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View Full Version : Keeping on top of housework?

jax clinch
08-02-2013, 08:15 PM
How much housework do people do when minding? I'm getting to the stage where my upstairs looks like a bomb site and can't summon up the energy at night t get going on it!! I have got 4 children of my own so appreciate it's not going to immaculate but need some motivation from somewhere!!!

08-02-2013, 08:20 PM
How much housework do people do when minding? I'm getting to the stage where my upstairs looks like a bomb site and can't summon up the energy at night t get going on it!! I have got 4 children of my own so appreciate it's not going to immaculate but need some motivation from somewhere!!!

Completly my situation so will be watching for replies :-)

08-02-2013, 08:30 PM
It's so difficult isn't it! at the moment I've surviving by doing the 'fly lady' technique. she's on line if you haven't heard about her, she helps you set up a system to help organise yourself and the housework. It's worked quiet well with minding and having my own family. You don't have to follow it to the letter but helps break it up into smaller chunks and once you get into the rhythm everything gets done in the end! Be interested to see what everyone else says (:

08-02-2013, 08:41 PM
For me, organisation is the key. Everything has a home so it makes tidying up much easier. My own children (5 & 3) are quite good at tidying their own bedrooms but the majority of toys are downstairs anyway and have their own boxes. They go away each night.

Every morning PJ's get put under pillows and beds made. Diswasher unloaded and put away and reloaded with brekkie dishes (only takes 10 mins max as all my cupboards are accessible). Vacuum downstairs (we have a dog so I do daily). Do upstairs weekly usually once last mindee has gone.

I aim to do a load of washing each day and tumble dry underwear, kids PJ's etc. Everything else goes on the radiators in winter which is why I do small loads each day.

I always clear as I go in the kitchen.

This makes my house sound immaculate but it isn't! I also don't feel guilty about doing a bit of dusting while the mindees are playing. Or sorting clean washing into piles to be put away. But you should see my ironing pile at the moment :blush: and my laminate floor :eek:

08-02-2013, 09:08 PM
House work whats that then? Well thats what my dh says :laughing::laughing:as it rarely happens in this house :D

Decided as long as the house is cleanish thats good enough for me :thumbsup:

My dh used to be a clean freak but I can wear anyone down given long enough :D

08-02-2013, 09:22 PM
its hard work here too.i can sort of keep on top of downstairs but the bedrooms are a tip.I dont finish till half 6 or half 7 every night and its just too late to start emptyin bedrooms.i spend sunday morning ironing then i give everywhere a good clean just never get the bedrooms done :(

08-02-2013, 09:31 PM
I either do whole house on saturday or sunday, the rest of week just a quick whizz with the vac, and a clean of the kitchen each evening.

hectors house
08-02-2013, 09:55 PM
I don't know what the "fly lady technique" is but I have a couple of different strategies I use depending on time available - in morning I just do 5 mins tidying in each room and hoover rooms used for childminding (have dogs so hoover each day), sometimes I walk into a room and think what 3 things will make a difference. eg: bathroom - put bleach in loo and shut lid, wash basin, pick up & fold towels.

I or my husband (whoever is out last) always make the bed in the morning, I do dusting sometimes downstairs if mindees playing nicely - my house isn't tidy by any means but if I didn't do a bit each day I dread to think what it would look like by weekend. My husband does most of ironing at weekends - its the only housework he can do and still see the TV!

08-02-2013, 10:12 PM
Totally the same.
Downstairs is acceptable, even downstairs toilet is hygienic and gleaming (in my opinion)
Upstairs is a complete tip and family bathroom is unclean/scummy

When lo has a nap I run dry clothes upstairs and bring next load downstairs, change bedding and have a quick clean, but cannot turn hoover on or lo wakes up.

