View Full Version : Am I being over sensitive? Not CM related..

29-11-2012, 11:45 AM
Background......last week I went to my Dr's about a new mole which has appeared on my neck. It came up a couple of months ago, it has a crusty top and is VERY itchy.
Dr didnt like the look of it so sent me to a skin specialist and took a blood test.
Blood test came back with high ESR levels (may be connected, may not be).

Today......went to see skin specialist.
I walked into his room and sat down at his desk. He was one side, I was the other.
He asked what the problem was and I told him about the mole being new, crusty and very itchy. He glanced up at me and said "no it's fine"!!!

I was a Bit taken aback as he hadn't even looked at the mole.
I jokingly said " oh, can you tell, without looking then?"
He looked up and said "I have been diagnosing moles most of my life, I even diagnose when on the train by just looking at people sitting next to me, I can tell from here that your mole is fine".

With that, I was dismissed and handed a piece of paper which gives you the 5 things to look out for with moles, of which I have 3 out of the 5 symptoms.

Now, I don't want to make a fuss, and I'm sure he is right and the mole is fine but am I wrong to have wanted him to at least look at the mole?

What do I do now, accept his opinion that the mole is ok, or go back to my Dr's and complain?

I don't want to make a mountain out of a mole hill (excuse the pun) but then again I am concerned he could give such an important diagnosis from such a distance with just a glance.

29-11-2012, 11:48 AM
Make a complaint Hun, while there is every possibility he is right it needs investigating properly and looking at closer than over the desk.
If its itchy it ought tobe removed even if its nothing sinister.

29-11-2012, 11:50 AM
I would be back for a second opinion. It's too dangerous to leave them if you have 3 out of 5 symptoms and as I am a person with a lot of moles I know I would be kicking up a fuss to have it properly examined. Some of these specialists are far too 'up themselves' to use my son's expression.

29-11-2012, 12:07 PM
I think I would go back to my GP and explain that I wasnt happy and could I be referred to a different hospital if possible or a different consultant

29-11-2012, 12:10 PM
You need a second opinion. Call your Dr today and tell him that. At worst you will be labelled a fusspot! On the other hand if the Mole is a skin cancer your life could be at risk. Make that call today.
I know what I am talking about as I had a skin cancer removed in January. I now go and see about any mole that changes in any way and my Doc always takes the time to have agood look, documents it and has me come back in a few months to check if it has changed at all.
I am sure it will be fine but you need to trust the person telling you that or you will contnue to worry about it.

29-11-2012, 12:10 PM
Thanks everyone. :thumbsup:
My gut reaction is to go back to my Dr's, I just don't want to cause a fuss if its not needed.

29-11-2012, 12:16 PM
Tough if think you are making fuss. Just get back onto your GP today and make sure you get a consultation you are happy with. Better to be safe xxx

29-11-2012, 12:52 PM
go back....arrogant consultant!

29-11-2012, 01:05 PM
Thanks everyone. :thumbsup:
My gut reaction is to go back to my Dr's, I just don't want to cause a fuss if its not needed.

My doctor always told me he'd rather see a patient & tell them they were perfectly fine than not see them at all & find out too late that there is something wrong.

Don't forget, the problem here isn't with you being a fusspot, it's with the consultant not taking his time to do a proper consultation & put your mind at rest. If he'd only taken a few minutes & a bit of thought he could have explained things better to you could have come away happy.

I'd phone your GP surgery & explain that you were not happy about the way you were treated. Tell then you have 3 of the 5 indications and you are still worried.

hectors house
29-11-2012, 01:12 PM
I like you would be worried that it hadn't been looked at properly and :censored: fuming that I had wasted my time going to see this arrogant :censored: and my worries still hadn't been addressed. Hospital appointments take time and money to get to, arrangements to be made or cancelled, parking, travel costs etc and it sounds like you will be doing it all again - but hopefully to see a different specialist.

29-11-2012, 01:15 PM
What a rude and arrogant man. I don't want to worry you but even consultants can make a mistake. He is probably right but don't chance it get your GP to refer you elsewhere.

29-11-2012, 02:02 PM
Thanks everyone.
Ive phoned my surgery and my Dr is going to give me a ring when he is back from his home visits.

29-11-2012, 02:37 PM
It's better to be safe than sorry

Don't worry about wasting people's time, im sure you'd rather be assured just in case he hasn't looked at it properly

The Juggler
29-11-2012, 02:50 PM
what a horrible man. if he'd done his job properly you'd not be sitting here worrying now.

def. get a second referral hon. If he himself gave you a piece of info on what to look out for with moles, and you have 3 out of the 5 symptoms he is idiot :panic:

29-11-2012, 02:56 PM
Dont rest until a specialist has taken a real look at it. Sounds like the ass you saw believes his own hype, numpty

You be a fuss pot , i would be fussing up big time if someone was too lazy to even get off their backside and take a look. Whateven happened to patient care. :angry:

Daisy De
29-11-2012, 03:04 PM
I agree with everyone else, if you don't go back to your doctor or see another consultant you will only be constantly worrying about it.

I think some consultants think their experience and expertise is enough but looking the patient in the eye, listening to what they are saying and reasurrance is also a huge part of patient care.

29-11-2012, 03:22 PM
Get a new consultant. Don't ever worry about making a fuss!

29-11-2012, 06:23 PM
Totally agree with what everyone else has said. Keep us updated! x

29-11-2012, 06:45 PM

Apart from the things that have been mentioned he sounds very rude and did nothing to make you feel better

Hope you get a new appointment with someone who has better patient skills and a lot more understanding than him

Angel xxx

30-11-2012, 03:55 PM
second or third opinion is required. my mum had one. my sister noticed last summer when she was home when we were all sunbathing in garden and kids were playing as she was a beauty therapist it caught her eye. (luckily) mum went to doctors when she did as it was cancerous and caught just in time luckily for my sisters eye xx good luck x