23-11-2012, 06:45 AM
Morning Everyone

Haven't even had time for the morning threads lately been so busy

Hope everyone is ok?

We had such heavy rain last night,did you all get it ?

So what are your plans today

Have a great day it's FRIDAY almost the WEEKEND :clapping::jump for joy::clapping:

Angel xxx

23-11-2012, 06:48 AM
Morning! No rain in the NE Scotland but very windy.

Only one mindee today and she goes to nursery in the morning so I get 2 hrs to my self and it's FRIDAY:clapping::clapping::clapping:

23-11-2012, 06:51 AM
And a lovely good morning to you too Angel.

We had the rain oh my goodness where did that come from.

Well just one schoolie today so meeting a friend for coffee this morning then more food shopping with dh.

Oh and of course all the paperwork I REALLY need to do. If you see me on fb or here kick me please.

Have a lovely day everyone and its nearly the weekend :clapping::jump for joy::clapping:

23-11-2012, 07:06 AM
Oh yes nothing like the school run in torrential rain :laughing: roll on this evening it's been a long week! And no plans for weekend except paperwork unless something else like defluffing the tumble dryer comes up x

23-11-2012, 07:27 AM
And a lovely good morning to you too Angel.

We had the rain oh my goodness where did that come from.

Well just one schoolie today so meeting a friend for coffee this morning then more food shopping with dh.

Oh and of course all the paperwork I REALLY need to do. If you see me on fb or here kick me please.

Have a lovely day everyone and its nearly the weekend :clapping::jump for joy::clapping:

Morning all

Day off today, so fussy I'm right behind you doing paperwork, although I might just have a sneaky look on here, just to make sure you're not on :p:laughing:

Hope you all have a good Friday and great weekend:)

23-11-2012, 07:29 AM
Morning all

Day off today, so fussy I'm right behind you doing paperwork, although I might just have a sneaky look on here, just to make sure you're not on :p:laughing:

Hope you all have a good Friday and great weekend:)

Ok Nell you keep checking up on me :laughing:

23-11-2012, 07:32 AM

I'm off too :) I plan on doing some paperwork though if my own 2 year old allows

23-11-2012, 07:40 AM
good morning angel!

i have two little ones today and after taking katie to an appointment we are off to the big town park. we will be having our lunch at the cafe there (big treat) and we will be looking for dragons

wibble xxx

blue bear
23-11-2012, 07:42 AM
Very rare day off for me, it's dh birthday and we are going away for the weekend to a hotel:clapping:, we went last year it was bliss.

23-11-2012, 07:47 AM
Good morning everyone

It's still dark and windy here! Supposed to be mild and sunny today!

I've got the morning school run to do and then I'm finished for the weekend :clapping:

Miffy xx

23-11-2012, 07:47 AM
Morning everyone

Thank goodness the wind & rain has stopped!

I've just got one mindee today and its her birthday (2).
Her Dad is picking her up at 2pm so an early finish for me today :thumbsup:

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

23-11-2012, 07:50 AM

We had heavy rain last night so some of the local areas are flooded. Hoping this will mean that the mindees will not be able to get here and I can have a sneaky day off.

23-11-2012, 08:03 AM
Good morning, oh yes... The rain! Dh decided after work that he wanted curry for dinner,so off to asda. Down country lanes in the gales and rain only to come to a flooded road, dh got out in his wellies to check the depth and when he got back the car stalled and refused to start.... Cue ten minutes of me trying to call the aa with no phone signal and dh trying to start the car, with all its lights off in a pitch black lane to conserve battery power.... Finally we coasted down the hill, I tothe flood water and the car started! We barely made it home the flooding was so bad.... Scary stuff

23-11-2012, 08:04 AM
Morning Everyone

If I see either of you on here today, I'll be telling you off, yes I'm talking to you Fussyelmo and Nell57!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have 2 los today, one is back from his hols and already late as not coming till after 9 now. I have plenty of salt dough activities planned so that'll keep them amused this morning. Then other Christmas activities for this afternoon:thumbsup:

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

Daisy De
23-11-2012, 08:07 AM
Heavy rain here in Wiltshire too and windy, was worried about the fences but all still standing :clapping:

I have a day off so nice long walk with the dogs this morning, then tidy up ready for a potential parent visit this afternoon at 3, mindee to start late Feb, seems a long time away

OOOh my name has changed colour as well, never did like red!

