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19-01-2013, 11:03 AM
Brrrrr it's freezing here

Lots of snow :clapping:

I'm not going anywhere I'm nice and snug

Are you doing anything or you staying in too?

All stay warm and safe if you go out

Have a great weekend

Angel xx

19-01-2013, 11:15 AM
We wil go out and play in it later but thats the limt.

Will be snuggling in for most of the day

Daisy De
19-01-2013, 11:23 AM
Got to wrap up warm shortly and take the dogs out but apart from that I'm going nowhere :)

19-01-2013, 11:30 AM
I am staying warm - I am still in bed :blush:

getting up now and need to do some baking - just a victoria sandwich today and maybe some scones :thumbsup:

19-01-2013, 11:56 AM
Doctor chap on The One Show said we all need to be eating fatty foods for our body to cope in the cold weather.....chippy tea tonight then with black forest gateaux for pud...woo hoo!:jump for joy:

19-01-2013, 11:58 AM
Doctor chap on The One Show said we all need to be eating fatty foods for our body to cope in the cold weather.....chippy tea tonight then with black forest gateaux for pud...woo hoo!:jump for joy:

Better get cooking in plenty of butter then. Was considering fried chicken mmmm

19-01-2013, 12:53 PM
we've been sledging for a couple of hours, just come home for lunch ( put a soup in slow cooker before we went out :D ) then, as soon as everything dried out or dry spares are found, i suspect DS will be out sledging with his friends again! luckily the sledging hill is just across the road from us! :D

its been lovely up on the hill, lots of families, but equally lots of teenagers, but all helping each other, and the teenagers telling others to watch their language around the little ones. i felt really proud of them all!


19-01-2013, 03:47 PM
Been out for a drive as the roads are clear and the countryside looks great with all the trees and bushes outlined in white. I also have an in car video camera and wanted to film some of the scenery. Don't know when we'll ever get snow like this again :)

19-01-2013, 03:58 PM
Just come back from sledging with the kids, great time was had by all, fire lit, toes now defrosting & hot chocolate & marshmellows under construction...:jump for joy:

19-01-2013, 04:09 PM
went to the hairdressers first thing, walked as couldn't be bothered to dig car out and I'm a bit of a wus about driving in it too.
Then all snug watching tv housework can wait

19-01-2013, 05:14 PM
Had to go to Tesco this morning for my big food shop and to get shopping for my elderly Mum. My son kindly offered to drive and help me with shopping etc. We did well we didnt get stuck once and we were home after 3 hours! My son has now gone to work and I am staying warm in the house. Making stir fry for tea yum.

19-01-2013, 06:52 PM
Started my exercise regime of walking each day so I've been for a 4 miles walk round the roads and across woodland and fields. So pretty and fairly quiet as there doesn't seem to be many people venturing out today. Now snuggled up waiting for my pizza for tea

19-01-2013, 07:44 PM
A nice quiet day staying in the war, knitting a jack frost toy for grandson watching the tudors on catch up tv with hubby, I then put the wi on and did some wi fit as I felt I had sat too long on the settee. Now watching more tudors with a glass of wine:)

19-01-2013, 09:04 PM
not enough snow here for sledging humph, I have been out making sure all 6 guineapigs and 4 4 outdoor buns are fed, watered, dry and excersised, rescued bun got his run attatched to his hutch today and had his first ever run around the garden, it was lovely to watch him jump around all over the place, first time h'es ever left his hutch bless him, then after a lunch of pasta suprise (what evers in the fridge went in it lol) we walked to morrisongs with the dog to get tonights pizzas then it was hotchocolate follwed by film and tea and now a glass of wine , phew,,, hopefully my daughters horse riding wont be cancelled tomoro or she will be right fed up

19-01-2013, 09:10 PM
not enough snow here for sledging humph, I have been out making sure all 6 guineapigs and 4 4 outdoor buns are fed, watered, dry and excersised, rescued bun got his run attatched to his hutch today and had his first ever run around the garden, it was lovely to watch him jump around all over the place, first time h'es ever left his hutch bless him, then after a lunch of pasta suprise (what evers in the fridge went in it lol) we walked to morrisongs with the dog to get tonights pizzas then it was hotchocolate follwed by film and tea and now a glass of wine , phew,,, hopefully my daughters horse riding wont be cancelled tomoro or she will be right fed up

glad to hear bunny is enjoying his new home. Bet he can't believe his luck