View Full Version : Learning Journeys - links to FREE help and advice

07-04-2013, 10:20 AM
There is lots of FREE information available via the Childminding Forum and on other websites to help you put together your Learning Journey files.

It is up to you to decide what type of file you want to use for children’s learning and development records - loose leaf, pre-printed, photo album, scrap book etc.

The most important things are that the files are up-to-date (so you can spot any concerns quickly), easy to complete (so you don’t get behind) and clearly show that the child is making progress.

Each child’s Learning Journey file should be unique, showing what the child knows, can do, enjoys, feels etc and focussing on their individual interests and learning styles (characteristics).

Learning Journeys might include -

Personalised cover

We encourage the child to make a personalised cover for their file - maybe a picture or photo chosen by the child. If parents do not what their child’s photos in Learning Journeys then we ask the child to draw us a picture (of themselves if they are old enough) instead.

Information for parents

It is a requirement of the EYFS to inform parents about the EYFS, how it is used in the provision and how they can find out more information if they are interested.

We include an information page about the Learning Journey to welcome parents to the their child’s Learning Journey, chat about its purpose, introduce the 7 areas of Learning and Development, the Characteristics etc and asking for their involvement - because they know their child best.

EYFS for parents guide - Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 2012 | Foundation Years (http://www.foundationyears.org.uk/early-years-foundation-stage-2012/)

About the 7 areas of learning for parents -

EYFS areas of Learning & Development :: Eyfs for Childminders (http://eyfsforchildminders.webnode.com/eyfs-areas-of-learning-development/)

7 areas of learning (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/7areasoflearning.html)

All about me - initial child information form completed by parents.

All About Me (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/allaboutme.html)

EY Passport template (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/eypassporttemplate.html)

List of annual celebrations and festivals

Planning (over 3s) so parents can see the type of activities and experiences their child will be having. We make it clear that we follow a child-led curriculum and might not do the activities we have planned if the children would prefer to take their learning in other directions.

There is a sample annual planning calendar available for gold members of Babysitters, Childminders, Nannies, Nanny Jobs, Private Tutors - Childcare.co.uk (http://www.childcare.co.uk)

Information about learning through play -

learning through play (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/learningthroughplay.html)

Settling in notes -

We make brief notes about how the child is settling during the first days with us. We discuss them with parents and, if there are any problems, work on them together.

Resources list to share with parents to support home involvement -

Resources for EYFS 2012 (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/resourcesforeyfs.html)

Child’s individual routine

The EYFS 2012 says the child’s routine must be shared with parents. I include a few notes about the child’s ‘activities and experiences’ in the routine to cover that requirement at the same time.

Advice about other information you must share with parents about the EYFS -


Starting points information

We cannot note how much progress a child is making if we do not know where they started. Our starting points notes are linked to the child’s Development Matters tracker which shows the ages and stages information and whether a child is working towards or has achieved at each age and stage of learning.

Starting points info is written with parents and their input is regularly requested to find out what their child is doing at home.

Starting Points (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/startingpoints.html)

Information about how to ensure you are showing evidence of children making good progress -

Making Good Progress (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/makinggoodprogress.html)

Learning characteristics -

Each child has a characteristics sheet. At Knutsford Childminding, the characteristics of effective learning observations are noted over 6 months because the characteristics are not going to change massively over time - they are about the child’s personality, interests and how the child learns rather than noting the child’s progress.

You might choose to note characteristics with every observation or over a shorter or longer period of time.

The Characteristics of Effective Learning (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/characteristicsofeffectivelearning.html)

Focussed observations -

Every so often - maybe as a result of the summary assessment or because I realise I haven’t observed something for a while - I set up some planned experiences and carry out a couple of longer, focussed observations.

These include information about what the child is doing / saying; what the child is learning; how this links to the EYFS; ideas for next steps in the child’s learning journey.

Learning Stories (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/learningstories.html)

It is not a requirement to write 'focussed' or longer observations. I do them because they help me monitor the child's ongoing learning and development.

OTHER DOCUMENTS which might be useful include -

Play plans -


Summary assessments -

Every 6 months - birthday and then 6 monthly so I don't have to do too many at once - I look at how each child is progressing using a Development Matters tracker.

This is not a requirement - I choose to do it so I can quickly spot if a child is making / not making good progress or if there are any areas of learning which are causing concern.

At review time I do a new 'all about me now' sheet with parents asking some questions about home learning and interests / things they enjoy / do not enjoy eg what is their favourite book? Where do they like to play? What is their favourite game?