I read somewhere a quote like 'Tidying up is a bit like shovelling snow while it is still snowing'

Think I will take a look at 'fly lady'

08-02-2013, 11:24 PM
Don't forget that correctly supervised, and when/where appropriate, your minded children will so some housework role play whilst you actually do some light housework!if you are lucky enough to have room for some sort of home corner then brilliant, but if not - improvise! Children can have a duster and pretend to dust and tidy the toys, whilst you really do some polishing and dusting. Hoovering can be copied also. Needless to say you would not iron whilst you are minding, but the children can help you put clean socks on the radiator to dry, or clean towels into the tumble dryer. This is easily a numeracy and KUW exercise, how many? Which is bigger? What colour/pattern? Etc etc. and as long as you can hear the children, if you are lucky that they all sleep at the same time, quickly wipe round the bathroom/ sort laundry to wash/ tidy upstairs. Lets teach the children that housework is a part of life, in tiny, fun bursts (for them!). Doing little bits is acceptable esp if they are learning and having fun!

09-02-2013, 12:03 AM
:blush: I is a very lucky girl, I have cleaners :thumbsup:

jax clinch
09-02-2013, 07:15 AM
Thanks everyone. It's just reassuring in itself that I'm not the only one with a messy upstairs!!! My friends (who don't work) always seem to have immaculate houses. My children have to make their beds, open their curtains, put pyjamas/clothes in wash. I don't like spending a whole day cleaning at weekends because it's my time with my children so going to make a conscious effort to do a bit each day (I like idea of thinking which 3 things will make a difference and doing that). At the end of the day where the children spend their time is clean so I suppose that's the important thing!!!

09-02-2013, 07:30 AM
I struggle with this too and i have cleaners who come once a week. I find the upstairs is messy too but also struggle in the kitchen as i seem to always be in there either eating or craft activities. Now Rose swims on a Sunday i try to have Saturday morning for housework ready for the cleaners coming on a MOnday. When working i'll put washing in and generally tidy up when the children have free play but that's it.

09-02-2013, 07:52 AM
I struggle I have teenagers of my own, 2 cats and 6 mindees every day including after schoolies until 6.30pm, there is not enough time in the day to do housework too. I am getting better though at juggling it all. I do a quick clear up of the kitchen in the morning and fling the hoover around, sweep dining room floor, make sure loo and handwashing stuff is acceptable. After that upstairs is left to its own devices and every now and then I have a blitz, downstairs I do one thing a day when I have 5 minutes, it ticks us over without disintegrating into complete chaos.....we are very scruffy around the edges anyway and doing housework in the evenings after cooking dinner for us all when mindees have gone is a no no as I am exhausted. My dh does no housework and does not seem to notice that the house is filthy, messy etc - so v difficult but I just let it go. I don't own an ironing board so never do any ironing - no time or inclination!

09-02-2013, 09:18 AM
I try not to walk past something that's in the wrong place without moving it closer to where it should be...So clothes may not get put away, but they will end up in the right bedroom, then when I next get there they'll maybe get put away!

09-02-2013, 09:30 AM
Im lucky that the toys are stored in the conservatory so I roughly tidy them each night but put it all away on friday. I do the house upstairs and down on a sunday. Then vac and wipe floors during the week and tidy kitchen each day. I say my house is never tidy but it is clean.

09-02-2013, 09:44 AM
I started with Flylady years ago & then adapted it to suit me. I have to say my husband's a godsend. He most definitely pulls his weight with the housework. We have 11 mindees every day plus our 15 year old & 11 year old. We live in a 5 bedroomed house & work 7am - 7pm mon to fri. We're just managing to keep our heads above water. Couldn't do a day with no housework though or we'd immediately sink! Grrr! I hate housework!

09-02-2013, 10:07 AM
I struggle with this too - manage to keep on top of kitchen (clean up as go along) and bathrooms but find floors hard to keep on top of and stuff like windows, skirtings & cobwebs.

I'm seriously considering surrendering a bit if CM income each week to paying a cleaner, just to keep on top of it all.

