View Full Version : Wetherspoons in m-way services?

04-06-2013, 06:00 AM
Wetherspoons are set to open the first place to serve alcohol on a motorway service station (m40).

Have u seen this? What are your thoughts?

Will it put temptation in the way of drivers to drink and drive or do you think it won't make a difference?

04-06-2013, 06:14 AM
My first thought was somewhere to get almost nice food :D

04-06-2013, 06:23 AM
Agree Elmo. At least you know what food to expect with a wether spoons!

Nicola Carlyle
04-06-2013, 06:27 AM
I'm all for them selling food but not alcohol. I think it in encouraging people people to stop and have a glass of wine etc with their meal! I know the law is different but I have a Zero tollerance to even a sip of alcohol and then getting into a car and taking responsibility for not only your own life but for your passengers and other drivers around you. This is one area I feel really strongly about and think the law needs changing.

04-06-2013, 06:30 AM
I do agree Nicola, zero tolerance on drink driving in my opinion and a lifetime ban when they are caught. I also feel passengers who know the driver is drunk should be prosecuted if they get in a car with them!

However I feel it should be about education rather than prevention. Putting a pub on a motorway doesn't mean the driver has to drink.

04-06-2013, 08:45 AM
Sadly if someone is going to drink and drive they will do it from wherever they stop (if it sells alcohol) - nothing stopping them going to a services and popping into a m&s thats there and getting a bottle for instance.

It cheap, cheerful food where you know what you're getting.

I also have a zero tolerance to alcohol when driving.

Nicola Carlyle
04-06-2013, 12:02 PM
Totally agree that if someone is going to drink and drive they will do it regardless. I just know a few people who will see this as a great idea because its not to far off the beaten track (right n the side of the road) and not only can they have lunch but a drink to (because its so sophisticated and the done thing!). Very sad. But the plus side a least you know what food you will be getting. xxx

hectors house
04-06-2013, 12:10 PM
I think people will think on a sunny day that a pint of beer or a chilled glass of wine will go nicely with their meal - I know there are pubs just minutes from motorway junctions but people are often too lazy to get off motorway to find them, so I think more people will be drink driving than if they had just gone to a McDonalds at a service station.

05-06-2013, 09:49 AM
I think people will think on a sunny day that a pint of beer or a chilled glass of wine will go nicely with their meal - I know there are pubs just minutes from motorway junctions but people are often too lazy to get off motorway to find them, so I think more people will be drink driving than if they had just gone to a McDonalds at a service station.

I agree. I know of one person who given the temptation would and I also think that driving at high speed on a motorway after having a drink is even more dangerous. It doesn't bear thinking about

Stupid idea if you ask me.


05-06-2013, 10:08 AM
I do agree Nicola, zero tolerance on drink driving in my opinion and a lifetime ban when they are caught. I also feel passengers who know the driver is drunk should be prosecuted if they get in a car with them!

However I feel it should be about education rather than prevention. Putting a pub on a motorway doesn't mean the driver has to drink.

I agree. It's the individual's behaviour that deserves zero tolerance, not the location of a retail outlet. I have alcohol in the house - it doesn't mean I'm under the influence whilst minding. I also have knives in the kitchen, but have never felt the urge to poke them in any of my guests.

Last time I looked, most pubs, off-licenses, supermarkets, etc. had roads outside the door. So do we have to move them all into the middle of a field with no vehicular access? :p