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View Full Version : Grumpy child

11-04-2013, 07:32 AM
I care for 2 sisters (1y & 2.5y) younger one is very sociable, happy and smiles. But the older one is soooo grumpy.

In a room full of toys shes unable to self select an activity or toys. She has very little social skills and will not interact with the others.

I've have cared for older one since she was 6 months old and shes always been around other children and my dd. So I dont understand I know some kids are just like this but I feel sorry for her as no-one playa with her.

The thing is she is so bright and can talk very clearly and well.

When we attend play groups she'll go off but just walk around not really interacting. I try to encourage her to play and interact with me but she just wants to be left alone.

I've come to the conclusion that it's her personality but want to help her learn how to interact and just play.

11-04-2013, 07:37 AM
Some children are just shy, but keep doing what your doing its very important for her to develop social skills. It's the ones thing we need in life to get on.

What's she like at home? Has mum mentioned I you she is the same when out with her? Have to asked he what she wants to do?

11-04-2013, 07:47 AM
Mum and dad are very hands on all the time so she will play with them and interact with them. However she can't play by herself or alongside other children.

Mum's not too worried as she feels its her personality but I cant help thinking it has something to do with her little sister and maybe this withdrawal is about jeleousy.

11-04-2013, 08:01 AM
Could be! Children are very sensitive and they don't always know how to show their emotions. Bless her I hope she comes out of it. Hopefully with summer approaching she will open up. What does she really like doing?

11-04-2013, 08:09 AM
Thats the thing I have yet to find what it is. I've tried colouring in and arts and crafts. Building blocks, dressing up puzzles. I get it all out and set it up then she just sits there!

Soft play, she'll go off and then just sit there. People look at me like im so mean but she's just in a funk!!!

11-04-2013, 08:17 AM
Oh wow. Hmm have you tried puppets to tell stories so she can play. Something like going out shopping with her to buy them , she chooses the puppet she wants. Then do role play about friendship.
It's a hard one.

11-04-2013, 09:21 AM
It is a hard one. My daughter (now aged 23) was the same. I used to take her to toddler groups, swimming etc but she just cried till we got home. At home she was happy to play alone and even at school was quite a loner with just one good friend

While at uni she was diagnosed with dyspraxia and has received alot of help. She amazes me now at how sociable she is.

Not sure this is any help to you

11-04-2013, 09:34 AM
Has she always been like this? Or is it a recent thing?

if she has always been like this then yes it could be her personalilty.