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View Full Version : YAY last school run............ AAAHHH

21-12-2012, 02:45 PM
was looking forward to the last school run of the year but now it looks like it's going to be a wet one so not fair :(

21-12-2012, 03:10 PM
Think of the wine, think of the wine! Nearly done now!!:D

21-12-2012, 04:09 PM
I thought I had 2 runs today, but one parent said she was doing the afternoon one so Yipee, all done till next year!

21-12-2012, 04:16 PM
Yay no more school runs - all mindees gone let Christmas begin :-)

21-12-2012, 06:56 PM
It didn't rain just a bit of drizzle but very dark. All finsihed now and wine on the go silver and many bottle bags under the tree I don't know why
they think i drink:laughing:

21-12-2012, 07:16 PM
I'm finished too dropped kids off and then opened the wine. Happy days