View Full Version : Inspection today - Got Good with Lots of Outstanding Points: here's what came up

lollipop kid
26-03-2013, 07:51 PM
Hello all,

I promised to post an update once my inspection had happened, so here goes:

Firstly, I had the same inspector that I had last time round, so I was really nervous, as last time I accidentally knocked a cup of tea into her laptop just after she'd given me a satisfactory grade. Total accident (her cup was in front of the cupboard where I keep my nappy cream, with laptop below - accident waiting to happen, really!)

Anyway, she came and was absolutely lovely. It was quite nice that she had done my last inspection, as she could see first hand how much effort I had put in since last time round. (I didn't make her a cup of tea this time, though! I was so nervous that I forgot completely, and feel quite bad, now.)

Anyway, the little boy (age 26 months) that I had with me was an absolute angel (he usually is). Once the nerves were out of the way, I just relaxed and got on with interacting with my mindee, and we had a great time in the garden looking at icicles, and playing in what's left of the snow with a toy lawnmower, while the inspector sat with her back to us at her laptop. I didn't think she would have been able to pick up on anything we were doing, but she did, so that was great.

She asked to see what resources I have for showing different cultures - e.g. wok, chopsticks (I have both and the chopsticks are child-friendly ones, so big tick there); map and images of other cultures - I got mine from a Google search of "Indian culture for kids"; "African culture for kids"; and "Mexican culture for kids" last night: (only print the first page if you use these). I just stuck the whole A4 page onto the relevant side of my map and that was great. I put a globe on a low table that you can fly (bit of ICT), so it may have helped.

I was also able to show images that counter gender stereotyping - I used "Cops and Robbers", as it shows a female policewoman. Then I showed her a little book called "Building Site", which shows a female joiner and painter. So that ticked those boxes.

She also liked the fact that I have a book about washing hands; and one called "I can flush" to help with toilet training.

Towards the end of my inspection, she asked if I had any resources to show positive images of disability. I couldn't honestly think of any, so I said No - then 5 minutes after she left, I found a book on my shelf called "Hospital - Talking it through", which might have been perfect as it shows lots of ill children in a very positive way. (E.g. a little boy who is recovering after having Chemotherapy, who is looking forward to going home soon as he's feeling much better.) I did have a book about the Paralympics, but tidied that away ages ago - doh! - so couldn't put my hands on it when I needed it.

Another improvement point was to include information about activities using paint or dough for mark-making. The little boy I have can't be persuaded to go to the craft table at playgroup. I have one photo of him sticking and getting messy, but I couldn't find it. I'm putting these on here just in case anyone else has an inspection coming up so they don't get caught out with these ones!

She read the two year review that I've done for my mindee, and she said that she really felt that she knew him from reading it, so that was brilliant. She also loved the fact that I had references from parents (thanks to all at the forum for suggesting this!); questionnaires from parents plus a well-maintained attendance register (all parent signatures present and correct). She also said that she would be shocked if I don't get Outstanding at my next inspection, as I'm so close to it now - but I'm happy with Good and can't wait to see the report now.

I told my parents and they were all really pleased.

Thanks for reading - hope my experience helps. I had thought of everything apart from the "Politically Correct" stuff (I've always been a bit rubbish at that), so if your inspection is coming up, have something up your sleeves for these bits.

Now very relieved that I can change my "Satisfactory" to "Good"



26-03-2013, 07:54 PM
well done you :clapping:

And even more so for taking the time to share all this with us, thank you, it is really helpful.:clapping::clapping:

26-03-2013, 07:55 PM
well done and thanks for your feedback!:clapping::clapping::clapping:

now get your inspection grade changed at the side...:laughing:

wibble the pleased! x

26-03-2013, 07:55 PM
Well done, thanks for the feedback. I had mine last week and got good as well which I'm happy with!

lollipop kid
26-03-2013, 08:12 PM
Hi, I forgot to add that I also have 4 reception-age children on my roll. I had done loads of EYFS stuff on them (profiles, working closely with the school, etc.), but she didn't want to see any of this stuff. She was only interested in the Early Years child I have.

