View Full Version : So excited!!!!

16-05-2013, 06:56 PM
My youngest daughter, 19, has been at college in US.

She went in August last year and she is coming home tomorrow :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

I am going to the airport tomorrow morning to collect her. I can't wait to just be able to hold her. 9 months is such a long time!!!

16-05-2013, 07:00 PM
:clapping::jump for joy::clapping:

Will she be able to breathe when you hug her?

16-05-2013, 08:25 PM
Have a lovely hug.

The Juggler
16-05-2013, 09:02 PM
aww honey that is so lovely. that went really quickly. is that her home or just for the summer?

how are you?

16-05-2013, 09:26 PM
How exciting :clapping::clapping:

Have a wonderful reunion :D

17-05-2013, 10:12 AM
Well, she's home. :clapping::clapping:

She's not changed physically at all, but boy has she gained more confidence. She was shy and really quite anxious about things, but now she confident and lovely. She's had to navigate an airport on her own to get home and do things for herself while she's been away. Don't get me wrong, I didn't do everything for her, but even making a phone call to someone she didn't know was a big deal.

This year away at college has been the making of her and definitely the right thing to do.

Charlotte's just home for the summer. Her flight back has been booked for 27th August so I need to make the most of her time here.

Her best friend came to the airport with us to collect her and they are now in the kitchen laughing out loud at photos on Facebook of her time at college. Boy, have they missed each other.

Aimee came home from Warwick Uni especially to see Charlotte this weekend. I think she is going to be spending most of the weekend here which is fine by me as I've missed her too :):)

Chimps Childminding
17-05-2013, 10:34 AM
Ah bless her it does them the world of good!!! My DS3 went to Australia for 6 months in October 2011 (and again October 2012 but this time with his gf), like your DD he was quite shy before and was more than happy for someone else to do phoning up, asking questions etc, but he went on his own (hardest thing I have every done seeing walk away at the airport :() moved in with people he didn't know, and played cricket as part of a team also with strangers and had to find work, as the job they were supposed to have lined up for him fell through. It has definitely been the making of him, he is now much more confident!!! Hope your DD has a great summer and it doesn't fly by too quickly for you!!

17-05-2013, 12:03 PM
Enjoy your summer with your daughter. Make the most of everyday and create lots of memories for her to take back with her. X

17-05-2013, 12:08 PM
What a wonderful thread, enjoy you time with your daughter.

Can I ask though, what has she been studying and how did she end up in the US my daughter 16 keeps saying how much she wants to go to America but don't know what to advise her.


17-05-2013, 12:11 PM
Oh id give up my right arm to relive those years again! Not that I ever went to uni or anything but if I had the opportunity I definitely would! Or travel the world.

Met my hubby when I was 15 and 3 weeks after my 16th we moved in together. We've been married 7 years and have 2 lovely children and one on the way.

Although I dont regret my life or family really wish I'd done all that cool stuff!

Oh well im still young enough and will still be to do it all when my kids are grown up. Lol

17-05-2013, 02:53 PM
What a wonderful thread, enjoy you time with your daughter.

Can I ask though, what has she been studying and how did she end up in the US my daughter 16 keeps saying how much she wants to go to America but don't know what to advise her.


Her older sister put the thought in to her head about 2 years ago. She was working in the Bahamas for 9 months - diving and marine conservation. She came in to contact with lots of Americans and they got talking about study.

Charlotte knew she wanted to go to University but didn't have a clue what course to take here. She was going to take a gap year and work and go the following year. In October last year when all her friends were writing their personal statements, Charlotte had a meltdown because she found it hard to write hers as you have to tailor it to the course you wanted to take. She then started looking at colleges in the States. I said to her if she was thinking about America what's the point of taking a gap year, she might as well apply for this year. So she applied to 3 different colleges, took her ACT exams in December and found out in January that she had been offered a place in her first choice college.

We spent our summer holiday in Chicago and Michigan (where the college is) settling her in and then left. That was the hardest thing I have had to do. At least her brother and sister went to Uni in this country so I knew I would see them during the year.

We couldn't afford to fly Charlotte home over Christmas. Her friends and their parents have been great and had her to stay during the holidays.

Charlotte has taken a number of different subjects this year, Biology, Chemistry, Geography. She put down that she wanted to do a Biology major. She has had to decide on her subjects for next Semester and now thinks she wants to do Geography. This is something she wouldn't have been able to change if she studied over here.

Sorry for the essay

17-05-2013, 04:54 PM
Wow, enjoy having your daughter home. My son is away at uni and I really miss him :(
Don't know how I'd cope if he was in another country!

17-05-2013, 06:09 PM
Thank you that was very interesting.