View Full Version : Grrr meds meds meds

30-01-2013, 07:53 PM
Hi there,I'm new to this ,one of my mindees has been on anti biopics and eye drops for three weeks now, she's not herself but not ill,ill!! Does anyone think there's a limit to how many times you should except a mindee on meds for the same condition? Mum says oh she gets like this at this time of year, she only 17 months!?!?!?!? I know wen I'm ill I just want to be at home ,so can't imagine she wants to be here. Your opinions please......

30-01-2013, 09:40 PM
You said it yourself " shes not ill " so you just have to carry on, i dont think you can send her home :(

30-01-2013, 09:42 PM
Some conditions need long term antibiotic treatment, my daughter was on full dose antibiotics for 4 months and a prophylactic dose all winter. If mum has a handle on it, try to support them. Doctors don't give them out without due need.

30-01-2013, 10:18 PM
I look after a little boy of two who picks up anything to do with nose,throat and ears. Ear infections,chest infections, perforated eardrum, etc.
He was on lots of antibiotics but they didn't really help so now he is on long term antibiotics to keep him from getting all these things constantly.

Mum thinks he will have grommets when he's old enough which may help.

31-01-2013, 08:09 AM
Fair enough. Thanx for your thoughts x