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View Full Version : Funded place for baby?

Miss Pickle
08-04-2013, 11:00 AM
Hello, I'm recently registered and mind two children under 18 months and both are part week. I have had an enquiry for a baby, will be 14months by then, to start in Sept full time but the parent says her childcare is funded. I thought funding was for two years up. Do I need to do anything extra as childminder to take on her baby? Does any one have any advice?


08-04-2013, 01:32 PM
I too didn't think you could have a funded place for an under 2 and even then only if they fit certain criteria. It could be that they are having the childcare paid for by college or somewhere similar I would ask the question of the parent. You don't want to find you don't get paid.

Good luck

Sam x

Nicola Carlyle
08-04-2013, 01:35 PM
It could be that childcare us being payed for her by college/uni or something. Just ask though. There is no harm in clarifying what she means.

08-04-2013, 01:37 PM
You need to find out who is funding the childcare.

08-04-2013, 02:00 PM
If she is going to college/Uni she may only want you for the time she is there and not holidays. I would get all the details from her first as well as who is going to pay for the care, will it be direct to you? Will it be in arrears like many funded places? And if so if she doesn't stick to the rules regarding funding will it still be paid? Or she may just mean she will receive tax credits! Best to ask :)

08-04-2013, 02:27 PM
If the childcare is funded by college BE CAREFUL! I do a college placement BIG mistake, was a mum that I minded her children when she used to work, they pay in arrears will not pay a retainer in holidays and tried to say that if she is ill they won't pay, they've not paid a deposit or the registration fee I charge for all of the paperwork, until I got quite shirty about it, they will now pay if she is off with a fight each time, there are always invoices outstanding :( check everything out first and get a named contact at the college get them looking at your terms and conditions etc!

08-04-2013, 04:00 PM
I had a parent who was in college and a company called Care to Learn paid childcare fees direct to me. The company was a NIGHTMARE. They kept sending the parent the wrong forms to fill in, then she had to get tutors to sign it ( which took her ages to do). Then half way thru year she changed courses, even tho hrs were same, care to learn had to reassess it. Then they never paid on time and would pay double the next month. They always had an excuse...(as i ended up dealing with them direct). And they could never give me a date that i would be paid. All in all i would never use them again. Plus the college was trying to get her to send x to college nursery and she didnt want to so think that aas someyhing to do with it.