View Full Version : Ofsted inspectors CRB!

Nicola Carlyle
15-03-2013, 09:15 PM
Hi everyone.

I just wanted to see what everyone's opinion was on this matter or if someone could put it I to clear boundaries for me.

I'm due my first graded inspection anytime I. The next few weeks. I know that if anyone who is regularly in my house must be crb checked which is absolutely fine. I have a cleaner who comes in 2 hours a week (l know I'm very lucky to have her) and she is crb checked to the hills and back and is currently at uni doing a social work course. She doesn't have a crb check linked to my business but I have seen hers and have a copy of it.

My question is that when ofsted come out to carry out our inspections and our mindees are running from room to room and at times will be in the same room as the ofsted inspector unaccompanied by us (for example when making lunch) how does their crb check cover them any different to the cleaners or do I need to drop everything and go into the sane room as my mindees?

I feel this is a very grey area and I'm hoping someone can shed some light on the matter.

Thanks guys. X

15-03-2013, 09:26 PM
Your cleaner may have a CRB check, but I assume she hasn't been specifically approved by Ofsted as a suitable person to be left alone with children?

The Ofsted inspector, on the otherhand, will be approved as a suitable person, so can be left alone with the children.

I have it written in my policy that children will not be left alone with visitors apart from other registered childminders, LA early years staff or Ofsted inspectors.

Nicola Carlyle
15-03-2013, 10:11 PM
My cleaner is never left alone with the children at all and yes she is crb checked through ofsted. If she's passing through then of course she talks to the children and is very chatty about what they are playing with etc but my point really is if you work in one childcare setting that is regulated by ofsted then as we all know our crb check does not carry with with us to another and a new one has to be applied for for each setting however an ofsted inspector seems to have the very same crb checks done but can carry it with them! It seems odd that theirs is valid for EVERY setting yet we have to re apply time and time again for every setting we go to. It seems to be one rule for them and one rule for us.