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View Full Version : feel guilty for giving notice

squeely wheely
12-04-2013, 05:52 PM
I had to give notice today as a boy wasn't settling he would cry constantly until collected, so 9 hrs a day of inconsolable crying. I know its for the best because I found it far too stressful not being able to help the boy. But I feel guilty now that I didn't try longer, plus another childminder said to me I should be careful otherwise ill get a reputation for ditching kids. Just feeling a bit low about it all really :-(

12-04-2013, 05:58 PM
There is only so much you can do and you did your best. Don't feel guilty about giving notice, if it is affecting you and your another mindees then you have to do what is best foe everyone. Have a glass of wine and try not to think to much about it Xxx

squeely wheely
12-04-2013, 06:38 PM
There is only so much you can do and you did your best. Don't feel guilty about giving notice, if it is affecting you and your another mindees then you have to do what is best foe everyone. Have a glass of wine and try not to think to much about it Xxx

Thanks, I needed a bit of sympathy :-)

12-04-2013, 06:56 PM
I doubt you'll get a reputation for ditching children unless it happens frequently, but as sure as eggs is eggs people will cast judgement over you having a child in your care that cries constantly.

You've done the best thing for you and the child. It's no good for either you, the child or your other mindees if you are all miserable.

blue bear
12-04-2013, 07:09 PM
You did the best by the chikd, rather have a reputation for putting the children first than the money.

12-04-2013, 08:49 PM
You have put the child's needs first - a child who is not settling is better off at home or in a different environment.

Give yourself a hug and move on xx

squeely wheely
13-04-2013, 12:07 PM
Thanks everyone I feel a lot happier about it now :)

13-04-2013, 02:49 PM
Agree with everyone who says you have done the right thing for all concerned.

I wouldn't be concerned about getting a reputation for ditching kids, I have picked children up who have been to other minders before me and I will just say that I know why the other minder had to "stop childminding" as parents have said, "reduced their workload" or on one occasion simply told the truth "He won't stop crying". I have never thought it to be the minders 'fault' and often thought I should have known better than to take on children who haven't settled elsewhere but it has worked out EVENTUALLY!!

I have also had to tell a parent that my setting just wasn't right for their child and maybe they should look for a more one to one situation, if you can reed between the lines! I had to terminate their care within the settling in period.

We do our best and nobody can ask for more, sometimes it doesn't work and it's no good continuing, you will feel better soon and look back wishing you had done it sooner as the atmosphere in your home will be remarkably calm and quiet and childminding will become a joy again because I am sure you have been at your whits end by the end of the day. :thumbsup: