View Full Version : toy library

21-05-2013, 02:02 PM
So another mum and myself have been looking into changing our toddler group to a toy library.

We are in touch with the local toy library network and are sorting funding and moving to new premises.

We are going for a complete overhaul and looking to rename ourselves hoping you might have some ideas for catchy names!

toddler group is currently tidza tots. We are looking for a name thats catchy and appealing!

We will run all year and currently are just aimed at 0-5 but may move to older ones depending on the need. There wilk be stay and play with snack and craft and then the toy library within this.

Anyone any ideas?

21-05-2013, 02:08 PM
what a good idea.

how about 'tidza tots toys' ?

21-05-2013, 02:45 PM
I like that had also thought of Play Tidza or Play Tideswell?

Just hoping it all works out!