09-02-2013, 11:14 AM
Glad lots of other people struggle with this aswell. I can generally manage to keep on top of downstairs but upstairs was turning into a nightmare. I try to do one job upstairs each night, no matter who small it is it stops it all mounting up x

09-02-2013, 11:24 AM
Love this thread!!! I struggle to keep on top of house work at weekend wi 3 kids at home ! Was wondering how I'd cope in week with mindees! Now i no I can just relax and except the fact that we will have a clean down stairs and an even messier upstairs :))) (till hubby gets me a cleaner )

09-02-2013, 11:45 AM
For my recent pre-reg prep I got my own two children to wipe down all the skirting boards, banisters, kick boards in kitchen and everything grubby or dusty at child height using Tescos Value baby wipes (don't like the idea of them using cleaning fluids). They did a fab job and I bought them comics to 'pay' them. Win Win!

09-02-2013, 12:02 PM
How much housework do people do when minding? I'm getting to the stage where my upstairs looks like a bomb site and can't summon up the energy at night t get going on it!! I have got 4 children of my own so appreciate it's not going to immaculate but need some motivation from somewhere!!!

This is pretty much my situation too!

09-02-2013, 12:47 PM
I am just the same - downstairs I keep on top of, except the paperwork on my dining table that never seems to go down, just gets moved around for us to eat a meal (I have a desk but that is full to bursting!). Hoover downstairs everyday, steam clean floors twice a week and after toilet accidents!

I have 4 LO's 4 days a week and 3 on the other day 7.45am-6pm, cook a hot meal for up to 7 children in the evening and am just pleased if I get all the dishes washed, dried and put away. Then it is on to our dinner, although DH will do this if he is home.

I have 3 teenagers and if I can see any floor in their bedrooms it is a bonus and I wish I had the energy to nag them to do their rooms.

Oh just one thing "what is dusting"??:D

09-02-2013, 01:52 PM
I'm just having a break from my cleaning :( it's like Groundhog Day , I used to have a show home before childminding , grr .... Back to the grindstone I go :(

09-02-2013, 03:06 PM
For my recent pre-reg prep I got my own two children to wipe down all the skirting boards, banisters, kick boards in kitchen and everything grubby or dusty at child height using Tescos Value baby wipes (don't like the idea of them using cleaning fluids). They did a fab job and I bought them comics to 'pay' them. Win Win!

This is brilliant im pre-reg too and 27 weeks pregnant with my 3rd, when I visit some friends I always wonder where I go wrong as my house is never as posh or tidy as there's. But then I remember I have children who actually move in my house and play and be children and not mini adults, they do clear away its not great but they try. I have my kids do this every few months with me pre birthdays summer holidays Christmas etc. Helps them understand what is needed to be done and they dont leave as many sticky finger prints once they have cleaned the walls

mrs robbie williams
09-02-2013, 03:41 PM
It's never ending isn't it. I've just tidied and put all toys back where they belong in dining room it's amazing what ends up lost under the sofa throughout the week! Tidied kitchen making curry in slow cooker accidentally spilt half a bottle of lenor all over work tops and floor so kitchen smells lovely lol. Tumble drying 3rd load of washing them got to put it all away, hoovered downstairs and dusted and cleaned and tidied bathroom, whatever happened to weekends off ?

09-02-2013, 03:49 PM
I have been sitting here for the last 3 hours debating whether or not to tidy - mm probably be still here later. Kids are playing and I really should motivate myself :laughing::laughing::laughing:

09-02-2013, 03:54 PM
I have just stopped for 2 minutes and having a quick cup of tea . That's all i have got earmarked for th weekend is cooking and cleaning whilst hubby is away working for a few days. It just seems that i am continuously moving things from room to room .
I have just sorted 3 baskets of washing to take down to the launderette (cheat they wash, dry and fold save me ironing ) hoovered upstairs and now going to polish have been to afraid b4 to move the dust incase someone astmatic lol ,when i go to launderette collect Chinese same time save doing supper then start my prepping ready for big bake off tomorrow .Thats it 2 minutes up time to go .

09-02-2013, 04:17 PM
I don't have a separate playroom so in the week I just tend to chuck everything back in the ikea storage each night, hoover round downstairs and put everything that belongs upstairs ON the stairs so DH and kids take stuff up with them...in theory:p Washing and pegging out,hoovering,washing up I do with mindees here.

This morning i've spent 2 hours hoovering upstairs,wet dusting up and down,cleaning bathroom etc,whilst shivering with flu whilst my hubby is at the footy and kids are alternating between bickering and watching tv still in PJ's.....i've decided that from next week ds and dd are now old enough to help with the housework for at least an hour each Saturday.....wait for the howls of outrage!:laughing:

09-02-2013, 04:37 PM
me too, with 7 kids of my own still at home ,all allergic to housework as is their dad lol, 2 dogs, 3 indoor bunnies and 1 indoor g.pig I tell everyone my hobby is cleaning cos that is all I seem to do with my spare time! I'm so glad I'm not alone, and thank you to everyone for sharing your timesaving tipsxxx

09-02-2013, 05:18 PM
My cleaner is a godsend - since I've been earning half decent money I pay £20 a week for her to change all the beds, clean kitchen and bathroom and wash floors, plus some dusting and vacuum through. I wouldn't be without her now!

09-02-2013, 05:37 PM
I was really struggling too, I hate cleaning so find it hard to get motivated anyway. I now pay someone for a couple of hours a week. She only cleans the rooms I use for childminding & I can class it as a business expense. Worth every penny :)

hectors house
09-02-2013, 06:12 PM
I looked up the "flylady" website - and I now have a clean and shiny sink - I probably should have done it after tea but never mind the thought was there! Tomorrow I will clean my sink whilst wearing shoes!! You will have to look up website to realize what the hell I am waffling on about.:D

09-02-2013, 06:57 PM
Well done Hectors House! I've taken bits from Flylady to suit me. I find clearing my hotspots is crucial too. Shiny sink....mmmm.... Better get on with it I think.

nikki thomson
09-02-2013, 08:59 PM
I love cleaning but it's finding the time, I'm sooooo OCD though, my mindees parents are always commenting how clean the house is and how do I do it with hoards of kids traipsing through the house constantly , but I do loads when lo is sleeping in the afternoon, he sleeps for at least 2 sometimes 3hrs so most gets done then.
I absolutely hate ironing and would gladly pay someone to do it for me.

hectors house
09-02-2013, 10:02 PM
Well done Hectors House! I've taken bits from Flylady to suit me. I find clearing my hotspots is crucial too. Shiny sink....mmmm.... Better get on with it I think.

my worse hotspot is filing away paperwork that comes in post - most bills (including credit cards) are set up to be paid automatically but corner of kitchen worktop is knee deep in statements etc - I'm always losing pieces of paper - the new log book came for my new car but at moment I don't know where it is:panic:

09-02-2013, 11:24 PM
It's so difficult isn't it! at the moment I've surviving by doing the 'fly lady' technique. she's on line if you haven't heard about her, she helps you set up a system to help organise yourself and the housework. It's worked quiet well with minding and having my own family. You don't have to follow it to the letter but helps break it up into smaller chunks and once you get into the rhythm everything gets done in the end! Be interested to see what everyone else says (:

I've never heard of the FlyLady so decided to google it. It seems very simple and has already helped me today. It's amazing what you can get done in 15 minutes. Sometimes i just don't know where to start and this is giving me some direction. Hope it lasts. Thank You

10-02-2013, 06:20 AM
Baby steps Crazysally. It's helped me no end.

10-02-2013, 12:30 PM
I look after the child of my cleaner a couple of days during the school holidays for no charge and she does a free hour or so cleaning each week! Has been working well like this for about a year or so

10-02-2013, 01:14 PM
After having a look i've signed up to the daily flylady emails....off to clean my sink now,let's see how the rest of it goes!

