View Full Version : Pacey live

30-05-2013, 09:42 AM
Hi is anyone going to this on 28th September? I would like to go but as I live in Newcastle I will have to get the train down. Thought about staying overnight. Can anyone tell me how much it usually costs to attend and do they get busy? I Just want to know if I will be able to get a hotel room, train ticket etc.


Thanks in advance

Chatterbox Childcare
30-05-2013, 01:32 PM
This is the first event of this kind for PACEY. Being trialled instead of the full 2 day conference (this was costing too much to run)

Sorry no help with prices

30-05-2013, 05:57 PM
There is not much news on this event so not sure what it is about and what format it will take
I wonder how the association will conduct its AGM in future where members used to vote on pertinent cms matters and inform the management? on policy?

Sad really...NDNA and PLA still run conferences for their members

30-05-2013, 09:09 PM
Here is the agenda for the event ..well it is a draft under the title :Together we're growing!?

this is the link (although it will not show) but I am sure you will find it on Local if you search


Some of the debates:
Learning through laughter
Understanding children's behaviour
What does 'school ready' really mean?

Cost not mention but I wonder whether these debates WILL be in members' mind in Sept 2013 ?

Compare this to the agenda and seminars of another association representing cms whose conference is next week:
Address by Sue Gregory (Ofsted)
Delivering the latest Ofsted changes with Ofsted Early Years Principal Officer
Two year olds are special
The future for charities

I know which one I will definitely attend