View Full Version : A VERY SNOWY MONDAY

21-01-2013, 08:00 AM
Morning Everyone

Hope you all had a great weekend with heaps of snow ,it snowed for 16 hours here yesterday add that to our ten hours on Friday ...we now have snow up to our knees :clapping::clapping:

But our heatings packed up boooo

All our schools are closed ,are yours ?

Hope you all have a great day ,stay warm and safe

Angel xxx

21-01-2013, 08:09 AM
Brr! Angel, that sounds cold! Hope you manage to keep warm. It's at times like that when I'm glad I've got a wood/coal fire that does not rely on electronics!

21-01-2013, 08:10 AM
Brr! Angel, that sounds cold! Hope you manage to keep warm. It's at times like that when I'm glad I've got a wood/coal fire that does not rely on electronics! Still got the snow from Friday, only melted a little, but lots of ice around. Kids going to school...Yay! :thumbsup:

21-01-2013, 08:11 AM
Even though we had over 4 inches of snow yesturday on top of Saturdays snow, all our schools are open, much to my own DC's disgust.
So it's a normal day for me :(

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

21-01-2013, 08:14 AM
Both my schools have shut - I cannot remember the last time that happened its unheard off. Must be bad out there. Dh rang to say I mustnt go out as the conditions were bad on the roads. It took him 30 mins to do a 5 min journey this morning. He was concerned he wouldnt be around if it got worse.

So an unexpected snow day with no mindees may take them sledging in a bit :)

21-01-2013, 08:16 AM
Morning Angel. it snowed yesterday and last night so we now have masses of the white stuff! Most of our schools are closed but dd is now walking to high school but has rang me to say someone just stopped them in the street to say theyre turning kids away!!! Shes going to see what happens when she gets there! Stay warm everyone xxxxx

21-01-2013, 08:18 AM
My heating is working Angel you are welcome to pop round :waving:

21-01-2013, 08:20 AM
Hope you get your heating up and running soon angel. Plenty of layers and hot drinks :)

21-01-2013, 08:26 AM
to the childrens disgust we have school today !!! no mindees as day off, so going to help at school.

it snowed overnight and is still snowing now !!

keep warm & safe everyone.

21-01-2013, 08:31 AM
My heating is working Angel you are welcome to pop round :waving:

Add dinner to that offer Wendy and I will be there :laughing:

Angel xx

21-01-2013, 08:45 AM
Moring Angel. Against all odds everybody here has managed to get trains to work so it's just me and the mindees. 2 schools shut here so got 3 mindees home but at least it means no school runs. It snowed here all day yesterday and stopped about half 10 last night. I intend to go with the flow today, so we might be out playing later then watch dvd or do some craft bits that I've got prepared. I intend to enjoy my mindees today!

21-01-2013, 08:48 AM
around 7 inches here in the north east.....all schools closed so I have no kids today as parents are off work....I was up at 6am clearing the path and digging car out...could have stayed in bed!! Oh well...do i have a lazy day watching Jeremy Kyle or do I catch up on paperwork hmmmmmm...decisions decisions :D

21-01-2013, 09:28 AM

We have no snow on ground yet but it is snowing heavy now so that might change.

No mindees for me today so I'm not moving from couch all day!

21-01-2013, 10:41 AM
we have about 3inches but the schools are open and both my littlys made it in although one mum did look rather traumatised by the time she got here ! meither of my mindees seem to want to play today so we have been out making snowmen, sledging and just had snack next I think we will make toilet roll snowmen with cottone wool then prehaps after lunch some snowman biscuits if I can find the cutter, not looking forward to the school run as I knwo they will want to play and skid but I just want to get them back safe and dry cause they never bring any spare clothes!

21-01-2013, 11:16 AM
Lots of snow here just up the road from Ironbridge, and our school is OPEN!!!:clapping: (ahem)
DS (8) not very impressed. DD is determined that school will be shut tomorrow bcos it's her birthday!
Was due to have 2 mindees today (was not taking pushchair out; carrying baby instead) but was just leaving to go on school run when another one turned up unannounced. Couldn't turn away but was rather sharp towards mum, she had missed today off her list of dates!!!!!!
So there I was pushing my mountain buggy in the snow with all the manoevrebility of a breezeblock in treacle.
Gave the arms a good old workout though!

21-01-2013, 11:56 AM
No heating :panic:! Brrrr!

We've had lots more snow overnight and it's been snowing all day BUT school is open! However I've not taken mine is as the roads are too dangerous. And not got mindee because they can't get out of their village so quiet day for us :)

21-01-2013, 01:56 PM
poor you bet your freezing hope its fixed soon we had snow from 7pm and its not stopped yet lol its lovely kids are at school and lo not come today so lovely quiet day gunna have a snow night when kids come home from school cant wait I love snow:laughing::laughing:

21-01-2013, 06:43 PM
Hi Angel, hope you managed to keep warm today and get mended soon, my schools were closed:clapping: didn't fancy pushing buggy in this,
but got double one tomorrow hoping they are shut again, will check soon fingers crossed.

21-01-2013, 06:50 PM
Both dd and ds schools closed today but i'm praying they reopen tomorrow....give me mindees over my own 2 any day...had a nice time sledging this afternoon till the arguing began:D