23-11-2012, 08:14 AM
We had heavy rain and gale force winds last night, it was quite scary, but everything is in one piece. Stopped now

Inset day so have my son home too and my one full timer, we may go for a walk if it stays dry as I need to get out the house

Have a good day everyone

23-11-2012, 08:22 AM
Morning - well that was a wild wet and windy night!

nights like that make me wish we lived in our little terraced cosy house again instead of this victorian farmhouse with rattling sash windows and chimneys with howling noises in the wind! but now all is calm so think I will stay :)

day off - shopping, cleaning, baking, paperwork, washing, ironing.....................did I say day off????:laughing:

23-11-2012, 08:23 AM
morning, blue sky here, wind has gone as well... day is looking promising!:thumbsup:

messy play this morning and clothes sorting for me during nap time this afternoon!!

party tomorrow with my bootcamp friend.. can't wait.

goodbye sweat shirt jean and trainers and hello black dress and red shoes...:D:D no kids, no mum I know, no childminders...NO KID TALK for a whole night!!! am i dreaming??

23-11-2012, 08:49 AM
Morning all. Yes it was wet and windy here too most of yesterday and last night. Woke up this morning to no wind and sun:)

1 mindee until afterschool, not sure what we're doing yet, unplanned day so may do some Christmas crafts.

Have a good day everyone.

Chimps Childminding
23-11-2012, 09:11 AM
Morning all!!! No work for me as usual at the mo :( Nice and sunny here after heavy rain the last couple of days, so hoping to strip beds this morning then attempt to visit mum in Nursing home later, though some of the roads round here are still flooded so got to check my route first!!!

Have a good one everyone :thumbsup:

hectors house
23-11-2012, 09:26 AM
Morning - terrible wind and rain yesterday and most of night - calmed down and dry here now, more rain forecast for tomorrow and I'm doing an Outdoor Play course all morning!

23-11-2012, 09:50 AM
Morning all, gosh the wind in this area last night was crazy, I seriously thought I was going to wake up to no fence!! :eek:

Bex and I are off to city to do some shopping before schoolies arrive at 3. Have a good day xxxxx

23-11-2012, 09:59 AM
morning angel morning everyone only got 1 lo today im glad as not sorted my tooth out yet and feeling grotty at dentist later so hope it will get sorted.
we had awful weather yesterday rain wind so glad its dry today. having a chill day free play when lo wakes up maybe paint after lunch.should of took day of as mum not in work either but never mind hope you all have agood day and weekend:)

23-11-2012, 10:19 AM
Day off today :clapping:

I'm not doing anything today other than sitting on the couch eating chocolate and drinking tea.

Jo Jo
23-11-2012, 10:44 AM
Good morning all
Cold here this morning only one mindee today fast asleep at the moment
Sun is shining but its FREEZING BRrrrr

23-11-2012, 01:45 PM

very windy yesterday, and then VERY wet overnight, but dry & sunny today, and very mild! we've been playing outside and the LOs even had lunch outside !!!! and moaned the sun was in their eyes, so needed to find the sunglasses in the dressing up box!!!

before that we had fun going on the bus AGAIN! ( i took other mindees on wednesday and one lady was also on the bus again!!! )

mindees now snoozing and i SHOULD be doing jobs!


23-11-2012, 01:48 PM
Afternoon Angel and everyone.

4 LO's today, been to music and movement this morning. 20 minute walk there and back and then full on dancing.

the 2 x 3yr olds are now at playgoup and the 2yr old and 1yr old are sleeping.

Later picking up the 3 yr olds and a 6, 7, 8 year old from playgroup/school. Having a birthday dinner - birthday girl asked for meatballs and pasta and then chocolate chip birthday cake (guess what I was doing last night:D) and then some dance music for a little party.

Have a lovely weekend all x

23-11-2012, 02:12 PM
Afternoon Angel, afternoon all

If we did have rain and wind in the night I missed it :blush: only heard ds coming in at 1.25:mad: and the next thing 7.10 and alarm
going off, beautiful and sunny today washing is on the line for a change. no lo's today only wrap around fridays,

Have a great weekend everyone :thumbsup: