View Full Version : We've booked our holiday

06-01-2013, 05:50 PM
We always do something special for our daughters birthday and this year we are taking her to Disneyland Paris. We are traveling 1st class on the Eurostar with the Disney Characters with a free meal. We are staying at the Disney Hotel and on her birthday she is having a Character breakfast. and she doesn't know a thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's so hard keeping it from her as me and hubby are dancing around like loons, we only called in yesterday to get a price and we were shocked at how cheap it was. Because we booked so early we get 4 days for the price of 2 and were upgraded to 1st class for free:clapping:

Only 6 months to wait and keep the biggest secret ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so excited just wanted to share hope you dont mind, and if anyone has been I'd love to here about it xxx

06-01-2013, 06:06 PM
Soooooo jealous!!!! Always wanted to go but DH hates anything like that and refuses to go :( Might have to leave him at home and get my mum to come with me and kids-she would love it as much as the kids!!!!! lol

06-01-2013, 06:17 PM
That sounds amazing. We are going to disney world in florida for 2 weeks in 15 weeks and the wait is unbearable. Not surprising since we booked it last April but the deal was too good that we had to book it there and then :clapping:

If you don't mind me asking who did you book your deal through? As I know my niece would love something like that

blue bear
06-01-2013, 06:53 PM
Ooh how exciting, lucky daughter, do you need help carrying the bags?

06-01-2013, 07:08 PM

we're going to disneyland paris too ! and got 4 days for price of 2 !!! 12 weeks to go!

sadly i think its costing us a bit more as we need to pay for both DD & DS !!! but should be amazing! we were going to keep it a surprise, but its close to the childrens birthdays and we'd decided as going to disney, couldn't afford to do parties as well, plus, DS was on the pc and we noticed our email page up ( i truly think it was an accident ) but there was an email from disney, saying disney :rolleyes: !!! so we thought we'd better say, and actually, its nice to share the excitement with them! who did you book through? as we booked ours through disney.

we're going to the buffalo bill wild west evening ( i wanted to do a character breakfast, but DS is at that tricky 'i'm a bit too grown up' for lots of things (even though he enjoys them really :rolleyes:) that we thought it would be easier than the grump he would have !!!

06-01-2013, 07:16 PM
How nice to have that to look forward to


06-01-2013, 07:59 PM
We took the children when they were younger - they had the best time! I went for my honeymoon too - the first year it opened :laughing:

It's brilliant there :clapping:

06-01-2013, 08:05 PM
can i ask with who you book it.

I want to take my daughters in June.

Thank you


06-01-2013, 08:15 PM
We have just booked disneyland Florida for oct this year so can wait :-)

We have been to Florida 5 years ago for our honeymoon but the twins were 18 months & don't remember ,

We took them to Disney Paris for their 4th birthday & had a fab time,

I'm sure you will all have an amazing time :-)

The Juggler
06-01-2013, 08:25 PM
lol, I think you are more excited than she will be :clapping::clapping::clapping:

06-01-2013, 08:54 PM
We went last year before my kids got too old (8 and 12) DH really didn't want to go and moaned the whole way there....once there he was the biggest kid of all running from ride to parade to ride and even falling asleep still with his mickey ears on one night!

We were only looking at the photos last night...a magical trip but SO exhausting,if you have LO's under about 6 i'd recommend returning to your room for a nap late afternoon ready for the parades at night...even my 2 big ones had to do that on the 3rd day and after 4 'all you can eat buffets' we all came home and had lost 3-9 lbs in weight with all the walking.

06-01-2013, 09:20 PM
Hi you will have the best time!! We went 3 years ago when my girls were 3 and 7 and would love to go back this year or next as they are now 6 and 10 and my wee one doesn't remember much about it at all!! Might have to look out for some deals and get saving!!!

07-01-2013, 07:20 AM
Thank you for all your replies. Yes me and DH are certainly very excited. With our DD only being 4 she has no concept of time, so although we want to tell her, it's 6 months away and a long time for a little princess to wait, she would want to go now!!!

We have booked it through Thomson but it is with Disney Direct, the lady who booked it had been 12 times before!!!!!! so gave us lots of tips etc and the guy at Disney she phoned to book the holiday through was definitely on something, he was so Disney it was unreal to hear him hahaha.

Me and DH made a decision New Years Eve that we were not going to waste time, DD is only young once and we love her to pieces, the bathroom can wait till another year :)

All your replies sound amazing:jump for joy: Just wish our parents had the same enthusiasm, I've had one ranting on Facebook because she will have to find extra childcare for 4 days!!!!!!! or take 4 days unpaid!!!!!!! Yeah welcome to my world, she then said and will you be having any more holidays that are going to cost me?
Honestly you can't please everyone, but to be honest I don't care!!!!!!

07-01-2013, 07:53 AM
At the Disneyland Hotel you will always have some characters at every breakfast, also its where they do the Disney Princess makeovers. You get some free front of the line passes as well.

You will have a great time , i have been about 5 times for a quick Disney fix :thumbsup:

07-01-2013, 07:54 AM
Never been but I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time! :D

Miffy xx

07-01-2013, 08:26 AM
You will love it :clapping:
We've been 7 times :blush: so if you need any tips PM me :thumbsup:

07-01-2013, 11:30 AM
Don't blush, I'm going on my 15th wdw trip this year lol