10-02-2013, 01:48 PM
Ohmy goodness, I was so close to starting a thread about how you keep on top of housework, so thank you ladies!!!!
I might however start a new thread on laundry tips...

I'm seriously considering surrendering a bit if CM income each week to paying a cleaner, just to keep on top of it all.

Sammy Splodger, only problem is I feel I would have to tidy up before the cleaner even got here:laughing:

Like most people have mentioned, the downstairs is tidier than the upstairs.

Had a look ate the flylady website too- fifteen minutes a day de-cluttring each room sounds great. The problem is I think in this day and age we have that much clutter in our homes don't we? I am currently sorting out toys that mindees don't play with to take to the charity shop. I used to ebay, but with postal charges ever increasing, I feel about better knowing it could be used for charitable purposes.

12-02-2013, 10:03 AM
Right...cleaned my sink (in my shoes) yesterday spotless....within 20 mins it was back to normal with cereals/tea/etc being put in by everyone else,also did a 15 minute blitz of a 'hotspot'-my back windowsill and again by bedtime all kids schoolbooks,crayons,sellotape were back on there...not quite sure I get how this works in the long term tbh!

jax clinch
12-02-2013, 10:32 AM
I know exactly how you feel migimoo!!! You get tidied and before you know it you are back to square one again!!!

12-02-2013, 10:34 AM
I love this thread...

...OH AND i WANT TO COME BACK AS A MAN NEXT TIME (apologies to any men on here)

12-02-2013, 11:25 AM
well ive signed up to flylady.it looks good in theory.first job ...clean your sink mmm i like the idea of putting your dirty dishes under the sink in a bowl but the cupboard under my sink is soooooo full of bottles of various things that i have bought to help me clean that there is no room for a bowl ...so i didnt clean my sink

12-02-2013, 02:39 PM
I'm going to have a look at this FlyLady thing.

We will have to start a daily reminder thread 'HAVE YOU CLEANED YOUR SINK TODAY?' :laughing:

12-02-2013, 05:17 PM
Hahaha! This is true Ruth. A word of warning though: make your own cleaning journal then unsubscribe from the emails once you've got the gist of it. They pile into your inbox thick and fast & you'll very soon be sick of them!

13-02-2013, 05:13 PM
Hahaha! This is true Ruth. A word of warning though: make your own cleaning journal then unsubscribe from the emails once you've got the gist of it. They pile into your inbox thick and fast & you'll very soon be sick of them!

I second that, follow her on Facebook now, and the emails snuck back in last week cos they wanted me to know they had changed the design of their newsletter so had to unsubscribe again! I was getting 10-12 a day at one point!

13-02-2013, 06:27 PM
On the same subject (sort of) When I first started childminding I bumped into a lady who's children I used to look after in my previous job.....happily chatting away to her about what I was up to now and she came out with this blinder....

"oooh,I might look into doing that you know...working full time I just never have time to do my housework,shopping and odd jobs like you must be able to!":angry:

Didn't know whether to roll on the floor howling with laughter or slap her....my house has never been so messy and my life so disorganised:laughing:

13-02-2013, 06:50 PM
It's so difficult isn't it! at the moment I've surviving by doing the 'fly lady' technique. she's on line if you haven't heard about her, she helps you set up a system to help organise yourself and the housework. It's worked quiet well with minding and having my own family. You don't have to follow it to the letter but helps break it up into smaller chunks and once you get into the rhythm everything gets done in the end! Be interested to see what everyone else says (:

I looked this up...
I'm confused

13-02-2013, 09:19 PM
Looked up Flylady.net yesterday and cleaned my sink before going to bed last night and this morning my kitchen seemed bigger and cleaner!! the fly lady says a shiny sink is like her giving me a hug! aw
Today I wore my converse around the house and did cleaning in 15 minutes bursts (set my iphone timer) and believe that I could continue doing this when I am back working again next week (half term this week so not working)
I have 10 emails from fly lady in my inbox and will take a look at those tomorrow.

Anyone else took a look at the website yet? what is your first impression?

13-02-2013, 09:33 PM
A clean sink :) always have a clean sink .. I just want the housework to be done by 7pm on a Friday so I get my weekends back. :)

Gemma Smithson
13-02-2013, 10:02 PM
I also clean as I go! Have 3 children of my own ages 9, 5 and 3 and all are quite good at putting toys away in own rooms in a morning, they all pull their quilts back for beds to air and then I make them once little ones are asleep in afternoon! We also have a dog do hoovering downstairs daily is a must but I have one of those small rechargeable vacs which the pre school age children love so much they have set days to Hoover round table after lunch! Toys in playroom have their own labelled boxes and all children are encouraged to put away what they have played with when they've finished with them and as for washing the kids fight over matching the socks up! The lo love pulling the washing out the machine into the basket or putting it in the tumble dryer! I incorporate preparing our family eve meal into my planning where I can eg sit at table peeling veg during snack time and talk to lo about the veg colour etc! I often end up peeling more carrots as they ask for them as part of their snack! Anytime they are asleep I whizz round doing jobs like finishing preparing tea, making pack ups, cleaning bathroom, bit of ironing, updating learning journsls/diaries etc. this might mean I don't stop all day but at least most nights I'm done and cleared up and sat down by 8pm and go to bed just after 9pm ready for my 7am start!

13-02-2013, 10:07 PM
My sink is clean, did it yesterday. Must just go and wipe those watermarks off though.

Funny, the rest of the kitchen could be a disaster zone but at least the sink is clean...I can sleep easy tonight:rolleyes:

13-02-2013, 10:37 PM
Looked up Flylady.net yesterday and cleaned my sink before going to bed last night and this morning my kitchen seemed bigger and cleaner!! the fly lady says a shiny sink is like her giving me a hug! aw
Today I wore my converse around the house and did cleaning in 15 minutes bursts (set my iphone timer) and believe that I could continue doing this when I am back working again next week (half term this week so not working)
I have 10 emails from fly lady in my inbox and will take a look at those tomorrow.

Anyone else took a look at the website yet? what is your first impression?

Wow, you're really going for it!

I spent the evening cleaning the kitchen walls, ceiling, work tops, cupboards, tiles and floor because hubby left his espresso pot (you boil it on the hob) unattended and it exploded it's entire contents everywhere :panic:. So thankful the kids were upstairs.

So my sink is now gleaming :)

13-02-2013, 11:11 PM
I spent my only spare fifteen minutes reading about what I was supposed to be doing......not the best start!!!!

14-02-2013, 08:32 PM
I use the flylady system have done for the last 4 years and it works for me.
No cleaning in the evening or at the weekends all done during the week.
Once your into it it so easy to keep on top off.:)

14-02-2013, 09:28 PM
What is the saying? A TIDY HOUSE MAKES A BORING WOMEN! well it might be the saying, might of got it totally wrong but i like to think it's that :laughing:

14-02-2013, 09:43 PM
What is the saying? A TIDY HOUSE MAKES A BORING WOMEN! well it might be the saying, might of got it totally wrong but i like to think it's that :laughing:

does it follow that a dirty house makes a dirty woman ..must buy a mop,wouldnt want DH getting ideas

14-02-2013, 09:53 PM
does it follow that a dirty house makes a dirty woman ..must buy a mop,wouldnt want DH getting ideas


17-02-2013, 10:33 PM
just joined flylady but did not get a personalised planner for the day?

18-02-2013, 09:45 AM
just joined flylady but did not get a personalised planner for the day?

just wait ..the emails will start flooding in :)

18-02-2013, 10:49 AM
Me too... not much help for you but at least you know your not alone. I do know some cm friends have a day off to do theirs. how to tell a cm go up first flight of stairs and looks like they have been burgled .... X