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11-04-2013, 07:18 AM

My mind is drawing a complete blank. How do i tell a mum she is having a laugh expecting me to buy yet another travel cot for her baby? I look after two of her children two days a week. I have one travel cot myself but she has started asking when i will be buying another one for the other LO. They have only started with me this week. Also she never mentioned it to me before this week.

I have bought playmats, teethers and all sorts of little bits and had nothing provided by this mum so I think Im justified in saying she needs to supply at least this?

Or am i just being tight and should get on and buy it myself?

11-04-2013, 07:23 AM
Where will the lo sleep if you don't have a travel cot have you explained your sleeping arrangements with her.

11-04-2013, 07:25 AM
you could always get a good second hand one from ebay, netmums or free from freecycle.org? :)

11-04-2013, 07:29 AM
I agree with fussy. Where does the child currently sleep at yours? How old are they? Has you discussed with mum sleeping arrangements and how they work in your setting?

i personally buy any big equipment myself as u can get the type I want, travel cots can be bought quite reasonably from asda

11-04-2013, 07:36 AM
Why are you expecting the mum to provide a travel cot you took on this child, if you don't have the equipment for a particular age and are not prepared to buy it then you shouldn't take them on. Travel cots are cheap to buy second hand, child could sleep in pushchair if it lies flat, can child that is in cot now move to sofa or bed.

11-04-2013, 07:59 AM
Sorry - have to agree with the others on this one, we are to provide things the child would use, the only excpetion is some parents are happy to leave car seats while their child is with cm. As everyone else says, where is the child expected to sleep if not in a cot, you will probably use it again with another child, you can get second hand ones from netmums and facebook, or can you borrow one long term from a friend???

11-04-2013, 08:15 AM
I supply all equipment and toys for the children I look after

then either reuse them for future mindees or sell on

I have bought things second hand in very good condition for little money and then resold them for more or less the same price so really costing me nothing

I think its reasonable for a parent to expect a childminder to provide all the equipment that you will need

If you have an alternative idea as to where the child will sleep then propose it to the parent

Travel cots also double up as play pens, so they continue to be useful for many years

11-04-2013, 08:29 AM
Sorry, woke up in a grump this morning, oops. The current 2 yr olds that attend have all been taught to sleep on the sofa by parents. This mum is a worrier. So expects everything to bee 100% like home. I have explained this is not always possible.

The first day the baby slept laying flat in the pushchair. The second in a travel cot another parent has delivered for their baby, with my bedding.

This particular mum has waited until the lo's have started with me before adding her very random requests n this morning i just got a grumpy on. Im suitably embarrased oops.

11-04-2013, 08:33 AM
Hi Gail, :waving:

IIWY, I'd take a look at EYFS Statutory Framework and reflect a moment.

3.56 The premises and equipment must be organised in a way that meets the needs of children.

3.58 Provision must be made (space or partitioned area) for children who wish to relax, play quietly or sleep, equipped with appropriate furniture.

You need to ask yourself if your setting meets those requirements, and whose responsibility it is to make sure it does.

Would you really be comfortable telling an Ofsted inspector that you don't have sleeping facilities for all the lo's because mum wouldn't provide them? :huh:

11-04-2013, 08:39 AM
Like i said, grumpy moment, oops. The mum is making all sorts of odd requests and of course i will be getting an additional cot at the weekend.

11-04-2013, 08:42 AM
Ha ha we all have days like that

I think for my own peace of mind I would get a travel cot anyway

sleeping on sofa or in pushchair is not ideal and there may come a time when moving the child upstairs to sleep makes more sense and at least then you will have already got them used to the cot

I have children that nap on the sofa , but they were already 2 and 3 yrs old when they started with me , children with me who started when they were babies all sleep upstairs in cot , thats what Ive trained them to do :D

its much better as it means they sleep better and are not disturbed by older children running around

not sure but you may only have these two at the moment so naps downstairs works for you , but if you take on others it may not work so well

11-04-2013, 08:44 AM
Gail i'm with you, i think it is a bit rude of this mum to say "when are you buying another travel cot" if she wanted her wee one to sleep in a travel cot she should have stated this at the beginning. I personally don't have space in my livingroom for a travel cot there for i would be offering a buggy or the couch for them to rest sleep on, this would be agreed before child starts. Xx

11-04-2013, 08:49 AM
I do have room and ultimately will have three travel cots upstairs. It just got the better of me this morning. The lo's that sleep downstairs are heavy sleepers so no concerns there.

The mum is a worrier about some things but only gives the lo (7mnt) milk at bedtime so seems odd.

11-04-2013, 09:08 AM
Like i said, grumpy moment, oops. The mum is making all sorts of odd requests and of course i will be getting an additional cot at the weekend.

Sorry - think we were composing our posts at the same time (and I'm just the slower at typing.) :blush:

11-04-2013, 09:12 AM
Sorry - think we were composing our posts at the same time (and I'm just the slower at typing.) :blush:

No worries :-)

11-04-2013, 10:19 AM
Parents I work for supply nappies, creams, wipes and suncream. I provide everything else and am currently tripping over 3 highchairs and 3 travel cots! It does take time to build up the equipment but, if you look after it well, it does last years and all purchases can be claimed back against your income :thumbsup:

After a while you will stop seeing parent's 'strange' requests as strange - they are almost to be expected! :laughing:

11-04-2013, 10:26 AM
I know what you mean lol. I have two boosters at my table, a highchair, two pushchairs, six car seats the list goes on.

I just wish the mum had spoken to me rither before lo's started or at any other time rather than at 8am at drop off. Never mind lol

11-04-2013, 10:48 AM
I would make sure I had adequate sleeping equipment. If one is older can they not sleep on a sleeping mat on the floor with a sheet and blanket. This is what we used to do at nursery.

11-04-2013, 10:50 AM
I would make sure I had adequate sleeping equipment. If one is older can they not sleep on a sleeping mat on the floor with a sheet and blanket. This is what we used to do at nursery.

Unfortunately he needs a cot if he is to be upstairs as he is a cheeky little monkey who would be into everything given the opportunity.

It isnt too big a deal lol. I was just very grumpy lol

11-04-2013, 10:53 AM
Glad you are feeling better about it all :)

11-04-2013, 10:54 AM
Glad you are feeling better about it all :)

Thanks CLL. I think today was one of those that i should have got back into bed lol

11-04-2013, 11:08 AM
I wish there was a like button on this forum x

11-04-2013, 11:17 AM
I wish there was a like button on this forum x

There is Carolc. When you use a pc. Just im on my phone while lo's are eating lol

11-04-2013, 11:21 AM
Oh I'm on my phone too lol x

11-04-2013, 11:28 AM
Oh I'm on my phone too lol x

The lo's have asked to watch some videos while they eat their lunch so im having a little rest lol. Or so i thought till one tipped his bowl on to his head lol. Hes almost two, took me a little by surprise lol

Dilly Daydream
11-04-2013, 11:33 AM
I provide a travel cot for sleeping but my 2 little ones who have naps here prefer to sleep in a pushchair?! They don't at home just something they have taken to doing whilst here. Parents are happy with that, so am I travel cot is a pain to put up and down and I don't have space to keep it up all of the time x x

jackie 7
11-04-2013, 11:52 AM
Look on thr kiddie craft web site. I got a good travel cot there snd not too expensive.

11-04-2013, 12:05 PM
Look on thr kiddie craft web site. I got a good travel cot there snd not too expensive.

Thanks Jackie. I looked at kiddicare very quickly this morning and they start at £30 there so tonight i will shop around. Or maybe try my luck at the car boot at the weekend. With the supermarkets as a back up if that fails.