So thought I'd flag this as a pointer if you also have a few reception-age children on roll, as I did lots of work which, although I enjoyed doing it, it didn't count at the inspection.

All the best,


26-03-2013, 08:22 PM
Well done :clapping::clapping:

26-03-2013, 08:47 PM
Congratulations on your very positive inspection result.


Miffy xx

blue bear
26-03-2013, 09:02 PM
Thank you, fab feed back really useful and well done :clapping:

hectors house
26-03-2013, 09:09 PM
Well done and thanks for the feedback - can I ask where you got your children friendly chopsticks from please? My daughter has some plastic ones that are joined at the top, but when we tried to eat noodles with them for chinese new year they just snapped! Thanks for sharing where you got your pictures of different cultures from, will have a look.

26-03-2013, 09:11 PM
That's great news, well done and good tips for my over due inspection


26-03-2013, 09:33 PM
Well down. sounds like you have worked really hard to get your good

26-03-2013, 09:41 PM
Well done and thanks for the feedback :clapping:

26-03-2013, 11:02 PM
Well done! Hope you can relax a bit now!

Nicola Carlyle
26-03-2013, 11:35 PM
Well done you. Love reading feedback from everyone. Thanks for sharing.

christine e
27-03-2013, 06:45 AM
:clapping::clapping::so happy::so happy::cheerleader::cheerleader::clapping::clappin g:

lollipop kid
27-03-2013, 07:49 AM
Well done and thanks for the feedback - can I ask where you got your children friendly chopsticks from please? My daughter has some plastic ones that are joined at the top, but when we tried to eat noodles with them for chinese new year they just snapped! Thanks for sharing where you got your pictures of different cultures from, will have a look.

Hello again. I got them from Aldi. They are plastic and joined at the top as well, but I've found them quite robust. There are 6 in the box: "Easy Chopsticks" (Asia Specialities)
The box is decorated with Chinese culture symbols - i.e. words, dragon, plate of noodles with chopsticks, and a close-up of a temple Goddess. Look out for the Aldi specials - they did these around the time of Chinese New Year.

All the best,


28-03-2013, 08:38 AM
A big well done lolipop kid, thank you for the tips too, they are very much appreciated :-)

28-03-2013, 12:31 PM
Well done!! Thanks for all the feedback info, it really helps.
I think I might be looking on Amazon for your books, I have one called 'Man's work' which is role reversal with Dad doing all the cooking, cleaning etc. I want to get some more and your sound nice.
Thanks again.

28-03-2013, 01:49 PM
Well done and thanks for the great feedback. Feet up now and relax :clapping:

28-03-2013, 08:07 PM
Thank you for sharing and well done!!

28-03-2013, 08:24 PM
Thank you so much for your brilliant feedback - and congratulations! :clapping:

Helen Dempster
31-03-2013, 08:28 PM
Well done honey - you should be very pleased with yourself! :clapping:

31-03-2013, 09:00 PM
Brilliant well done you :) x

02-04-2013, 12:53 PM
congratulations , thanks for the tips

02-04-2013, 01:27 PM
Well done and thanks for the feedback. I'm making notes for my impending inspection! :D

13-04-2013, 06:48 PM
Thak you for sharing this, its extremely useful to have an idea of what they are looking for. And well done on your good grade. :clapping:

27-04-2013, 03:22 PM
Thanks for sharing, great to read for someone like me who is waiting for their inspection x

27-04-2013, 06:16 PM
Well done!! Thanks for all the feedback info, it really helps.
I think I might be looking on Amazon for your books, I have one called 'Man's work' which is role reversal with Dad doing all the cooking, cleaning etc. I want to get some more and your sound nice.
Thanks again.

Topsy and tim meet the firefighters has a lady firefighter