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View Full Version : Sending photo book home. What do you think?

04-04-2013, 09:50 PM
I am making a photo book/album of the children I look after. It'll have photos of each child & a little written bit about them, eg. this is X. He likes playing with the building blocks. There are also photos of the children playing, eg. Here are A & B playing with sand.

The idea is the book is left here for the children to look at whenever they want to.

What if I wanted to send it home with each child in turn? I'd like the children to be able to share it with their families, to talk about what's going on in the pictures etc. I know all the parents I have would be happy for me to share the photos, but is it something I could do? I think we get so hung up on confidentiality & photo sharing that it's hard to know what's acceptable & what isn't.

04-04-2013, 10:12 PM
I think it's a lovely idea and really no different from group photos in children's learning journeys. As long as parents are happy for this then I don't see a problem.

You could send out a letter first explaining what you are doing and asking for parents feedback - you could keep the replies as evidence for Ofsted.

I'd also put a slip in the book so that parents/children can add their comments when they've looked at the photo book.

Miffy xx

04-04-2013, 10:30 PM
I think it's a lovely idea too

I agree with Miffy get permission etc ..cover your back

Most of my parents see all the children at pick up time etc I really can't see it being any different in seein pictures

Angel xx

05-04-2013, 03:37 AM
Great idea. So nice for parents especially if they don't see the other children at pick up or drop off.

05-04-2013, 05:10 AM
I think it's a fab idea too, and you're right- we DO get hung up on rules and regs and it shows we worry too much over sending an innocent photo book home. But we have to cover our backs so I'd get a slip for them to sign 1st saying they're happy for their child's photo to leave your setting just in case xx

05-04-2013, 06:06 AM
Great idea! Maybe on the permission slip remind them also that they must not copy the photos. I find that next to photographs it is nice to write a phrase that the child/ren have said in their own words. When my son looks back at his he laughs.

05-04-2013, 07:44 AM
sounds lovely idea.

Agree about the slip, maybe also get a library log for yourself so the parents sign it out? That way if Ofsted came out you can also show more evidence, and if they don't make any comments you still can show how your working in partnership?

blue bear
05-04-2013, 07:56 AM
I have a book borrowing thing here, children borrow books, I log what they borrowed and write comments from them and parents on the log. We make books from photos and these are borrowed along with bought books, never had a problem apart from them not always coming back and having to chase.

05-04-2013, 08:09 AM
I have a book borrowing thing here, children borrow books, I log what they borrowed and write comments from them and parents on the log. We make books from photos and these are borrowed along with bought books, never had a problem apart from them not always coming back and having to chase.

I like this idea too x