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16-10-2012, 07:23 AM
having a good sort /clear out well up to the loft .of to buy some boxes to.any ideas on how to store my toys how do you do it i seem to have boxes and tubs of jumble!!!help apppreciated thanks xxx

16-10-2012, 08:21 AM
i have boxes of the same type toys ; animals & people, vehicles, duplo, trains, dolls, teasets & play food, baby toys, toddler toys etc

i have boxes of sensory/heuristic items ; wooden, metal, natural, fabric, 'treasure basket' etc

i have boxes of puzzles and games, in age group

they do all get muddled up during play, but i try to make sure they get put away in their correct boxes, as it makes it easier to find what i am looking for!

have fun! :D

16-10-2012, 08:56 AM
I used to have all the toy boxes in the playroom. I now mind two 2yr olds and this system wasnt working. As soon as my back was turned everything was tipped all over the floor.

So now i keep most of the boxes in the spare room and rotate the toys weekly, keeping a few favourites out all the time.

I have lots of plastic boxes from argos and before lunch, then again just before home time all toys are returned to their correct boxes (well more or less lol)

All the puzzles and art/craft items are in cupboard in dining room.

16-10-2012, 12:19 PM
I am also wondering this!! The toys seem to be taking up my living room... Some are in my son's room but these not much room in there and in my house storage is a very big issue. I am wondering what boxes do you buy (size, type etc) and where from? I've got a couple crates full of toys, a couple of boxes with lids full with toys and a couple boxes with full of books (am looking for a cheap bookcase) and other toys. My toys are all mixed up at mo (own 19 month old throws them out of boxes), have tried sorting them but as I am not minding young children at mo I thought I'd leave it for a bit. Will get sorted soon.

16-10-2012, 12:23 PM
I keep out 12 boxes of toys in the lounge. I have a good assortment of toys available, every area of learning and interest is covered. How the children choose to put the toys in the boxes is entirely up to them. I don't play with them, so as long as they go away I don't really care in which box they are.

16-10-2012, 03:07 PM
I used to have a garage :laughing: now its a toy store....

Lots of strong racking, clear plastic boxes and the occasional blitz on unpopular toys keeps it (barely) under control.