View Full Version : If theres one thing that makes my blood boil

31-05-2013, 04:39 PM
It's adults that's call children names!!! :(

I have just got home from a 3yo birthday party, there was a lady there who is an ex parent, (it all turned a bit sour as she wanted to demand who I spent my time with and had taken a dislike to a particular child who, at the time, was having a few behaviour issues (2yo, biting, hitting).)

So ex parent was there, as was I and the mum (a friend of mine) and child (l) who she had issues with.

All was fine, the children were all playing together and running around with balloons etc when ex mindee and l bumped into each other.

The instant this happened ex parent is shouting across the room "I am not having this today, not today. That boy is horrible" etc she then goes off muttering about l and being really horrible about him to some other mums, now we were on the other side of the room and could clearly hear what she was saying, she is the sort of person that tries to drag everybody into a bit of drama :(

Anyway at this point I am seething as I can hear she is talking about me also and very nearly walked out there and then to avoid any conflict. (After mum left last year she did quite a good attempt at trying to damage my name and business and with living in a small village gossip travels fast!)

Anyway, the party carries on and the children are all playing well l is being lively but no mischief in sight when ex parent starts up again - pulling her children away from l saying not to go near him because l is horrible and naughty repeatedly :(

It makes me so sad that a grown woman would behave like this and speak about a child like that.

In my eyes no child is naughty, yes the behaviour may be horrible at times and not nice but I wouldn't label a child.

31-05-2013, 04:44 PM
Some people are unbelievable, I feel soory for her children with that example


31-05-2013, 04:48 PM
Me too! :(

I said this when they left me, her children unfortunately have little hope if this is how she behaves in front of them, makes me feel very sad for them.

She very much reminds me of a school bully, such a shame that a woman in her 30's hasn't grown out of it!

31-05-2013, 05:25 PM
That's awful. I would have had to of bitten her! 2 can play that game right?!
Hope her children know better :angry:

31-05-2013, 05:31 PM
That's awful. I would have had to of bitten her! 2 can play that game right?!
Hope her children know better :angry:

Isnt biting someone a little extreme :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

31-05-2013, 06:49 PM
Isnt biting someone a little extreme :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Slightly perhaps!

A slap round the face would have done the trick I reckon ;)

31-05-2013, 08:13 PM
Poor children. Glad you rose above it though. So hard sometimes.

Can't stand parents calling children names things like that stick.