View Full Version : childminding is bad for my waistline!

20-12-2012, 09:52 PM
I dont get it, I dont sit down all day, am constantly running around and do the school run 3 times a day and yet I have gained so much weight since I started childminding.
Of course it doesnt help that I have had 2 babies in 2 years and am still breastfeeding so am starving all the time and have no willpower at all.
How do you work from home without stuffing your face all day?:ohdear:

21-12-2012, 05:51 AM
I used to be fine and just ate when the children ate and even though I joined in snack time it was always fruit.

Now I am breast feeding to I eat so much it's amazing. My eating habits currently look like a cows. I graze all day as I am always hungry just like you.

I have found if I eat ultra healthy all brown bread and brown pasta loads of veg it keeps me fuller longer. Also if I just avoid that first bit of choc in the morning I can go without all day but if I have it then that's it I keep going back till the whole tins gone.

21-12-2012, 07:57 AM
I have been following Slimming World for 2 years now and it really suits me and childminding.

I eat healthy meals and snacks with the children - I sit down with them to eat so my body recognises when it's full and I watch my portion sizes.

I do have the occasional blowout but I know how to manage it for the next few days now so I don't get back into bad habits.

Oh... and I don't buy the rubbish that made me fat in the first place :laughing: :laughing:

Why not look for a plan to follow in the new year? SW, WW or Rosemary Conley are all about healthy eating and sensible exercise.


21-12-2012, 09:51 AM
That is my problem, I was using a calorie counting website and lost 5lbs fairly quickly but then my naughty OH has started buying lots and lots of treats which just seem to call to me from the cupboard. I too graze all day.
I need to find some willpower and eat proper decent sized meals again.

21-12-2012, 10:03 AM
I pick at food throughout the day rather than sitting down to a proper meal. I find it so hard to sit down to eat as I always seem to be bobbing up and down and then my food goes cold.

21-12-2012, 10:08 AM
I ask myself this same question frequently. A few years ago I lost 4 and a half stone. It is slowly creeping back on so in January I am going back to weight watchers and will be doing zumba three times a week...I love it! x

PS/ so for now......bring on the choccys! :D

21-12-2012, 10:22 AM
wow 4 and a half stone thats brilliant!
I need to ideally lose 3 stone, I will be back to the size I am really happy with then.Think its going to be a hard slog though (and very boring :()

21-12-2012, 10:44 AM
wow 4 and a half stone thats brilliant!
I need to ideally lose 3 stone, I will be back to the size I am really happy with then.Think its going to be a hard slog though (and very boring :()

I was very happy with the new me but I am determined to do it again, watch this space :D

Daisy De
21-12-2012, 06:29 PM
I don't think its childminding thats bad for waistline I think its me who is the problem! :(

21-12-2012, 06:36 PM
I ask myself this same question frequently. A few years ago I lost 4 and a half stone. It is slowly creeping back on so in January I am going back to weight watchers and will be doing zumba three times a week...I love it! x

PS/ so for now......bring on the choccys! :D

Oooh...I love zumba...that's my excuse for pigging out over xmas...i've sworn i'm back to zumba asap!

21-12-2012, 06:56 PM
I was fine until my 50th Birthday celebrations - it lasted nearly 2 years lol! I put on a couple stone but lost 1 this year. My New Years resolution is to lose the other stone (not easy when you're older!) :panic:

21-12-2012, 07:00 PM
I have that many chocolates to get through before the 2nd Jan when I go back to slimming world, I have my daughters wedding in
July so have to loose weight for that just a stone will do although perhaps 2 would be better, my cross trainer didn't sell on ebay the twice
i put it on perhaps it's trying to tell me something :laughing:

Girls just go for it for the next 2 weeks and we will all do it together in the new year:clapping:

21-12-2012, 07:13 PM
I too graze all day. Pick at the kids leftover toast, never really sit down for lunch kinda eat on the go. All bad habits and then some hehe. I'm paying for slimming world online ( not really stuck to it) but changed it to a class membership start properly after Xmas

The Juggler
22-12-2012, 02:19 PM
i was the other way round, when I started minding I lost lots of weight as my previous job involved lots of meetings adn interviews and sitting on my backside all day :laughing: Also I am very good at not snacking but like to eat big meals.

I did put a little back on but 2 years ago changed my eating completely - when I turned 40 I just couldn't burn off the carbs any more so I really restrict these now. :thumbsup:

22-12-2012, 02:46 PM
I have lost this year, I stopped buying all the crisps and rubbish I would pig out on in the evening and did fruit for snack with the kids then we have sandwich fruit dessert for lunch which fills me up enough till tea time, I still have my cheese and biscuits most evenings though but thats my treat. since August I have lost almost a stone and thats without dieting or extra excersise, I dont snack through the day because I feel guilty eating in front of the mindees when they arent eating.

hectors house
22-12-2012, 03:12 PM
I love Zumba and although I am not overweight I did have a saggy stomach - Zumba twice a week has got rid of it and although the scales still say I am the same weight, I have to wear a belt on my jeans now. I'm really going to miss my Zumba over Xmas and I normally swim 3 times a week but local pool is shut while they re-do the changing rooms - I need to stay fit and get even fitter as off ski-ing 2 weeks today.