View Full Version : "fake" parents!

12-03-2013, 11:39 PM
Ok so I'm sorry for the rant, but seriously I'm so sick of other childminders calling me up for appointments to look around and asking me loads of questions and then even though I'm pretty sure they are not really wanting childcare I end up waiting in for them to turn up which they don't :-(
Why do some people do that? Prices are on my website if they want to compare, and yes I know it's other childminders as I google their email/mobile number and their provision comes up!
Tbh if someone really wants to check me out I will tell them what they want to know, just wish they were upfront and think its a bit below the belt to make fake appointments does anyone else get this? I'm really hoping its because I'm new and it will settle down soon. :-( just want a proper call now from a real parent !

13-03-2013, 03:10 AM
OMG, that is so freaky, I have never had it happen to me but if I did I would be very cross :angry:

Take the persons, name, address and telephone number, and you need to confront them, tell them you know who they are and stop being such a :censored:

What a creepy trick to pull, keep your chin up :thumbsup: you obviously have some 'bunny boilers' around your area who have nothing better to do.

:laughing: :laughing: message to the crazy nutters :laughing: :laughing:



13-03-2013, 06:52 AM
Next time someone rings tell them you dont give information about fees over the phone as you tailor each price to every different client :)

13-03-2013, 07:18 AM
Lol thanks guys just feel my locals are trying to bully me! Oh well I guess they must be worried :)

13-03-2013, 07:23 AM
There are way to avoid it and I guess by doing it on your terms and getting them round to chat rather than giving all your info over the phone might work.

Very frustrating for you though all that time wasted!

13-03-2013, 07:42 AM
That is horrid!

We had a spate of this happening recently in my area...lots of very upset childminders was the result.

So I pinned a post on our network Facebook page saying what was happening and it would be nicer if the folk involved would stop it now as it wasn't helping us especially when we were all up against the govt.

Not happened since

Wibble to the rescue x

13-03-2013, 07:48 AM
I booked an appointment once with a parent for the Weds, Tues go to toddlers and get introduced to said mum as a new childminder (she had a fairly unusual name) oh I said you are coming to see me tomorrow about a space, yes she said. When I got home I called to cancel the appointment. Now I wouldnt have minded if she had said she was new minder and could she come round for some help and advice but to pose as a parent got my goat up

13-03-2013, 07:48 AM
There are way to avoid it and I guess by doing it on your terms and getting them round to chat rather than giving all your info over the phone might work.

Very frustrating for you though all that time wasted!

Completely mis- read this. Sorry! That's what happen when I'm on here so early in the morning :laughing:

How horrible for you, and how awkward if you ever bump into them at groups!

hectors house
13-03-2013, 08:53 AM
That is terrible to get your hopes up that you have a real enquiry at last and find it is just people being nosy.

I like to look round show houses to get decorating ideas but have a friend who looks round people's houses that are up for sale just to be nosy - that is getting peoples hopes up, wasting peoples time having to stay in and tidy up house for nothing is the same as whats happening to you.

If you info is on childcare or FIS website I would refer to them to that for charges and say you will give them an information leaflet when they come to visit in person, you won't discuss on phone or put in the post.

13-03-2013, 08:55 AM
Lol thanks guys just feel my locals are trying to bully me! Oh well I guess they must be worried :)

Do you have a 'mentor' or someone from you LA you can talk to about this? It sounds very underhand. Why don't they just ring and ask to meet you as a professional I don't know :(

13-03-2013, 10:37 AM
We are still in pre reg, and where told not to give out any of our policies and procedures until the parents had signed a contract for child care. I thought this was a bit over the top but was told that many people are just taking the policies and copying them for their own needs as the cant be bothered to write their own. I still cant get my head around why they do that when so much help and advice is available on here and surely every setting is different.

13-03-2013, 11:16 AM
I can't believe people have the time to waste on setting up fake appointments but its worth remembering. I had someone not turn up for a meet and greet appointment last week, think its terrible. That's the last time I make a special effort to tidy up, next time take us as you find us attitude!

13-03-2013, 11:44 AM
Thats terrible i wouldn't have the cheek to do that. I've had a few local childminders looking at me on childcare.co.uk wouldn't mind if they contacted me to meet up but i never look at their profile.

13-03-2013, 12:05 PM
Awful practice I can't believe it!

Yet some childminders might actually need childcare for a day or two for their own children, and might not feel comfortable saying straight away that they too are childminders... Although it would probably be wiser to say so! :D

13-03-2013, 12:09 PM
Awful practice I can't believe it!

Yet some childminders might actually need childcare for a day or two for their own children, and might not feel comfortable saying straight away that they too are childminders... Although it would probably be wiser to say so! :D

Yep you're quite right here. Im a cm who uses a Cm for my daughter - however ive never hidden the fact im a Cm from her and we spend most days together with our mindees. (not my DD as she is at school)

13-03-2013, 12:32 PM
Awww guys thanks for the support :-) I guess it would have bothered me other than I had 3 in a row do it!
I may actually go to a local club where they meet and name and shame them hehe don't really have the balls though!
Glad to see others think its out of order and it's not just me!

13-03-2013, 12:39 PM
That's weird! Just forget about it and plod on! X

Sent from my iPhone using Childminding Forum

20-03-2013, 02:39 PM
A childminder asked me back on October, for lots of information, but I had seen her name bouncing around so asked her out straight:laughing:

funny enough this year she has come out of the wood work and asks! bless, maybe they just don't know where to go for help? I know here unless you research you wouldn;t know!