View Full Version : Coke Cola Advert - Christmas is definately on its way!!!

Chimps Childminding
10-11-2012, 09:45 PM
After watching adverts earlier and saying its not officially the start of christmas till the Coke Cola advert has been on it arrived :clapping:

Ladies and Gentlemen christmas is on its way :laughing:

10-11-2012, 09:46 PM
I've just seen it too Christmas is def here :clapping:

10-11-2012, 10:14 PM
Yay, I love christmas wonder what santa will bring me this year, Ive been soooooo good

10-11-2012, 11:01 PM
Too bloo&y early:panic:

Chimps Childminding
10-11-2012, 11:42 PM
Too bloo&y early:panic:

Depends how good you've been Pip and how long your list is - need to give everyone plenty of time to get me lots of pressies :rolleyes: Not that I'm anywhere near organised yet :panic:

11-11-2012, 09:34 AM
I think doing all this Christmas stuff before Remembrance Sunday is just disrespectful.

11-11-2012, 09:45 AM
Christmas is beginning to 'start' (creep into the shops, childrens refrains etc) from just after the summer hols. Its ruining Christmas and totally detracting from the spirit of it. Its also - for me and I think for many others becoming very pressured and its almost anti-climatic by the time it arrives. A friend and I were talking the other day - Christmas seems to step up a gear after half term and the kids just seem to be awful and we blame it on all this unnecessary Xmas in your face stuff.

Whilst I appreciate people have to start shopping early for it, I won't allow my kids to get caught up in all that fuzz as its way to early. Start of December is fine to start sticking on the ads - and I DO love the Coca-Cola ad but its WAY to early and I have now lost the signalling that Christmas is coming (not that I think Coca-Cola is synonomous with Christmas thought)

11-11-2012, 11:20 AM
Totally agree with what pip says.

I shop for Christmas since Oct but that's to help the finances. And I brought a Christmas decoration but I blame charleyfarley for encouraging me ((insert laughing smilie it wouldnt work)).

But Christmas doesn't start in this house till Dec.

Ps I don't watch x factor so not seen the advert.

11-11-2012, 12:09 PM
I agree with Pipsqueak and Fussy. I do begin low key Christmas shopping in the summer as I see things and to avoid a big spend in December especially as we have to pay our Tax in Jan.

However we never start Christmas in this house until a couple of weeks before. We have a Mulled Wine and Mince Pie drop in afternoon for all our friends every other year and so this year the decorations and tree will go up on 15th December the earliest it is ever done, ready for the party the next day. When I was a child and normally we don't put out family Christmas tree up until everyone has broken up from school. The one in the playroom will go up the week before our party so the minded children have it for two weeks, it will then be gone when they come back after the New Year.

Some one was saying last week that they have started to do Christmas crafts already, why???? There are so many other things to celebrate before Christmas and why do we have to do so much surely you gauge it to what mindees and when you have them and not all may do all the things you plan it is not a competition to see how much we can pack in.

I will do hand prints over the next couple of weeks. I always do them and put them on a card for the parents. Then I shall do some crafts the week before our party and some the week after so they have them to take home on the 21st Dec, the last day I shall see them. We will be doing other things as well though.

Cammie Doodle
14-11-2012, 12:06 PM
You go for it Chimps, if doing Christmas this early helps you through the horrendous Chemo you are currently going through, then thats fine by me :clapping:

little chickee
14-11-2012, 02:01 PM
The coca-cola truck is at my local Asda today.. I'm taking the kids after school to see it and take their photos with it!!

14-11-2012, 02:24 PM
Coca-Cola Christmas Truck Tour | Cokezone Blog (http://blog.cokezone.co.uk/christmas/truck-tour/)

14-11-2012, 04:10 PM
Isn't it an old advert one though :(
