had another text from mum checking when child left me as I went on maternity she said end of July is correct isn't it. No it's not I got my maternity allowance from 1st week in July!

Could I possibly have a look at the letter you sent. I've know idea what to write. Is it right to give letter to mum and not send to tax credits myself?

Hi I just wrote: I have been asked by the parent of A for a list of payments made to me for the care of the named child, this is from Date to
when the child left my care of Date. Then I listed the dates and fees paid in order putting nil on the weeks where I was on holiday and school
holidays when child wasn't in my care. Use your dates not hers and then I put at the bottom if they need any more information to contact me
and put my telephone number.

Keep a copy in your files for the child and I also have a copy on my computer. I gave the letter to the mom, if there is any comeback
you have a copy and if anything has been altered then you have proof of what you put. ( I'm not saying this will happen but I have learnt
to always cover myself)