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View Full Version : i've just ordered my joovy caboose triple ...!!!

09-03-2013, 01:49 PM
well i took the plunge and ordered a triple.I've been scanning the treads on here for a couple of month and this one popped up so i took a peak online and found it.£332 on amazon :( anyway ...i just found one on ebay ,new from a pram shop £250 inc postage ..so i bought it :)
I'll put my reveiw on here once ive given it a test drive,its kind of a double with the option of small seat /buggyboard allready built in.
i seem to be inundated with babies one started this week and one next week,already got 2 babies at the minute for a few hours here and there.. they're on seperate days but in a few weeks one turns 1 and will make more sense to put them on the same day(one of them needs one day but doesnt care which day and this will hopefully lead to 3 full days in june when mammys maternity leave ends)
but i aslo have a 20month who walks quite well but doesnt have much stamina,ok for school run as only 2 mins down the road ,but not good enough for a long walk so the little seat/buggy board looks great for him
ive a couple of steps leading up to my front door and found my phil n teds style double was a bit unstable getting up them .Also i have a narrow hallway and we need to be able to get past it as no storage space.
so fingers crossed i can push it ok.only 5ft 2 but quite strong :)

Joovy BigCaboose Triple Stroller for Newborn (Apple Tree): Amazon.co.uk: Baby (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Joovy-BigCaboose-Triple-Stroller-Newborn/dp/B008J25GTQ/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1362835900&sr=8-8)

09-03-2013, 02:57 PM
I was looking at this, but have no where to store when folded as i believe it folds quite large and also would not fit in the car, let me know how you get on with it :thumbsup:

18-03-2013, 06:19 PM
i've just started a new thread with my joovy review if anyone interested xxxx