View Full Version : NON PUPIL DAY!!

23-05-2013, 10:54 PM
I look after twins aged 3 and a boy of 9. The school have a non pupil day tomorrow and I only found out today so have had to change my plans, but, I have no new plans to occupy all 3 kids. I don't want to use up my ideas for the holidays tomorrow... Any help? baring in mind the weather is meant to be rubbish tomorrow too. Xx B xX

24-05-2013, 08:15 PM
Sorry not helpful but what is a non pupil day? Is that like an inset day ? Sorry being blonde? During half term I put wellies and rain macs on the children and take them up the woods- the trees shield us from the worst of the rain and weather and there is lots of puddles to jump in that even big kids like me enjoy doing

28-05-2013, 03:32 PM
Yes it is like an inset day... Thanks for you're help... Off to see the Gruffalo and friends on Thursday as its half term. So hoping that will kill a day!!

Thanks xx