View Full Version : Tv or no tv, that is the question?!

10-03-2013, 08:05 AM
Just wondering if any childminders let the kids watch tv? I've up until now had a no tv policy unless I pop on the nursery rhymes DVD but even then they seem to get more out of a singing session without the tv. Thing is at the end I a session when they're tired it may be useful to wind them down after books etc. opinion?

10-03-2013, 08:28 AM
We watch tv. not often and not for long, and obviously age appropriate. Peppa Pig is very popular here and you can link to other activities.

10-03-2013, 08:29 AM
I do at end of day of if they don't wanna play whilst I make lunch usually it fun song factory DVD or tweenies song time or something special on cbeebies!
I actally put one on when ofsted was here after morning play whilst I made lunch she loved it they where dancing and singing to her

I think in moderation and certain things to watch is no harm

10-03-2013, 08:29 AM
Yes we have the tv on sometimes, we all enjoy mr tumble and show me show me. I see it as a time for us to all watch something and we dance around etc and I think the programs are educational too the children love doing the sign language. I have 2 children for an hour after school and they like to watch horrid henry as they are the only 2 here I let them watch it, I dont see what is wrong with letting the children watch the tv as long as it is not all the time and the programs are suitable for their ages

10-03-2013, 08:30 AM
We watch tv sometimes - at the end of the day it is a babysitter while one of us deals with parents and the children look forward to the programmes.

We sometimes watch it in the afternoon as well for a short time if the children don't want to sleep - just to give us all a break.

It's a useful tool if used properly but do ask parents for their views and record their wishes :D

Daisy De
10-03-2013, 08:53 AM
Like everything i think TV is fine in moderation.

10-03-2013, 09:33 AM
Yes we usually have it on for a short time in the afternoon and the los often fall asleep , then it goes off

they like , show me show me , get well soon and mr bloom

and when the older children are here after school it goes on while I make dinner , they enjoy Tree fu tom , I love watching them copy the moves for the magic spells they really get into it

i dont see anything wrong with it in moderation , and age appropriate educational programmes

It can be a good way to get them up and moving

I also use the laptop to show them stories , this week we watched the gruffalo , then I based activities around the story

10-03-2013, 10:02 AM
We also have it on for a little while whilst I dish dinner out it seems to calm them down ready to sit at the table then most of mine go down for a nap after lunch. We usually end up with peppa pig on

10-03-2013, 10:36 AM
I do for very short periods, usually a distraction to keep the lo's out the kitchen when I have a hot pan on the stove. They hate having the child-gate closed, which is the other alternative.

I used to let them have a video immediately before pick-up time. This would calm them down ready for mummy's arrival, and was better than having them collected mid-way through an unfinished painting or craft project. Then I realised the mums saw the tv on every day and maybe thought that's all we did. :p

Don't really like TV. The only things the 'educational' programmes teach is "how to watch TV". So many lo's seem obsessed with TV characters: I wonder if they do anything else at home. :(

10-03-2013, 10:54 AM
We rarely watch tv but I don't have a rule that says we can't, usually they're just too busy doing other things to ask for it. Sometimes it goes on after school, I only have my own daughter and one 5 year old 2 days a week and they are so tired when they come in that its all they want to do. It goes on for 20 minutes if they want it and then they have tea and seem re-energised ready to do something else. Everything in moderation I say. I also have an Italian 2 year old who started about a 6 weeks ago. She speaks no English and has never been away from her mummy, she brings her Peppa Pig dvd which goes on sometimes if she gets upset - sometimes in English (to teach her) and sometimes in Italian (to teach me)!

10-03-2013, 10:56 AM
Like most others I used it a regularly but in moderation. While I prepare lunch and around collection time. We also have cinema time a couple of times a month where we might watch a Disney film together or something like The Gruffalo.

10-03-2013, 12:31 PM
I agree in moderation although two boys I look after I learnt about 2 weeks after they started don't have a tv at home. I would put the TV on as a chill down before Dad came to pick them up..It was causing huge problems for the youngest leaving... so now for those boys I don't.

10-03-2013, 12:46 PM
We do not have a tv downstairs, but on very wet or cold days or if one is feeling a little poorly we might watch something on cbeebies iplayer on the laptop.

10-03-2013, 07:35 PM
We watch about once a month on average. We watched the grinch at Christmas, for example, and the snowman when it snowed I think, and last week watched mickey mouse clubhouse with new mindee as its his favourite thing and I had a splitting headache so it gave me a break.

So whilst it isn't unheard of, it is a rarity.

10-03-2013, 07:45 PM
We watch tv pretty much every day but only for half an hour or so while I am sorting dinner or if my own 2 year old needs some calm time as he has just given up his nap and needs to sit and rest for a bit. We only watch educational programs too, Umizoomi is a favourite here at the minute.

10-03-2013, 08:16 PM
We very rarely have the tv on, maybe a winter movie occasionally, I don't think it's been on for at least 6 months now! Not because I don't allow it just usually doing other things, the big schoolies do play ther ds sometimes! First thing I do as soon as the last mindee leaves.... Put on the telly!!!

10-03-2013, 08:30 PM
we very rarely have it on but only because they dont ask for it,, I look after a little fella who dosent know how to play with toys without consant back ground noise because at home he has the tv on all day, at mine because its queiter he just sits and stares at the toys, go to a place where there is back ground noise like other children playing and he will play just fine, he dosent even need to play with other children, its quite strange but shows how if tv is used in the wrong way it can be harmful, he also watches power rangers, hes only 2yrs but has tried to copy some of the moves here and I wont let him, its to violent in my eyes for a 2yrold to be watching cause they dont know its pretend
anyway I dont see any harm in it being on for half hour every now and then

10-03-2013, 09:18 PM
my husband brought a massive TV and I havent put it on because I dont want to draw attention to it!!!! Used to watch Mr tumble with previous minded kids, I think i enjoyed it more than the kids! sometimes put the laptop on and look at diggers!!