View Full Version : THE FLOODS ...THE RAIN

26-11-2012, 11:38 PM
We have had lots of rain some country roads have been closed here due to flooding and an elderly person has been killed ,so sad

But we have not got it as bad as some areas

What about you,have you had flooding ?

Hope you are all safe

Angel xxx

mrs robbie williams
27-11-2012, 06:30 AM
we havnt had floods but dh works for a sewage company and has been away 'up north somewhere' since friday - due home tomorow night, he said its awful, up to his knees in water and thats on a normal road :(

27-11-2012, 06:50 AM
we havnt had floods but dh works for a sewage company and has been away 'up north somewhere' since friday - due home tomorow night, he said its awful, up to his knees in water and thats on a normal road :(

Mrs Robbie, its due to the hard work from people like your husband, that is preventing the country being much worse at the moment.
Thank you.
Fingers crossed, he is able to get back on time.

27-11-2012, 09:08 AM
i'm in north yorkshire and we're ok, despite a river running down the hill opposite :eek:

a town nearby has been on the news this morning, as its at risk of flooding, and lots of local roads have HUGE lakes across them. its difficult to go anywhere that isn't a main road, and even those are not great.

i feel so sorry for those who have been flooded or are at risk.

27-11-2012, 09:21 AM
Been thinking of all those at flood risk at the moment. Our town was flooded in 2000. Some houses up to the first floor and all shops in the lower end of town under water - Safeways ran out of a mobile hut for a month or two, people lived in caravans for months - 600 houses ere evacuated. It will be in my memory forever. some people lost everything. It was sad to see all those on my estate who were flooded putting their worldly goods on the grass outside their houses to be removed - sofas, fridges , TVs and more personal ruined stuff :( , great mountains of dirty household goods

We were lucky, the water stopped metres from our patio door.

Keep safe everyone x

27-11-2012, 11:01 AM
More rain on the way today for everyone

Stay safe

Angel xx

hectors house
27-11-2012, 11:07 AM
I look the mindees out to a local cycle path last Wednesday - had to go through some deep puddles in the lanes to get there - the cycle path had lots of puddles which mindees enjoyed splashing through with waterproof trousers and wellies on. On Sunday I went there again with my husband and dogs, the puddles were to the top of my boots - we had to go through a village where the road was flooded - as we drove through a lorry came the other way, totally drowning my car and swooshed off (and lost) my Vistaprint childminding car sticker:(!

27-11-2012, 01:05 PM
We have been lucky at the moment, but in June when our town became an island hubbys work was flooded and my mindie lives close to there and they had to sandbag their house and luckily it didnt get in. But there were also people close to hubbys work who are still living in caravans on their front drive and it was sad to see whole house contents outside houses.

We are a bit more raised up here, and close to the fire station so hopefully we are safe here, but 5 mins walk away it was a different story x

27-11-2012, 02:04 PM
we're fairly lucky here at the moment, we did pooh sticks last Friday and the river was really up then so I wouldnt be surprised if it has flooded the river walk path by now, the bottom of my garden had a good inch of water on it this morning but its slowly draining, the rabbit has the hump as I cant let him out though.
My OH is working at a resivour at the moment and is constantly in water all day making shutters so he's not happy either and Im due to go to my parents on Saturday in Norfolk so hoping there arent any floods on the way:panic:

27-11-2012, 02:47 PM
Our house are fine here as there was major flood work in the last 2 years. Yesterday we had lots of roads closed, even the motorway was shut due to flooding. A bit better today but still a lot of roads closed and rivers burst their banks and it's till raining.

Chimps Childminding
27-11-2012, 07:28 PM
We've had lots of flooding round here (Worcestershire) thankfully not affected us directly, apart from having to choose routes to get to places as several roads blocked! But the pub my ds4 works at has been flooded twice in the last week. The got all the water out and cleaned carpets etc on Friday, only for the water to come back in again Sunday morning :(

I realise how lucky we have been when you see some of the photos :(

27-11-2012, 07:34 PM
We are ok here where I live, I feel so sorry for those whose houses are flooded and not for the first time,

Stay safe everyone, and Mushpea be careful doing pooh sticks a lad gone fined last month for doing that in his local river.