View Full Version : Spelling mistakes

06-06-2013, 08:53 AM
Your all going to have to bear with me :laughing:

I type far to fast and don't read my messages back

But the other day I re- read some old posts and my spelling is all over the gaff

Blame my phone and my iPad :laughing:

They spell everything wrong

I've called someone a lesbian ....my daughter Clare comes out as Clarabella .....loads of other mistakes

When I write angel it comes out as angle :laughing:

Oh well it gives us a laugh

Are you the same ?

Angel xxx

06-06-2013, 09:24 AM
I am awful at typing fast lol x I do try to read things before I press send but sometimes I don't notice x

06-06-2013, 09:39 AM
I am awful at typing fast lol x I do try to read things before I press send but sometimes I don't notice x

Gad I'm not the only one :laughing:

Angel xx

06-06-2013, 09:41 AM
I do it all the time , it's the phone guessing most of the time lol :) x

06-06-2013, 09:44 AM
I'm dreadful to but must say its me and not the phone I have never been able to spell

06-06-2013, 09:55 AM
I have predictive text on my phone, so it often puts in words that I don't intend typing. I only seem to notice after I've sent the message!

I texted DH the other day & told him I was banged up. I actually had a blocked nose & was telling him I was bunged it.

I also hit the wrong key on my phone (I blame my sausage fingers) on several letters. For "g" I usually type an "h". I was typing a message to a friend once and said "get you!". I typed an h instead, so it came out as "het you!", which autocorrect changed to "heterosexual you!" We both found it really funny as he's gay :laughing:

06-06-2013, 10:26 AM
I always read mine back after an email I wrote to the toy library lady. Her name is lizzie and the predictive text had come out as lizard.

Good job I'd checked otherwise she would have thought I was being really rude .... Hi Lizard... Lol

06-06-2013, 10:27 AM
I'm terrible for not checking predictive text before sending!

One of the worst was sending a textl to one of my mums to find out if her child would be attending the next day when the schools were off - unfortunately with predictive text I sent "Is Evil coming tomorrow?" Thank God she had a sense of humour!

I also regularly tell people we're going to have pnuemonia - if I hit a p instead of an o when trying to text on!

I also got myself into a bit of trouble on Facebook by having several "chat windows" open. I invited my ex boyfriend from years ago down to stay for a few days eating and drinking and to go out for a shopping trip instead of my pal who lives on a remote Scottish Island! I then had to go back and say - sorry that wasn't meant for you but feel free to pop in next time your down! So far he's not taken me up on the offer - didn't go down well when I explained that one to my husband!!

As for online shopping...... there was the time I got 1 sprout instead of a packet, and the other when i ordered 10 packs of baked potatoes instead of just 10!:)

06-06-2013, 10:58 AM
The biggest typo I've ever made was when I was a secretary many moons ago. I signed off a letter with

Your sincerely

Angus Smith

But unfortunately missed the 'g' out of his name :blush:

06-06-2013, 11:05 AM
The biggest typo I've ever made was when I was a secretary many moons ago. I signed off a letter with

Your sincerely

Angus Smith

But unfortunately missed the 'g' out of his name :blush:

Ha ha! With my childish sense of humour, that made me laugh :laughing:

06-06-2013, 11:17 AM
My most common is and seems to change to abduction a lot and a mindees name changes to freak!

06-06-2013, 11:48 AM
Well Angle (!), on the forum I keep pressing submit reply, reading it back then spotting lots of errors so have to edit it again!

I'm definitely blaming the iPad though :laughing:

06-06-2013, 12:00 PM
I'm terrible for not checking predictive text before sending!

As for online shopping...... there was the time I got 1 sprout instead of a packet, and the other when i ordered 10 packs of baked potatoes instead of just 10!:)

I have done this .. Only got one tomato! The person doing my shopping must have thought I was barmy! (Ha that's just come up as Barry!)

Have any of you seen Damn You Autocorrect?! There is a website and an app, people send in their funnies!

My mum moved house and text me to tell me she had found the little folks they were under the bed! She meant her porcelain dolls which she had lost in the move!

donna porter
06-06-2013, 12:06 PM
All these posts have made me giggle!!

06-06-2013, 12:55 PM
Lol yes. It wasn't long since someone commented that I had called a receipe scummy when I meant scrummy. I'm a terrible speller anyway but auto correct makes things worse. My favourite is how it turns vodaphone into vodka phone :p

blue bear
06-06-2013, 04:13 PM
I sent a text to a parent asking if her son had gay fever :laughing:

06-06-2013, 05:15 PM
That happened with me this week with the online shopping :) I got 1 strawberry 1apple 6 packets of mullier yoghurts (6 packs) and a joint for Sunday lunch that my 1 year old could eat on her own :) lol

06-06-2013, 06:07 PM
That happened with me this week with the online shopping :) I got 1 strawberry 1apple 6 packets of mullier yoghurts (6 packs) and a joint for Sunday lunch that my 1 year old could eat on her own :) lol

Lol !! I find the meat weights so difficult to estimate. Have no idea what the size looks like in real life!!

06-06-2013, 06:22 PM
I no , I thought I was gettin a bargain ! Lol my first online shop I bout 3 jars of jam and 5 blocks of cheese , coz I kept forgetting and adding stuff in! I always check now ! Lol :) still get it wrong thou lol :)

06-06-2013, 06:34 PM
I always read mine back after an email I wrote to the toy library lady. Her name is lizzie and the predictive text had come out as lizard.

Good job I'd checked otherwise she would have thought I was being really rude .... Hi Lizard... Lol

Ha ha that is so funny

Angel xx