View Full Version : THURSDAY ALL DAY ....

25-10-2012, 06:13 AM
Morning Everyone

Very dark here still but drizzling again .... What happened to that mini heatwave we were getting....I think it missed us

What are you all doing today?

Still half term here

Hope you all have a great day

Angel xx

Stella Mc
25-10-2012, 06:22 AM
Very dark and gloomy here too! Had an overnight stay last night, who woke up a little unsettled in the night, between him, my eldest who has a cough and the baby who never sleeps through anyway we didn't get much sleep, going to be a loooong day zzzzz
Boys are just having breakfast and the little boy that stayed is getting picked up in 10 mins. No work today but got to get some paperwork ready for a parent visit tomorrow, really need the work so am keeping everything crossed!
Hope everyone has a lovely day,
Stella x

25-10-2012, 07:12 AM
schools finished here today. inset day tomorrow so I'm quite busy tomorrow.

oonly got a midee till 1130 and 2 after school. so a nice easy day might make some strawberry muffins later.

have a good day everyone

25-10-2012, 07:15 AM
4 yr old is off sick, so got two 2yr olds till lunch then 3 schoolies at 3pm. Friend coming to take rubbish from garage ready for my house move. Off Monday but having new house inspected, head all over the place:laughing:

25-10-2012, 07:26 AM
No Mindee's today.
DH and I are off to view a Puppy......Shhhhhhh.......our DD's don't know, it's a surprise :D

Its a little 9 week old West Highland White puppy.
Our DD's will go potty if we bring her home, they have been asking for another dog ever since our 12yr old Jack Russel died of Cancer 2 years ago.

I will post photo's later, if we get her :thumbsup:

25-10-2012, 09:13 AM
Morning everyone - our schools went back on Tuesday so both my girls are at school and think I am going to have a chill day today!

25-10-2012, 09:49 AM
Morning last day for working for me today, 3yr and 12yr so far, 6 yr and 12yr to come. just made bread going into oven in 5 mins.

looking forward to going away in caravan tomorrow afternoon for weekend haven't used it since easter:(

25-10-2012, 10:16 AM
Morning, weather not too bad compared to last few days but it's getting colder.

Have played with playdoh and now mindees playing together so that's why i'm catching up on here. Having less mindees after school than should be as all going home straight from school as they have their halloween disco tonight.

25-10-2012, 01:04 PM
where has today gone and where is it going?

woke up late, so a rush for school, met mindees at childrens centre for childminders drop in, on the way home we stopped to get bread, milk & apples. home for lunch ( soup which i made last night and was in slow oven overnight/morning ), mindees asleep currently ... i've made curry for tea and that is in the oven slowly cooking for later, (got scared ... answered phone and man said he was from ofsted! :eek: ... only ringing 'cos i'd emailed as couldn't initially access my SEF, then i managed it! and forgot to email back! very nice helpful man! ) mindees will be awake soon, then school run, visit to library on way home, tea, mindees home, then school disco that i'm helping at! should be home about 8.30pm !!! then i need to pack as going away for weekend tomorrow as soon as all mindees gone home! was going to pack this afternoon, but only got 10-15mins till mindees wake up, so having a few minutes on forum!

what a manic day !!!

and to top it all off, it keeps trying to rain, but only succeeding with that drizzle that is neither one thing or the other!