View Full Version : A FOGGY THURSDAY

15-11-2012, 07:32 AM
Morning everyone

Very chilly and very foggy here at the moment

Do you all have a busy day,I have extra children due to our schools being closed today and tomorrow.

My daughters birthday so we are having a tea party too

What about you?

Háve a great day and stay warm

Angel xxx

15-11-2012, 07:38 AM
Morning Angel and everyone

Still mild here and not foggy.

I'm not too busy today but have hubby at home doing some diy so can see it being stressful!

Hope you have a good day and Happy Birthday to your dd

Miffy xx

15-11-2012, 07:41 AM
good morning Angel

mild and overcast here

we have Vyx and her crew coming over this morning as our usual thursday "fightclub" (first rule of fightclub etc - we dont actually fight) is closed due to elections.

we will be getting the tuff spot out and the coloured rice

hope your daughter has a fab birthday

wibble xxxxxxx

15-11-2012, 07:44 AM
Morning all,

we have the fog and damp, it's not nice here this morning. Not to busy today only 5 during the day think we'll go to the park and collect more bits for our Autum wall.

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

15-11-2012, 07:44 AM
Good Morning

Bit foggy but clearing already here. 2 schoolies and 3 LO's today so we are going to the Nature Trail. Need some leafy photos for the autumn albums for the parents.

Have a good day everyone

15-11-2012, 07:46 AM
Good morning Angel and everyone.

I only have my schoolies today due to voting so me and dh are off to the chinese supermarket to get some supplies. A trip to smyths toy store and possibly tesco to get some baking supplies.

Hope your dd has a lovely day

15-11-2012, 07:47 AM
morning! mild and murky here!

my LOs decided on tuesday that they wanted to make scones & biscuits today !!! so thats what we'll be doing! and then eating them! :D

currently got the dark den out, so will be playing in that, and i might even get my new light up sensory ball thing that came with my tesco vouchers! it says don't throw it, so that will be a challenge for one LO !!! :laughing:

have fun everyone :thumbsup:

15-11-2012, 07:53 AM
Good morning, I hope mayday today is better than yesterday.... Can't be much worse, depends what mood my grouch if a dh wakes up in. If he's moody again I am sending him somewhere far far away lol

15-11-2012, 08:08 AM

Dull, wet and grey here this morning just like my mood :(
I'm feeling like eeyore today, very gloomy.
The day has not started well, already had a blazing row with DH :angry:

Never mind, lets paint the smile on, grit the teeth and carry on :rolleyes:

Have a great day everyone :thumbsup:

15-11-2012, 08:25 AM

Hope DD has a lovely day Angel!
Only got one toddler today and DD is still off nursery with a bad cold and sore throat. Toddler also full of a cold as am I, so nothing too strenuous. DD wants to paint. Will go somewhere very local for a walk as I live at the top of a very steep hill and so can't face that with the double buggy today. x

15-11-2012, 08:27 AM

It's very foggy here. Can't see the barn at the end of the garden. As on mat leave I have gone back to bed and I'm now see what useless things I can buy for new arrival. So far I like the look of a baby rocking/bouncing chair that can be raised or lowered. Would be great at meal times to keep baby out the way of dogs.

Enjoy your day.

15-11-2012, 08:55 AM
morning Angel morning everyone its very mild here calm looks like a dry day wish it was calm in my house lol ive 6 kids very loud but playing kids are off school today so going over to my soft play centre at least they can use there energy up for a few hours lol have a good day :)

15-11-2012, 09:07 AM
Morning,Happy Birthday to your daughter Angel.:birthday:

Its really foggy here today! 2 los in later. Hope you all have a good day!

15-11-2012, 11:31 AM
Morning everyone. Very mild here but cloudy.
4 today so we spend the day doing crafts etc, have already done some Christmas crafts. It's a bit early to start but time flies and by the time the kids break up for xmas we haven't done half of what was planned.
3 have a sleep later so will be doing some activity with older child.

Enjoy your tea party Angel.

15-11-2012, 01:49 PM
Hello Angel and everyone.

Busy morning this morning, my friend (CM) came over so we could meet her new baby mindee. So we had 3 x 1yr olds, 2 x 2yr olds and 2 x 3 yr olds - you could not see my floor when they left.

My 2 x 3yr olds are at playgroup and the 2 LO's are sleeping. I had to get my forum fix and then no internet:panic:, lots of fiddling with cables, turning off the modem and rebooting it and then doing same to my computer - nowt. Just about to have a toddler tantrum of my own when it connected:phew:

Have a lovely rest of the day x