View Full Version : Conjunctivitis - advice needed please

21-04-2013, 05:31 PM

I've had a minded child with conjunctivitis for nearly 2 weeks. I know I can't exclude him due to this but I did ask his parents to keep him off Friday as my eldest daughter had caught it and he wasn't looking any better, I knew I had a busy day with other kids & I felt like I needed a good few days to disinfect the house/toys for a fresh start this week. Then the inevitable happened, my 2 year old has woken up with it this morning. I just have a few questions!

Should I have notified all parents when the original child caught it?

Do I now have to notify all parents that my daughter has it?

If the original kid is better now after the weekend is it a bad idea to have him back until we're all clear in my house in case of risk of re- infection?

Does this now class as an outbreak and have different rules?

What if I catch it? Can I still mind?

Seems like such a weird situation that I can't exclude a child who has a highly contagious disease :(

Advice please?!

mrs robbie williams
21-04-2013, 06:15 PM
I exclude had baby mindee last week with it a d excluded and also had another mum text to say she thinks 2yr mindee has it told her can't have her until clear it spreads like wildfire

21-04-2013, 06:31 PM
I exclude for conjunctivitis ... it's your personal choice whether you do or not, it's transferable via touch :panic:

I do have a parent that argues it every time :angry:

21-04-2013, 06:33 PM
Are we allowed to exclude then? The HPA advice for schools & childcare settings is that the child doesn't have to stay away but I wasn't sure if this meant we can't or just that we don't have to? I ask childminders in the area and they say they don't exclude the child because of this... But I would prefer to

21-04-2013, 06:35 PM
Yes you can exclude if you wish, it's your business.

I exclude until treatment and eyes are clear.

Also as a parent I would not want my little one being exposed to it, it's not fair.

Good luck

21-04-2013, 06:46 PM
Are we allowed to exclude then? The HPA advice for schools & childcare settings is that the child doesn't have to stay away but I wasn't sure if this meant we can't or just that we don't have to? I ask childminders in the area and they say they don't exclude the child because of this... But I would prefer to

I have it in my policies;

Accident / Incident & Illness Policy

Illness section states;

We reserve the right to refuse a child if they are suffering from a disease which in our opinion may risk the wellbeing of ourselves or the other children in our care, amongst these diseases we have;
* Sickness / Diarrhoea (no re admittance for 48hrs after last bout)
* Measles
* Mumps
* Chicken Pox (until last spot has scabbed over)
* Conjunctivitis
*German Measles

21-04-2013, 06:50 PM
I exclude and also have it in my policies

21-04-2013, 06:56 PM
Great, I'm changing my policies then. Feel so awful for my daughter who has it really bad now & is really upset about her 'dirty eyes' and the dreadful drops. Told mum of the boy I can't have him tomorrow as it might go back to him :( but feel like I can't charge as my policies say if I can't mind because my child is ill I don't charge

21-04-2013, 07:14 PM
Great, I'm changing my policies then. Feel so awful for my daughter who has it really bad now & is really upset about her 'dirty eyes' and the dreadful drops. Told mum of the boy I can't have him tomorrow as it might go back to him :( but feel like I can't charge as my policies say if I can't mind because my child is ill I don't charge

That's so annoying when it's come from them, but I suppose it's part and parcel of our job .... hope your daughter gets better very soon .. and yes change your policies and give each of your parents a copy to ensure they know that you've done so :)

21-04-2013, 07:45 PM
I exclude and also have it in my policies

I do the same :thumbsup:

21-04-2013, 07:51 PM
I have excluded before when it has been really bad. If they have drops, can follow basic hygiene rules (normally slightly older) and their eyes are relatively clear then I will accept them.

21-04-2013, 09:05 PM
Well that's it, his eyes weren't too bad but he is only 18 months & you can't really expect them not to touch their eyes and wash their hands if they do. Thought I'd be able to contain it with constant cleaning and anti-bac spray but it didn't work! Def going to exclude in future as its been hard work trying to keep on top of it, we couldn't go out as normal, my girls have suffered and I'm going to lose money.

Thanks for everyone's feedback x

21-04-2013, 09:15 PM
I excluded 18m old mindee