Observation tracker sheets -

Tracking Observations and Planning (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/trackingobservationsandplanning.html)

Themes of the EYFS links -

I also include notes about how the child’s learning might be enhanced by using the Themes of the EYFS - positive relationships and enabling environments.

Themes of the EYFS 2012 (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/themesandcommitmentsEYFS.html)

Themes and commitments of the EYFS 2012 (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/eyfsthemesandcommitments.html)

EYFS - the themes :: Eyfs for Childminders (http://eyfsforchildminders.webnode.com/eyfs-the-themes/)

2 year progress check (if relevant) -

It might be useful to write a sample progress check for your file - if you do not have any children in the appropriate age range. This will show Ofsted that you are committed to enhancing your professional development and know how to write the check.

Two year progress check (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/twoyearprogresschart.html)

Information from the Govt Foundation Years website -

EYFS Progress Check age 2 - 3 years (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/eyfsprogresscheckage2to3years.html)

Individual education plans -

If there is a concern noted about a child or if I work with other agencies to support a child’s learning and / or development I write an IEP (individual education plan) or ILP (individual learning plan) for them.

An excellent and well informed article from Teaching Expertise -

Individual Education Plans (IEPs): are they useful? (http://www.teachingexpertise.com/e-bulletins/individual-education-plans-ieps-are-they-useful-2191)

Transition form -

When a child leaves your provision you should round up their learning and development and prepare a document to pass on to their next setting.

Writing a Transition Document (http://www.childmindinghelp.co.uk/freeresources/Free%20downloads/writingatransitiondocument.html)

MORE INFORMATION to add to Learning Journeys -

• Comments from children - and other contributions - I use speech bubbles quite a lot as the children seem to like them and know the bubbles contain their comments.

• Photos of the children - with parents written permission. I add notes talking about what the child was learning when the photo was taken... and photos contributed by parents of the child’s family and important people / animals / celebrations in their home life etc.

• Pictures of the children’s work, models, mark making, favourite play places etc.

• Comments from parents including ‘wow’ style ‘I have achieved at home’ notes.

• Comments from other settings - notes from the child’s key worker at other settings the child attends (if relevant). If the key worker will not share information I look at notice boards and ask the child what they have done and include that information in their Learning Journey.

• Positive notes to show that the child is achieving new things eg we often go back to an observation and note that the child has developed a new skill or done something at home which links to the activity or experience we first observed.

• ‘Just spotted’ notes - little snippets of things that have happened during the day.

My Learning Journey files belong to the children and they have huge input into what is included. Even little ones are involved in choosing photos, printing using a Pogo printer and adding comments. They are set out in date order - from cover sheet, all about me and settling in notes onwards.

All my children are part timers so my observations, assessments and individual planning reflects that - if they were full time I would maybe do a little more.

Development Matters and disabled children

These FREE Development Journals from NCB are closely linked to Development Matters but they have been re-written specifically to help you meet the needs of children who are disabled -

Resources | Council for Disabled Children (http://councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk/what-we-do/networks-campaigning/early-support/resources) *new link 12.2014*

If I have missed anything or you want further clarification, please let me know :D

07-04-2013, 07:35 PM
Thank you so much Sarah for your time and hard work putting these reference threads together :thumbsup:

07-04-2013, 10:37 PM
Brilliant! Thank you so much :thumbsup:

08-04-2013, 06:28 AM
Thank you for this, very helpful :)

09-04-2013, 05:47 AM
Oooh thanks again Sarah

13-04-2013, 10:35 AM
Sarah i dont know how you manage to find the time to do all of the work you do. But I am eternally greatful that you do, as they have helped me emormously. So thank you sooo much. :D

22-04-2013, 06:52 AM
A childminder colleague has pointed out these free LJs which she uses and says are very helpful and easy to follow -

Suffolk Learning (http://www.suffolklearning.co.uk/3-11-learning-teaching/early-years/early-years-foundation-stage)


22-04-2013, 06:55 AM
I have been asked to include an updated copy of my play plan on this thread so it can be easily found.

I will ask Richard to put it in free resources as well because I have made some changes since the original play plan I wrote last year... it is very important that you continually update your ways of working, changing and tweaking things to reflect your experience and ways of working...

Then, of course, you should include what you have done in your self evaluation / Ofsted SEF :D

13-05-2013, 01:34 PM
and again thank you x