View Full Version : 7th jan weigh in

07-01-2013, 08:16 AM
Well have we all had a good week? Come on let's see how much we have lost........

Last week 12st 8lbs
Today 12st 5lbs

LOST 3lbs woo hoo

Good luck ladies xxx

07-01-2013, 08:52 AM
This is my first weigh in as I came back from my hols on Saturday and have only just joined :)


Weight is 10st 6lbs

Well done on your 3lbs loss

07-01-2013, 09:00 AM
What plans u doin.ladies. I done sw for yrrrs but since ds2 i cant get into the swing. Started slimfast today....oh...dear

07-01-2013, 09:00 AM
I am not happy, was good for most of the week and have put on 2lbs .....can only imagine that its weight that hadn't gone on before I started as I did hoover up all the christmas leftovers. Will try again this week and its easier now I am back at work :( well done Buttonmoon!

07-01-2013, 09:17 AM
What plans u doin.ladies. I done sw for yrrrs but since ds2 i cant get into the swing. Started slimfast today....oh...dear

I do extra easy on slimming world. I find its the easiest and my family love the meals too which helps x

07-01-2013, 09:19 AM
I am not happy, was good for most of the week and have put on 2lbs .....can only imagine that its weight that hadn't gone on before I started as I did hoover up all the christmas leftovers. Will try again this week and its easier now I am back at work :( well done Buttonmoon!

That's not too bad and if you beat yourself up about it, that will always be in your head. Start again this week and see what happens.

If your head is in the right place your body will do as its told, good luck xxx

07-01-2013, 09:19 AM
This is my first weigh in as I came back from my hols on Saturday and have only just joined :)


Weight is 10st 6lbs

Well done on your 3lbs loss

Welcome :) x

07-01-2013, 11:21 AM
Well have we all had a good week? Come on let's see how much we have lost........

Last week 12st 8lbs
Today 12st 5lbs

LOST 3lbs woo hoo

Good luck ladies xxx

Well done thats great

07-01-2013, 12:59 PM
i have hit 14st 1.6lb

i am only 5ft 4"

i am a whale....a blob

i havent been the heavy since i was just about to give birth to DD1 (i went from 7st to 14st! -it was all fluid - i was in kidney failure. DD was only 4.5lbs)- i was 19 and snapped back to 8 stone in less than 5 months (oh the heady days of weight coming off easily)

my lovely flat tummy has been replaced by a overhanging mass. This has happened all in the last couple of months. I used to be a lovely hour glass figure and i am now just round..like a barrel. I have read that fat is laid down differently in menopausal women- maybe this is what is happening to me?

answers on a postcard to "my name is wibble and i am fatty mcfat from fatshire"

i have started to eat healthily today....no actual diet as i find them a faff. i am trying to avoid sugars and carbs and just eating lean meat and lots of veg.

wobblywibble x

07-01-2013, 01:06 PM
I did mean to join you all ....but....I am avoiding the scales ..they are not my friend just now. Too scared to look!!

07-01-2013, 01:11 PM
Come on ladies, our weight can be changed and I repeat get your head in the right place and your body will do the rest.

We will be strong, we will have will power and we will lose the weight together. No heads in the sand, no raiding the sweets just because and no excuses. My reasoning is: I'm not happy so I will change it for me. It's going to be tough with my op coming up but I will do it no matter how long it takes.

Think about how will you feel if you don't lose weight


How will you feel if you do

Write a list and see where it takes you :)

07-01-2013, 01:59 PM
Can I join please?

I started my 'diet' on weds and am down 4lbs now so really pleased as not quite a week but I was so uncomfortable and bloated. First bit normally drops off then I struggle.

Start weight 12st 7lbs

Now 12st 3 lbs.

Not sure what weight I should aim for though:-/ I am 5ft 6 any suggestions lol.

07-01-2013, 06:03 PM
Hi would like to share too

Started gradually thus weekend

Start weight 9st 12lbs

I am following the dukan diet which worked really well last yr but everything went to pot during Christmas.

About to dust the running shoes of too - but after 1st full day bk haven't got the energy :-/

Wishing everyone positive thoughts xT

09-01-2013, 12:11 PM
Had my first weigh in for 3 weeks (Slimming World) last night and gained 1 1/2 lb. Am actually pleased about that considering the rubbish I ate in those 3 weeks!

Would like to lose 1 stone and 4 lbs before the summer :)

10-01-2013, 01:20 PM
Hi I wondered if I can join you all in the diet or am I too late. Would like to shift about 10 pounds and not sure if I can do it on my own, so it would be nice to have some support and encouragement
mazza 58

11-01-2013, 01:35 PM
well I have weighed myself today and have put on 3lb in 3 weeks so dont think that is too bad, but I need to now loose that and some more.

14-01-2013, 10:43 PM
I's like to join you all if thats ok? I lost almost two stone with weightwatchers in October and November 2012, but put a little back on during December. I started back on 10.01.13 and weighed in at *cough cough* 13st 5lb :blush::blush: (cue some Wibble level self-loathing, etc etc)

What can I say. Naughty old me!

15-01-2013, 02:28 PM
I would like to join this group too if that is ok.

I started weightwatchers on 10th Jan so not due to be weighed until Thursday this week but I am 12st 1lb at the mo which is the heaviest I have been in ages.

It all started the beginning of 2012 I did really well working out and eating healthily and I lost 18lbs by April 2012, but then I had some breast pain which stopped me working out and with the worry about what it was I started eating rubbish and not exercising it turned out to be fine and then I fell over and damaged my knee and have told I have housemaids knee so am supposed to be resting as much as I can so not able to exercise so decided that I needed to go to weightwatchers to give me that extra motivation.

So if allowed to join I will be back Thursday to let you know how I got on.



15-01-2013, 02:37 PM
I am going to make myself go to WW tomorrow - otherwise the pounds will creep back on again and Ill be back where I started last year before I lost 22lbs. 10 have already reappeared , need to lose those and more:(

15-01-2013, 04:48 PM
There is far too much in the way of xmas goodies still left in my house...I know I should be ruthless and just bin it all but there seems to be a secret forcefield surrounding the bin every time I try this...hmmmmm:rolleyes:

15-01-2013, 04:53 PM
4lbs off

Wibble x

15-01-2013, 08:40 PM
4lbs off

Wibble x

Fantastic, well done :thumbsup:

16-01-2013, 01:32 PM
4lbs off

Wibble x

Well done, wooooo!

27-01-2013, 08:38 PM
I am only just catching up on this - I would love to join in.
I already started detox on Monday 7th January. I have joined a 6 week body transformation programme with profitnessireland.ie
It a mix of gym sessions and meal plans. It not about weight loss it all about changing your body shape tru exercise and healthy diet.
started 14 st - down 8.5 in two weeks. 3rd weigh in tomorrow but I have being full of cold this week so I have not attended any gym sessions.
claire x

30-01-2013, 07:02 PM

I totally forgot to come on here and update.

First week I lots 7.5lbs and last week I lost 1lb but did have a curry that week!!

Have tried really hard this week so hoping will be a good weight loss.



30-01-2013, 08:36 PM
Has anybody tried the 5:2 diet.
You eat normal for 5 days a week and the other 2 you have 500 calories. It can be any two days of the week.
I did it last week and lost 4 pounds. Havent weighed myself this week yet as today was my 500 calorie day and will do it again thursday.
Apparantly it really works x