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11-04-2013, 05:19 PM
A lovely family, child is a sweetie, but always a few mins early and a few mins late! I think I'm miffed as she is the last one to go and I'm waiting for her to go to get our dinner, clear up, dog walked... Etc...
Am I being picky!!?!?! It's so annoying!

11-04-2013, 05:22 PM
What do you mean by a few minutes?

If it was 2-3 minutes then it could be her phone, watch isn't the same time as yours.

10 - 15 minutes it can be an issue if its every day :thumbsup:

Nicola Carlyle
11-04-2013, 05:50 PM
What do you mean by a few minutes?

If it was 2-3 minutes then it could be her phone, watch isn't the same time as yours.

10 - 15 minutes it can be an issue if its every day :thumbsup:

I agree. It just depends on how early/late she is.

11-04-2013, 06:17 PM
it is irritating isn't it....I agree if its one or two then let it go if its more than one or two send out a newsletter to all parents saying that you need children picked up on time as you need to spend time with your family etc....say that you don't want to introduce late fees but will have no option if lateness becomes a problem....

11-04-2013, 08:09 PM
Well it is only 5-10 mins either way, so maybe I am being a bit picky and moany!! I just find it so irritating...

11-04-2013, 08:25 PM
5/10 mins is nothing really I understand u have things to do and hours are hours but maybe traffic her phone time or she walked faster or slower that day!
Now 15+mins is annoying lol

11-04-2013, 08:29 PM
I'd be cheesed off too! I would broach the subject, five minutes is a long time in my house...I can hoover or wash up, shower or dry my hair....in fact, perhaps you should hover and dry your hair every morning m, it's sooo hard to hear the doorbell isn't it!!

11-04-2013, 08:31 PM
Unless they live and work just around the corner from you then 5/10 minutes out is not too bad. It used to annoy me too until I took on a mindee I collected and dropped off and I found out just how difficult it is to arrive at exact times, and that was a 2 mile trip on fairly easy roads. Taking into account unpredictable kids, traffic and weather and it's easy to see how it can happen, if everything else is good, I wouldn't let it bother me.


11-04-2013, 08:40 PM
No, sorry, if I was late to collect from nursery I got a late fee. If I was late for work my boss, quite rightly wanted to know why, if my children are late for school they get a late card....why is collecting your child from me any different? And in the same way, the nursery didn't open it's doors until eight, the school isn't open five minutes! You agree a time, stick to it! Very occasionally murphy or whoever works against you, I get that, but don't be routinely early or late, it's rude.

Off my soap box now...sorry for the rant!!!

11-04-2013, 08:41 PM
Oooh, 400 posts!!! That crept up on me!!

jackie 7
11-04-2013, 08:51 PM
5 minutes in the morning is not on. Yes the hover is on and the day it was 20 I was only getting dressed. In the evening I hardly notice.

11-04-2013, 09:10 PM
This is something that annoys me so much!!! Doesn't matter if its 5 mins or an hour and 5 mins, bring early or late drives me mad!! I don't mind as much if they phone to let me know, it's the just turning up without so much as an apology!!!

The Juggler
11-04-2013, 10:13 PM
5/10 mins is nothing really I understand u have things to do and hours are hours but maybe traffic her phone time or she walked faster or slower that day!
Now 15+mins is annoying lol

10 mins EVERY day is not acceptable to me. once in a while - yes fine. But every day suggests that they need extra time on the contract. :panic:

11-04-2013, 10:47 PM
It's annoying when it's regularly happening isn't it. I have one that sometimes arrives 10-15 mins early, says sorry I'm early is that ok, and I say come in but I'm still doing my checks so you will have to bare with me.. Or , generally I don't wake my son til the last minute if he's had a bad night, so when they are 10 mins early they can't leave until I go get him etc, which I delay if needs be lol. I've answered the door in my dressing gown before or taken my cereal bowl with me, and directed them to the dining room so I can finish as we say good morning etc ( and sorry im not ready i didnt realise it was x oclock already lol) rarely do they leave before their start time! I don't mind if I've got children in already as I'm alread ready.. But when it's the first and last it's different. I also don't mind a few mins first and last child, but times precious .
I get its hard to arrive on time and I wouldn't make them wait outside if few mins ( although I Did to my ex parents who thought half hour was ok, regularly! And after telling them I could change their contract if they needed me at this time) but they are not escaping without prior arrangement!!
Newsletter is a good idea.

12-04-2013, 06:55 AM
5-10 minutes soon adds up and you've worked an hour extra for free over the week!

I've one really good parent who is always early to collect as she has added 15 minutes on as she would hate to be late. She says she would rather wait than me be waiting for her.

I have another parent who was continually late so I added late fees and suggested we add an hour to the day 30 minutes either end and now they tend to drop off 10 minutes after their start time and pick up is 5 minutes early or exactly on time. This works for me as I'm not taken by surprise when they knock on door in the morning or stood waiting to do things in the evening.

12-04-2013, 07:10 AM
10 mins EVERY day is not acceptable to me. once in a while - yes fine. But every day suggests that they need extra time on the contract. :panic:

Agree I would ask if they need extra

12-04-2013, 07:16 AM
I explain to parents that our contracted times are the earliest and latest times their child can be dropped off and collected. So 8am - 5pm means drop off from 8am onwards and collect by 5pm at the latest. I do think it makes a difference if they're thinking pick up is by 5pm, not at 5pm. I have one mum who generally gets here at 7.50am, but they stay in the car and don't come to the door until 8 o'clock.

The only time I do allow them to go outside the times are when they book a block of time. Eg. Some of my ad hoc parents book their children in for a 3 hour session during the day. We agree a rough time, such as 9-12, but if they arrive at 8.50, they collect by 11.50. They're never the first child of the day, so I don't mind the earlier drop off and I charge them an enhanced rate, so allow a bit of flexibility.

12-04-2013, 07:16 AM
No I don't think you are, if it's occasionally fair enough but if it's happening on a regular basis I would perhaps speak to mum and suggest changing working hours to allow mum more time.

I am in a similar situation at the moment, mum has started arriving to collect twins 10/15 mins late at least 2-3 days a week (they are with me 5 days), after feb half term mum suggested adding half an hour to contract as her work is changing and she's finding it tricky to keep to time but would think about it and let me know for sure. I ten heard nothing! With the latest invoice I reiterated the extra half an hour and to let me know if would like to change - nothing! And still turning up late!
It is a pain for me because they go home at 5 and I serve dinner as soon as they've gone home so I either have to wait for them to be collected or they have to sit and watch everyone else eat dinner.

I will be speaking to mum again after the Easter break and sorting it out!

12-04-2013, 08:44 AM
No, sorry, if I was late to collect from nursery I got a late fee. If I was late for work my boss, quite rightly wanted to know why, if my children are late for school they get a late card....why is collecting your child from me any different? And in the same way, the nursery didn't open it's doors until eight, the school isn't open five minutes! You agree a time, stick to it! Very occasionally murphy or whoever works against you, I get that, but don't be routinely early or late, it's rude.

Off my soap box now...sorry for the rant!!!


12-04-2013, 02:03 PM
Wow read replys think I need to get tougher lol :)

12-04-2013, 04:19 PM

Sorry!!!! No offence intended!

12-04-2013, 11:18 PM
Sorry!!!! No offence intended!

None taken just not familiar with the phrase?! Please explain am intrigued

13-04-2013, 07:00 AM
Ooops, dropped myself in it!

"Murphys Law"...the "law" that says if it can go wrong, it will!!! It's all very light hearted, and is something I've grown up with, but have no idea of it's roots! We either blame "Murphy" if it does go wrong, or plan to take his law into account!

Definately MurphY though, not MurphF!

13-04-2013, 07:09 AM
I grew up knowing about Murphy's Law too!

13-04-2013, 08:26 AM
On yes Murphy's law... We have that a lot too., I have a book called mrs Murphy's law which takes it one further apparently it's all my fault!! Sorry was having a dumb moment it's just the way you phrased if I was like 'eh'?!

13-04-2013, 12:25 PM
Ha ha! Glad we cleared that up then! It is hard to word posts so they read the same as they sound in your head!!! :))

20-04-2013, 10:42 PM
Bit of a mixture of opinion!

I'm going to keep an eye. If it keeps happening I will specify as has been suggested it is after 8 and by 5

Thank you all x

21-04-2013, 10:48 AM
We used to have Murphys Law then my boss at the time said no its Sods Law and when I asked him what Sods Law said it was "Murphy was an Optomist" :laughing: