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View Full Version : Letter to parents regarding working with an assisstant!

Nicola Carlyle
03-06-2013, 10:51 AM
H everyone,

Just wondered if if someone could give me wording on how to word a letter to parents informing them I have employed an assistant and asking them to sign it? This is all very new to me so just want to make sure I get it right an am doing the right thing by informing them and getting their permission to allow the assistant to work with their children.


03-06-2013, 11:12 AM
Hi Nicola :waving:,

What, precisely, is the purpose of the letter? What are you wanting to ask or explain?

Are you wanting to increase your numbers whilst working with an assistant?
Are you intending your assistant to have sole care of any child(ren) at any time?
Or are you just wanting to employ an assistant whilst maintaining your current numbers and working together at all times?

These are all relevant to any additional criteria you need to meet in order to fulfil regulatory requirements, and therefore what you may need to consult or reassure parents about.

Please advise. :)

Nicola Carlyle
03-06-2013, 01:17 PM
Hi binnyhip.

Thanks for the reply. No sole care unless her being in the garden whilst I'm peeping snack counts as sole care. I need to increase my numbers to cover 2 siblings on a breakfast club and afterschool club. Employing assistant to help with two school runs (1 hour in the mornings) and one after school club (2 hours). Hooding to use her to have extra hands plus accommodate two extra on school runs but also to provide a balance of quiet and active actives after school that one day so everyone's needs are met. Does that make sense?

04-06-2013, 05:00 PM
I'm assuming you've already followed all the proper procedure with Ofsted, etc. in order to get DBS checks done and appoint an assistant as per the regulations. Also I assume that you've checked that you still fulfill the space requirements and have sufficient resources for each and every child, as well as the time to attend to their individual needs. What parents will want to know is that, put bluntly, their little darling is not going to be getting a lower standard of care. I assume you've checked with your LA about planning permission: a lot of CMs have ignored this in the past, and some are now regretting it, including 2 in a town local to me who have been served notice to cease trading immediately. :(

Ofsted used to produce a guidance document called Childminders working together with an assistant or suchlike. I've searched in vain for it on the Ofsted resources webpages, and suspect it may have been withdrawn, possibly due to the September 2013 re-issue of EYFS. Might be worth you asking Ofsted for a copy or link if it's been updated and possibly re-titled.

In terms of permission from parents, the critical issue is whether or not the assistant will ever have sole care of a child (and this really does mean "even for just a moment".) If not, then AFAIK you don't actually need parental permission to appoint an assistant (EYFS Statutory Framework 3.41). If they are ever going to have sole care then you need permission for that from each parent for their individual child. In addition, the assistant must also have a current LA-sanctioned paediatric first aid qualification (EYFS 3.24).

The information you are required to give parents is detailed in EYFS 3.72. With regard to an assistant, I'd say the most relevant points are with regard to staffing; key worker (make it clear that you remain the key worker for each and every child - you may not allocate them to an assistant); policies and procedures (you may wish to have a written policy on how you will work with an assistant, and should edit your complaints procedure to take account of the change); how EYFS is delivered and the effect on activities, etc. But your letter will also give you the opportunity to promote the benefits they will bring to your practice too.

I would also make it clear to parents that you understand you are accountable for the assistant and their work (EYFS 3.23) and edit your complaints policy to cover how you will handle any complaints relating to your assistant.

If you're increasing your numbers, point out what is allowed (EYFS 3.41) and reassure parents as to how you will ensure you have sufficient resources and, not least, how you will ensure each child will continue to receive the time and attention they need and deserve. Reassure parents that you have completed an audit of resources and checked that you still fulfill the space requirements (EYFS 3.56). Also that you have confirmed with your local authority about the need for planning permission and are pursuing that if required.

Hope this helps, and hope all goes well. :)

04-06-2013, 05:07 PM
You might find some useful wording in here :D

Changes to Conditions of Registration (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/changestoconditionsofregistration.html)

Nicola Carlyle
04-06-2013, 06:34 PM
Wow! Great advice guys. Very very useful. Thank you. x