View Full Version : Gggrrrrr always 1, always!!!

05-06-2013, 04:28 PM
I've had a lo off for 3 weeks now (3years old, family holiday) in them 3 weeks the atmosphere has been calm, I haven't even had to raise my voice once.
Lo today is back & I'm shattered :(
Fed up with the sound of my voice "raised" fed up with my sand pit completely tipped upside down whilst I nipped into the kitchen for a wipe, fed up that my other mindee also 3 has gone home with a scratch on her neck, fed up of him throwing things in the house & almost ALMOST knocked my wedding vase which is up higher than my head off the shelf, fed up that the second my back is turned all my cushions are thrown all over the living room!!!!

Wow that's a moan but is it because I've been sooooooo chilled the last 3 weeks!

05-06-2013, 04:56 PM
my goodness, the lo sounds like a whirlwind. Im not sure what to suggest or even if anything would help. Have you spoken to the parents?

05-06-2013, 05:11 PM
They know what it's like and think its cute :-0 I kind of gave up telling them about incidents which keep happening as they just give a little smirk & say oh he is a ****** isn't he!!

05-06-2013, 05:12 PM
maybe notice is in order then? if he stresses you out that much then I dont think he would be welcome in my setting x

05-06-2013, 05:19 PM
He is a real handful

Almost ran over by a car on 3 different occasions (with parent not me thankfully) due to him just running off & not stopping when shouted at!!

05-06-2013, 05:23 PM
my goodness he sounds like a nightmare, also the parents sound like they need to find their spines x