View Full Version : Clothes a size too small

13-03-2013, 09:48 AM
Hi, my mindee is just a little over 11months. His parents bring him in with clothes that are too small and sometimes dirty (not always). His socks are small and his shoes don't fit him. Yesterday I gave them a pair of my sons old shoes which fit him.

They are very particular with his food and how much he eats (I think they over feed him) as they keep asking me to top him up with food. He's a chunky boy as is heavy.

Just wondered if anyone else has had the same and any advice.


13-03-2013, 11:38 PM
Maybe mum sends him in his old clothes so it doesn't matter if he gets dirty. My children have sensitive skin so I use a mild non-biological washing powder - unfortunately its not very good at removing stains so their clothes often look grubby. I also use clothes that are slightly too small as long as they're not uncomfortable, I try to keep their decent clothes for when we will be actually leaving the house. I wouldn't worry too much about shoes if he's not walking he doesn't need them.

14-03-2013, 06:43 AM
I didnt like non biological washing when I had to use it with my son. Glad his skin improved very quickly as then I could use fabric conditioner as well.

14-03-2013, 06:47 AM
Have you mentioned it to the parents? Along the lines, 'he's growing so much lately!' Or something to that effect.

15-03-2013, 07:40 PM
Haven't mentioned it to parents. I understand that it's better to use old clothes I have a son of my own but I don't think it's right he's wearing clothes that don't fit. I understand clothes get stains it's normal. I know everyone is different. But I couldn't send my son to childminder like that.

16-03-2013, 04:59 AM
im pretty new to all this but not long done my safeguarding. im under the understaning this should be recorded in the incedent book. if it every did become a safeguarding issue then u need records and also u should bring up with parents it cud b a simple explaination.

16-03-2013, 06:48 PM
i had a bright intelligent mum with a large baby ...

she just couldn't/didn't get it that just because babe was 6-9mths, it didn't mean babe had to wear 6-9mth clothes! ... they were often 'snug'. it must have taken a year for her to get the hang of buying clothes that fit the child, rather than going by age/size!

my mindees often arrive in slightly grubby clothes - quite often with yesterdays dirt ... but in that we spend alot of time outside, it doesn't bother me! i have spare clothes for each child, so if i NEED them to look clean, i pop a new top on or something!

Gemma Smithson
16-03-2013, 07:06 PM
Maybe you could plan to so healthy eating activities with all the children inc keeping a daily log of what children are eating, that way when you show parents what you have been doing and ask them to fill in at home as well (parent participation!) then they may look at it themselves and think "he's eating a lot", could be one way of doing it rather than saying anything directly to them to start with. I've found some parents just sometimes need a bit if help to see what us in front if them ! Hope this helps

16-03-2013, 07:32 PM
Thanks for a the advice I appreciate it. He's 11months old and crawling around sometimes I find his too half way up his tummy. I end up taking his clothes off a d let him crawl around in rights and his vest. Will mention to dad next week. Thanks everyone