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View Full Version : Messy play groups

18-03-2013, 12:52 PM
Where I live there's not many activities groups due to cutbacks. I was thinking of starting up a messy play group just wondered if any other cm does this?

18-03-2013, 12:58 PM
Ooh I shall be watching this thread too as have been thinking the same...

18-03-2013, 01:52 PM
Not exactly, but myself and 2 other cms run a weekly toddler group. We always do a craft or messy play activity. We run the group in the local church hall and do activities that no one wants to do in their home lol. It is very successful. We have around 25 kids each session. We provide drinks and snacks, tea and coffee etc and loads of free play too. £1 per child 50 p for second and third etc.

18-03-2013, 01:53 PM
We had one start up round here and then it went pear shaped. I struggled with the venue actually and accessing it and mindie didnt want to settle and do the messy stuff she wanted to escape out the door which was straight onto a really really busy junction....I was extremely stressed :panic:

But if the venue had have been different I would have presevered and hopefully we would have started to enjoy it

18-03-2013, 01:54 PM
I've just set one up in my town for local cms at the childrens centre! Each week we do a question of the week for cms so this week will be used for a cardboard box, hopefully idea sharing and then we have a structured messy activity and then I email the cms that attended which areas of learning the activity has covered with things to look out for along with lots of things for free play! My first one last week and we did cake decorating! This week we will be doing Easter cards :)

19-03-2013, 04:21 PM
I was thinkin of an hr session of messy activities like u say people don't want to do these at home. How do you organise this in your accounts? Do you include costs in your childminding accounts or is it a separate thing all together??

19-03-2013, 05:34 PM
I ran my own messy play business last last year once a week, term time only, along side craft activities for older children!

Although it made a loss during the term (due to cost involved with set up and room hire) I am confident that when it returns in september it will be profitable.

I didn't continue due to the fact my daughter starts school in september and I wanted to spend quality time with her before she starts. (I don't childmind on fridays)

Parents really enjoy the fact that the mess isn't at home and make the most of it.

I worked with an assistant and we generally had half an hour set up, 1 hour session and about 1 hour cleaning! Not to mention washing of equipment and tarpaulins at home lol!

It needs to be registered separately as another business and needs relevent insurances too. A lot of halls won't let you use their facilities without providing this due to the nature of the business.

Its just as rewarding as childminding as its great to see little ones who at first refused to participate and then by the end of the half term are knee deep in gloop!

Let me know if I can help!

Have a look on my Facebook page of you want ideas :) Jumping Jack Splats

Good luck!