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31-05-2013, 12:52 PM
When I registeted I just went with my name, now I have an assistant, I feel I should have a company/business name.

Is it possible to change now? Do I need to advice ofsted?

Also what do you all think of 'Unique Kids Childminding'

I would like 'Mama house childcare' as all the children call me mama and say they are going to 'mama's house' but not sure its gives the right impression to new business.

Advice please.
Thanks in advance.

31-05-2013, 01:46 PM
thats a tough one, i know there are plenty of mums who wouldnt like to think of you 'taking their name'

I am just Gails childminders, as it matches the web domain i use. But then ive never had a very creative brain in that way. Sorry im not more help x

Mrs Scrubbit
01-06-2013, 07:56 PM
Sorry can't offer any help as I have never felt the need for a 'name' and not having one has not proved a problem in getting mindees x

01-06-2013, 08:05 PM
I can't see it being a problem that u change to a business name. Give ofsted a call and let them know so it's on file but any correspondence is addressed to me rather than the business so I don't think they're too worried about business names for childminders.

Personally I like having a name (mines Gigglebox) as I think it makes me seem more professional x

02-06-2013, 07:43 AM
Don't like Mama's House, would hate for my child to call you mama, just not right, sorry but you did ask! the other sounds better!