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11-02-2013, 01:20 PM
Hi all,

I have done my long term medium term and short term plans and my observations. So where does assessment come into it? Do I do a general assessment on a termly basis and then get parents to fill in any feedback? Do any of you have a template for this I could see or samples?



23-02-2013, 07:35 PM
1. Assessment is part of each observation I do on a child. It's an assessment of what the child can do/has achieved and where to go next.

2. I have an evaluation/assessment at the bottom of each of my short term (Weekly) plans. I look at how well I think the week went, if there were any difficulties, what I learnt or how I could improve.

3. Then there's 'self assessment' which is ongoing as part of my reflective practitioner folder, containing courses attended, reflection on practice and reflective diary entries for everything else.

I assume the answer you were looking for relates to children and not yourself so ( hopefully) 1 or 2 answered your question. You've probably been doing it as part of your observations.

Oh I also have tracking sheets not for tick charts but for a quick guide for where a child is in relation to the different ages/stages of development. It's an aid when I find I'm not sure on appropriate next steps.

Sam x

09-03-2013, 10:48 AM
I include a box at the bottom of my obs sheet and state the age range in each of the areas I have observed.

Every 4 months, I provide parents with a summary for their child, which shows which age ranges we are working in across the 7 areas of learning.

09-03-2013, 02:41 PM
I'm liking the little box idea...may I steal?!