View Full Version : Setting Layout Advice

20-01-2013, 09:51 PM
Hello! I have my home visit coming up soon and I am just trying to finalise the layout of my setting. I will be caring for 0-5s and am very fortunate to have a decent amount of space to work with. To give you a brief overview - I have a lounge/dining room (used to be two rooms but wall knocked through) and a conservatory adjoining it. I figured I'd use the lounge area for quiet activities - there's a little table and chairs and a play pen in there too. Dining room - dining table for meals and baking/cooking activities as well as a home corner with a play kitchen and a reading corner with a bookshelf and beanbags, etc. Conservatory is the main playroom - toys, play tent, art easel etc with adjoining WC and doors leading out in to the garden - sand and water table, slide and I'm going to get a playhouse, swing and start a growing patch too.

I also have a spare bedroom upstairs and was wondering whether or not to use it to enhance the service I provide. I initially thought it would make a lovely little sleep room - I could use black out blinds, put up cots, etc. I'd intended to have travel cots that I'd put up in the living room at nap times and take down afterwards. But if I had a 'sleep room' it would be separate from the play areas and designed to be calm and relaxing, assisting better sleep. Plus my son is on one nap a day but if I had a younger child on two or more naps a day, then I could make sure that they wouldn't wake each other. Cons - having to go up and down the stairs to check on them (its my policy to check them regularly for health and safety reasons) and negotiating differing floors with children napping at different times also. Perhaps it would be impractical?

I have also considered having it as a messy room used for specific activities like painting, messy play, etc.

Or, perhaps it would be better to keep the business contained downstairs and not use any of the upstairs rooms at all - would save having to negotiate stairs with the little ones and extra risk assessing and safety proofing?

I want to offer the best I can to potential clients, but also don't want to over-complicate things either.

I was hoping to get a few opinions/suggestions. If you're already registered, how do you handle differing nap times and where do the children in your care sleep? Do you use as much of your house as you can for the business, or contain it to a certain area?

Also - I will not be offering overnight care.

Sorry it's such a long one! Thanks in advance for your assistance.

21-01-2013, 01:36 PM
I wouldn't use upstairs space for anything other than naps....I put up a travel cot upstairs for naps and it is fine, you have to make sure that you can keep an eye or ear on them.

If you have a playroom (conservatory) then I personally would keep my lounge childminding free and use kitchen diner and conservatory....

21-01-2013, 04:51 PM
Personally, if I had a playroom I would use the lounge as the nap area as it will be far easier for you to have everyone on one floor. Sounds like you've got a lovely spacious home :)

21-01-2013, 04:55 PM
You can use baby monitors upstairs.
I was going to use my upstairs room too but now I only put a baby there who has a two hour nap after lunch, everyone else naps in the buggy or on our couch . Just more practical and I don't leave them crying then.

21-01-2013, 05:06 PM
I use a bedroom upstairs with a travel cot in for naps. At the moment I have 2 x 1yr olds and they both need naps at different times of the day and as one of them is very very noisy it's good that the other one can nap upstairs in peace otherwise the noise would wake up the one who's not sleeping. Also if I add another 3 or 4yr old in the mix as there is some days then there is too much noise downstairs for anyone to sleep.


Mrs Scrubbit
21-01-2013, 10:47 PM
Hi I have 3 that require naps I use 1 airbed for the 2yr old and 2 travel cots for the babies all are in different bedrooms as all now have a pm nap at the same time......... bliss, I keep a check on them all and use monitors x

22-01-2013, 11:13 AM
Thank you to everyone for taking the time to read my stupidly long post and offer your advice - very much appreciated!

I think that seeing as downstairs is all either tiled or wood floors, keeping play (including messy play) downstairs is a good option.

I was worried about noise during differing naps but also worried about keeping an eye on sleeping babies. I think I will turn the spare room into a sleep room and use a monitor but not write off the lounge for naps either. I'll go with the flow and see what children I get and what their preferences are. That way the parents have a choice of what they prefer and I can adapt to the number/ages/requirements of the children.

Thank you again for your help and advice!

25-01-2013, 08:13 AM
I would say don't worry to much as it can all change with the children!

I had it all worked out about naps etc and then ended up with a 2.5, 3 and 4 year olds who don't take naps! Well they will occasionally in the car but not in the house!

25-01-2013, 08:57 PM
I would say don't worry to much as it can all change with the children!

I had it all worked out about naps etc and then ended up with a 2.5, 3 and 4 year olds who don't take naps! Well they will occasionally in the car but not in the house!

Thank you Lynncjt; I do tend to over-think things! I appreciate your advice :-)

25-01-2013, 10:40 PM
Nothing wrong with trying to be prepared... Prior preparation prevents piddle poor performance as it were

unfortunately none of my mindees read the same manual I did!
They sleep where they fall, and a rocket going off wouldn't wake them - I know coz I've tried :laughing: