View Full Version : exited a little too soon

28-10-2012, 07:30 PM
ok so theirs me thinking i have two new clients coming well person cancelled last week so i still have no clients im hoping they defo come this week as im fed up now did all this paperwork and still twiddling my thumbs ! where r all these children anyone else started up and having problems finding work or not having their phone ring at all?? no idea what else i can do as done everything

28-10-2012, 09:57 PM
sadly it is hard when you first start.
I can remember being in tears when parents failed to show up - no call or nothing!

wishing you every success


28-10-2012, 10:20 PM
It can be hard to get started sometimes.
People not showing up happens all the time unfortunately, I now only get the basic paperwork ready to show them, then if they make a definite commitment I sort out contracts and permission forms etc.
Try not to get too disappointed, advertise and pass the word around friends, local shops etc maybe try the local health visitors waiting rooms, they sometimes have boards there you can put your details on, and if you have a childminding group nearby they will be able to support you, and maybe put you in touch with people who are looking. Mums and toddler groups too are good to go to.
I do hope you get some good news soon, Good Luck.:)

29-10-2012, 09:22 PM
Unfortunately this can happen whenever you meet prospective clients. You work it all out in your head, how the different ages would fit together, think of your resources etc, how the times would fit with current commitments, print things off for them, meet them, play with their kids, your kids meet them and like them and then they find other care or suddenly don't need care. *sigh*